Looking at each other, Lin Luo felt that he could see through himself.

A large amount of unknown information was revealed in those deep pupils.

Many things Lin Luo couldn't understand.

However, there is one thing that Lin Luo understands.

That is confusion.

No matter what Lin Luo said, he had witnessed the growth of Lin Yue and Ye Yi.

This kind of confusion is only there when you are just born.

The man looked at Lin Luo and said, "What time is it?"

"A new era of the universe..." Lin Luo spoke slowly.

There was some respect in his tone.

But Lin Luo saw that when he spoke, the man's hair became longer and longer, and his skin became darker.

Lin Luo was very surprised, because this happened under his naked eyes.

"Is it destroyed?" The man clenched his fists, somewhat unwillingly.

Lin Luo said urgently: "Can you tell me everything? Everything about... Blue Star?"

The man looked at Lin Luo and said: "I want to tell you too, but after the Ascension Project, I have already fallen into a deep sleep..."

While speaking, the man suddenly covered his head and knelt down on one knee, just like Zhang San.

"Senior, you..." Lin Luo suddenly thought of something, and he quickly asked, "What is the Ascension Project?"

The man continued: "You shouldn't have come."

"I have to come."


"Because those enemies are coming again." Lin Luo said, "I will not allow the same thing to happen again."

The man was silent for a while, then slowly said: "I think your strength should be that you have mastered the power of genes again."

Lin Luo nodded.

The man continued: "Have you ever thought about what is the end point of human evolution?"


"God, it's fake." The man said: "The concept of God is that it doesn't mean immortality. After you step into the fourth-level advanced level, your life can be very long..."

"It's just that some people, when they desire to live forever, want to achieve immortality."

"Immortal?!" Lin Luo's pupils shrank.

"So, a new evolution plan has been proposed, and that is the Ascension Project." The man continued: "And we... are the testers of the Ascension Project."

As he spoke, the man's hands began to turn black.

"Us?" Lin Luo swept towards the black monster next to him.

"They are all

loser. "The man said: "But it doesn't mean that the scientists of Blue Star have given up on them. "

"The list of gods in your hand is the key to unraveling all this."

"Is it really a list of gods?" Lin Luo was very surprised.

When Lin Luo heard what Zhang San said in the past, Lin Luo didn't quite believe it.

Seeing the man getting more and more out of control, he asked, "Including being able to save you?"

"It's incomplete..." the man said.

Lin Luo glanced at it, then his expression changed drastically, and he said, "Does it mean that I can save you after collecting all the Conferred God Lists?"

"But...maybe." The man said: "But, first of all, you have to live..."

When he finished speaking, his claws were growing rapidly, and at the same time, his body was growing rapidly.

"Give up, we have been sleeping under the earth for endless years."

"Although I don't want to admit it, we are indeed abandoned..."

"I've seen his head..."

The man looked at Zhang San and said to Lin Luo: "You are great, just like those god-kings back then."

"Those god kings, why didn't they stop the plan of ascension to the gods?" Lin Luo said.

"We need this plan."

"Why?" Lin Luo said, "Aren't we strong enough?"

"I...I don't know." The man finally couldn't suppress the power transmitted from his mind, he looked at Lin Luo and said: "If you can kill me, kill me, I don't want to sink into the darkness again It's..."

"So... lonely!"

"And them, too... too."

While speaking, the man's breath changed drastically. In an instant, he went from a height of 1.9 meters to more than 3 meters.

At the same time, all his skeletons were also getting bigger, completely turning into a huge monster.


Lin Luo held the secret in his hand and stared blankly at all this.

His emotions are indescribably complicated.

Ascension Project...

What is the purpose?

Obviously, aren't they already strong enough?

At this moment, he also understood that he couldn't control so much, but Zhang San said: "They are the first generation of experimenters of the Ascension to God Project, and they are called beginners."

"You..." Lin Luo looked at Zhang San, and Zhang San looked completely new at this moment, as if he was no longer confused.

"Thank him." Zhang San looked gratefully at Chu

The gods have complicated emotions.

Seeing the monster getting closer and closer, Lin Luo was also unwilling to make a move.

He knew that this man must have been a good person before he was alive.

"Let's do it, what he said is right." Zhang San said: "He is not afraid of death, but he doesn't want to sink into this darkness anymore."

Lin Luo pondered for three seconds, and finally nodded.

Two people stepped into the air, one on the left and one on the right, facing the beginner.

Just now, a powerful gene energy directly washed over this space.

Lin Luo and Zhang San unlocked the fourth-order gene lock at the same time, and the moment the light of the soul appeared, their pupils shrank...

Novices seem to restrain the power of the Inner Light.

Lin Luo felt that his killing light was being continuously absorbed, and Zhang San's loss rate would be faster...

However, beginners are not their opponents.

In just a split second, he was suppressed by two people.

Even Lin Luo suspected that Zhang San alone was enough.

They pushed the novice into a corner, although Lin Luo couldn't bear it, he still showed his secret...

"Senior, I'm sorry!"

Lin Luo's eye circles were red.

Along the way, he has witnessed too many things.

The predecessors were too great...

However, their end was too sad.

Therefore, the universe needs to give them some justice.

"Broken Star!"

Lin Luo made a move, and under the blessing of the light of the soul, his phantoms have come to as many as ten.

When Broken Star made the last blow, he saw that the body of the novice God stopped at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo and Zhang San bent down, ready to give this senior a final gift, but at this moment...

The surrounding atmosphere has undergone a shocking change.


above the hole in the earth

Both Yang Jun and Xia Qian were a little numb.

Because there are too many people here.

Looking at the densely emerging monsters, they all knew that if they continued like this, they couldn't stand it anymore.

"The communication is also cut off, but the next wave will definitely not be able to withstand it." Yang Jun said decisively, "Listen to Lin Luo, let's withdraw first."

"Okay." Xia Qian also nodded without ink stains.

But at the moment when they were about to retreat, they saw those monsters frozen in place, and then their bodies were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Lin... Lin Luo, they won?"

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