At this moment, Lin Luo was still immersed in the pile of resources.

Puli Galaxy is indeed very sincere, not only handing over all the war criminals of the year, but also really giving enough resources.

Perhaps using sincerity to describe it is not suitable, to be precise, it is the desire to survive.

If Lin Luo is really interested in them, then there is absolutely no possibility of them surviving.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to describe it as redemption.

Lin Luo flipped through the materials and asked, "What do you think?"

Yang Jun and Li Donglai glanced at each other, and the former said: "For now, this is the best solution."

Lin Luo tapped the table lightly with his fingers.

If he is given enough time, he can wipe out all the galaxies related to the ancient blue star near this star field.

But the current situation is....

deficiency of time.

There are too many unknown threats, so the star gate leading here must not be left behind.

If Blue Star goes back now, it can at least fight for more than a year.

Time is really important to Blue Star.

Lin Luo said; "Then accept their surrender, but..."

The two looked at Lin Luo, only to hear him say with a smile: "This kind of thing should be high-profile."

The two were stunned when they heard Lin Luo say: "We're holding a press conference, an interstellar press conference...."

"You are totally disrespecting Puli Galaxy." Li Donglai said.

But Yang Jun said: "Actually, the face of the Puli galaxy is not what we consider. The reason why we did this is to show other galaxies."

"That's right." Lin Luo said: "As long as there is the first one, someone will continue to imitate them."


Two days later, a grand surrender and handover meeting was held in the largest interstellar network live broadcast.

The Puli Stars sincerely declared the mistakes they had made.

Get down on your knees and apologize.

At the same time, they announced how many resources they had handed over and how many war criminals they had disposed of.

Doing so made everyone in this star field astonished.

Is this too embarrassing?

For a while, many galaxies were still unwilling.

Although their army sank in the process of chasing Blue Star, they still did not give up.

And, with a fluke mentality.

It's just that a picture was sent to

There was an uproar on the Internet.

This is a picture of Gustav's Imperial City.

The entire Imperial Palace City looked intact, only about a quarter of it was damaged.

However, when he looked closely, everyone immediately stared.

I only saw that the Imperial Palace City was empty and empty...

All valuable things were emptied.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt chills in their hearts.

Gustav's destruction is already unstoppable.

They start thinking about one thing....

Are they going to become a second Gustave?


Soon, a large number of galaxies began to contact Blue Star.

On the first day, there was only one.

But the next day, there were as many as ten.

On the third day, this amount doubled.

"The old Blue Star had so many enemies," Li Donglai said.

"These are all ants." Lin Luo didn't care, and said, "Since they sincerely surrendered, let them send the resources over. As for the war criminals, just pick the biggest ones and kill them."

Both Yang Jun and Li Donglai are aware of Lin Luo's character. He can be described as the kind of person who has nothing to lose. Now if he wants to work hard, then Blue Star will get a huge amount of resources.

"How many days?" Yang Jun asked.

"My original plan was one month." Lin Luo said: "Resources are important, but human life is more important."

"I understand." Yang Jun nodded, and then went out to give orders.

After he left, Lin Luo received reports one after another. Several galaxy leaders asked to meet him, but Lin Luo refused all of them.

Just when I was bored, I heard a cow cry suddenly, and when I went out, I saw the big wild green bull angrily scolding the little green bull.

But at this moment, the little green cow has red eyes and is spitting.

Dahuang Qingniu looked like he hated iron but not steel, but there was nothing he could do.

The things in Dahuang Qingniu's body can be dispelled by the golden talisman, but the little Qingniu is born with the memory of Gustav engraved in its genes.

The little green bull was still making trouble, but at this time a dragon chant sounded in the sky.

Little Qingniu was startled suddenly, then stood up straight and stopped fighting.

At this moment, Lin Yue swooped down and looked directly at the little green cow.

She is very courageous, even if she knows that the Great Wilderness Blue Ox is its mother,

Not true at all.

Lin Luo laughed.

Da Huang Qing Niu naturally felt that he owed Xiao Qing Niu a lot and was reluctant to fight, but Lin Yue really knew how to fight.

Lin Luo asked Lin Yue to take Xiao Qingniu out to play. The latter looked reluctant, but followed.

At this moment, the figure of Dahuang Qingniu is extremely small, watching them go away, said: "I really don't know what to do."

"There will be a solution. The Kongtong seal is in our hands." Lin Luo said: "Although it is incomplete, it should be possible to repair or get some related information."

Dahuang Qingniu nodded.

One cow and one person sat down directly, Lin Luo said: "I haven't asked the senior how to call him yet."

"You can call me Wanli." Da Huang Qing Niu said: "I know you want to know what happened back then, and what I can tell you is also what I know."

"Do you know, Lao Tzu?" Lin Luo said.

It was rumored in the past that Lao Tzu rode a green bull and went west out of Hangu Pass.

"That's my ancestor." Da Huang Qing Niu said: "I mean, the cow he was riding."

Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, when he heard Dahuang Qingniu coming slowly.

"If you want to understand this period of history, it's better to start with the genes." Dahuang Qingniu looked at Lin Luo and said: "Start from the most primitive society."

Lin Luo nodded.

"...With the development of science and technology, human beings have finally reached a bottleneck."

"The bottleneck is the lack of resources."

"Until one day, the war broke out."

"An epic war broke out in the entire Blue Star, and the sea and land were all destroyed."

"This day is also known as the end of creation."

"Creation?" Lin Luo heard something. Biqu library

"That's right." Da Huang Qing Niu said: "While the world is going to end, it is also the rebirth of this era."

"Under the huge environmental pollution and the powerful threat of war, the survival of human beings has become precarious."

"However, they have already fought to the point of life and death, and they almost destroyed Blue Star."

"Under such a premise, a brand new science and technology emerges."

"Under the great pollution, a blue star person mutated and burst out with great power."

"That's the beginning of transgenic technology."

"And this person is called... Heaven by later generations!"

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