Yang Jun showed surprise, but suddenly felt that the sky was dazzling.

He looked up at the sky, suddenly stunned...

He saw a huge moon shining brightly.

In the evening or morning, you can still see the spectacle of the sun and the moon together.

But it's noon now.


Yang Jun felt that the moon was approaching.


"This is not a hallucination..."

"The moon, is it really near?!"

In the command room of Huaxia Universe Monitoring Center, all technicians got up and watched this scene.

Has the moon's orbit changed?

This scene simply overturned their cognition.

"What the hell are Commander Lin and the others doing?" Someone asked curiously.

Instead, the dean next to him quickly said: "Quickly issue an emergency evacuation notice by the seaside, quickly..."

Everyone came back to their senses.

If the orbit of the moon changes, the consequences will be very serious.

For example, tidal effects, seawater intrusion and so on.

To a certain extent, Blue Star's ecosystem will inevitably be destroyed.

However, fortunately, today's Blue Star has completely entered the legendary civilization, and most people have legendary power.

Therefore, natural disasters are nothing to them now.

At the moment when the news was released, Yang Jun also received a reminder from Chen An.

"It's really close?" Yang Jun was taken aback.

"what happened?"

"It's hard to say at the moment..." Yang Jun watched the monster disappear completely at this time, and then a black light drilled towards the hole in the center of the earth.

Yang Jun was taken aback for a moment, and then he felt the ground shaking.

"can you hear me?"

At the same time, Zhang San's voice came out.

"I can hear it." Yang Jun shouted.

Zhang San continued; "Leave first, quickly..."

"Tell Mao Xiongguo to evacuate all the residents who are close to here."

"Okay...okay." Yang Jun turned his head and shouted: "Everyone, retreat!"

When Yang Jun was talking, he glanced at the hole in the heart of the earth again, he was still curious...

What happened inside made Zhang San feel a great sense of fear in the tone of his speech just now.


As Lin Luo became more and more aware of the power of legends, but

One thing is very firm in Lin Luo's heart.

That is, the dead cannot be resurrected.

However, this was already the second time he had seen a resurrected person.

In the past, Adam Weiss was resurrected again by relying on the seal of Kongtong.

This is understandable, but....

Now the aura of the beginner is recovering.

what is this?

"The light of the soul..." Lin Luo said as he watched the black light penetrate into his body.

Zhang San swallowed, nodded, and said, "Can the light of the soul still be used like this?"

"And... those black experimenters outside obviously haven't reached the fourth level yet."

Lin Luo couldn't figure it out either, but he said, "I don't think we can let him complete this ceremony."

While speaking, he took out the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Zhang San also reacted instantly...

Now the aura of the novice is still growing.

But only a part of the light of the soul has entered.

There are still many monsters with spiritual light pouring in.

If this continues, what kind of monster will be born?

His aura before was not even as good as Zhang San. Biqu library

Now, Zhang San's aura has already been overshadowed.

Lin Luo said: "You and Dabai, let's go first."

Zhang San turned his head and took a step. He suddenly turned his head and bowed. In the end, he followed Dabai and Dahuang Qingniu directly and went away.

Lin Luo also raised the rotating Donghuang Bell.

Ascension plan.

It should be sending people to the throne of God...

in such a way?

Constantly devouring the light of other people's hearts, and finally reaching the realm of God?

Divine Realm...

Does it really exist?

Lin Luo sighed.

In any era, there will be era enders.

The novice in front of me is such an existence...

"The people of Blue Star will always remember you."

When Lin Luo spoke, the Donghuang Bell was finally turned to the maximum.

Afterwards, the Donghuang Bell slammed forward at an extremely terrifying rotational speed...

The spiral breath formed a huge storm, directly hitting the opponent's body.

He only saw that the body of the novice god was so powerful that he actually wanted to absorb the light of the soul attached to the Eastern Emperor Bell.

It's just that the domineering of the Eastern Emperor Bell can be imagined.

After a short while, the vitality of Donghuang Bell's killing is the source of death.

Invading into the opponent's body continuously...

Seeing his body disappear into the void step by step, Lin Luo also bent down slightly.

Lin Luo has always adhered to a philosophy:

All the greatness of future generations is built on the basis of predecessors.

For example, people who took the first step and switched to walking with two feet.

For example, the first person who proposed the theory of genetic evolution.

Beginners are a tragedy.

But this tragedy is indispensable in the history of human progress.

Who would have thought that in the past, how many people died because of this?

Just when Lin Luo was meditating, he seemed to see a figure...

It belonged to the original man.

He looked at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo also looked at him.

"Senior, let's go." Lin Luo said as he watched the figure gradually drift away.

A large amount of dust fell from the ceiling of the cave.

It's going to collapse.

Lin Luo looked around and finally walked away.

But he only took a step and turned his head back.



Outside, all the heavenly soldiers were extremely nervous.

Some people even want to rush in.

All I could see was that the shady scene on the island was slowly disappearing.

And that whole island sinks...

At the same time, a huge vortex formed above the ocean.

Yang Jun and the others are also worried, but their abilities are not as good as Zhang San and the others.

Even if they go in, it won't help.

Fortunately, after a few minutes, three figures were seen rising into the sky.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"Where's General Manager Lin?" Someone noticed that there was one person missing.

Everyone hurried over, and Zhang San was also looking at the ocean vortex at the moment.

"Where's Lin Luo?" Yang Jun said eagerly: "This kid kicked you out again, taking risks on his own?"

Zhang San didn't speak, just stared at the hole...

After a minute of silence, he finally spoke, "Come out."

He breathed a sigh of relief, because the aura of the beginner had completely disappeared.

Only then did everyone heave a sigh of relief, watching the swirling vortex continuously inhale seawater, and the next second, a familiar figure rose into the sky...

However, there was something extra in his hand.


Zhang San was sweating, this scene was something he never expected.

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