"No, what are your expressions?" Lin Luo looked at them and said excitedly.

What Lin Luo held in his hand was the sarcophagus.

"See the coffin and get rich, see the coffin and get rich." Yang Jun is worthy of the older generation, chanting in front of the sarcophagus.

Zhang San sat down on the ground and said, "Why did you bring it out?"

"What if it's a baby." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San sighed, but Da Huang Qing Niu rolled his eyes, as if it was the first day he knew Lin Luo.

Lin Luo also sat down on the ground, and heard Zhang San ask: "Do you have any cigarettes?"

Lin Luo was taken aback.

He hasn't smoked for a long time, and Zhang San also claims to be a high-end person and never smokes.

A heavenly soldier ran over and handed it to them. After lighting it, Zhang San took a sip, looked at the sky, and remained silent.

"Have you communicated with him?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yes." Zhang San nodded, and he said, "His name is Yan Liren."

Lin Luo asked: "What else did you say?"

Obviously, Lin Luo wanted to know everything about the Ascension Project.

"Specifically, it's similar to what he said..." Zhang San said: "According to his memory, the largest genetic research team in Ancient Blue Star was called the Haotian Room."

"Originally, Blue Star Peace was peaceful, but suddenly one day, Blue Star Civilization issued a call..."

"God's call."

"The slogan of this rally is..."

"All the people make gods!"

"The Haotian Room announced the information, telling them that they have mastered the gene of the god king, and anyone can set foot in the realm of the god king..."

"Yan Liren just participated in it."

"So, there are others?" Lin Luo couldn't help thinking deeply.

At this moment, the island finally couldn't see a speck of soil, and the whirlpool of the sea was still going on.

Lin Luo looked at the list of gods in his hand, and then at the distance.

If the prediction is correct, this list of gods should be the product of the original Haotian room.

They anticipated the failure of the Ascension to the Gods plan, and planned to stop it?

However, in terms of the prosperity of Blue Star back then, it is obviously not in the interests of Blue Star that more powerful players will appear.


Here comes the problem.

Why did those god kings allow this plan to proceed?


Have stronger enemies?

However, at first

His Blue Star is invincible all over the world.


With all kinds of doubts, Lin Luo returned to Tianjing.

After the island disappears, the moon is back on track.

Lin Luo was shocked after hearing all this.

If it is not bad, the so-called Conferred Gods List should be related to the moon.

"The list of gods is really worthy of the name, it seals the gods." Yang Jun next to him said seriously.

Ye Yi took the list of gods and looked at it again and again, but he didn't find any clues, so he said, "Brother, how can this thing be triggered?"

"It's enough to inject the light of the soul." Lin Luo said.

Ye Yi naturally didn't have the light of the soul, so Zhang San took it and injected the light of the soul.

However, there is no response at all.

"Fake?" Zhang San was surprised, stunned for a moment, and tried again.

However, there was still no response.

Instead, Lin Luo took it and also injected the light of the soul, but there was still no response.

For a moment, both of them froze.

"Are we in the wrong posture?" Zhang San said.

Lin Luo pondered for a while, and said, "Did you say before that this might be the weapon of karma?"

Zhang San was taken aback, and said, "Is there any?"

Lin Luo stared at Zhang San for a moment, and then he was not surprised.

At the beginning, Zhang San should be immersed in the communication with the beginner. Biqu library

He may even not know whether he is speaking or the beginner is speaking.

Lin Luo held the list of gods and said to Ye Yi: "Can your current technology decipher the lines in it?"

"It's definitely possible." Ye Yi said: "I have already gained some experience from Kongtong Yin..."

Ye Yi's eyes were more than just shining.

He still understands the comprehension-level technology, but he has already begun to look forward to the weapon of causality.

"Brother, I'm leaving first." Ye Yi wanted to leave as soon as he held the list of gods.

Lin Luo also knew that he had a lot of work to do, so he didn't stop him.

After Ye Yi left, Lin Luo said to Xu Han next to him: "Have you found out that there is something similar to a hole in the center of the earth above the blue star?"

Xu Han was taken aback, and said, "Isn't this the only one?"

"The high probability is not the only one..." Lin Luo said: "The plan to ascend to the gods was so big at the beginning, it must be

But more than one place. "

Zhang San also nodded.

"Excavation is secondary." Lin Luo said: "The list of gods should not be complete. This sentence is said by a beginner."

"We need to find the complete list of gods..."

"And, dig out the existence of the Haotian Room."

"Haotian Room?" Xu Han shook his head when he heard this, it was the first time he heard such a name.


Three days later, Lin Luo gave a speech around the world titled:

Return to ancient times!

It not only recommends that everyone pay more attention to the plants and trees around them, but also has a new understanding of the future.

Gustav's battle brought the entire Blue Star to another level.

Even many people have begun to indulge in complacency.

They think that they can even defeat the eighth-level civilization, so can Blue Star be called the ninth-level civilization?

But Lin Luo's words brought them back to their original shape.

Lin Luo told them that perhaps in the universe, there are countless ninth-level civilizations that will be their enemies.

And in their hands, it is even more likely that they hold the weapons of Blue Star's ancestors.

After the plan to return to ancient times was put forward, there was a wave of treasure hunting all over the world.

At the same time, a large amount of information gathered in Tianjing and entered Lin Luo's information.

Unfortunately, much of the information is useless.

And on the seventh day after the return, that is, the first day of the fourth month after the end of the Gustav War, Doris from Borg sent a message.

"We found a higher-level spaceship on the Gustav planet. If it is as expected, it should belong to Saints."

Lin Luo couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and said, "In other words, the other party may already be digging the star gate to lead to Blue Star?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out," Doris said.

Lin Luo nodded and hung up the communication.

Turning his head away, he understood clearly.

It's time to start the next phase of your strengthening program.

What they need to face is a real level nine civilization...

And in their hands, it is very likely that they are holding Blue Star's legendary ancient artifact:

Xuanyuan Sword.

"It would be great if we had the complete Conferred Gods List and how to use it." Lin Luo sighed.

At present, the fastest way to improve is to dig out the treasures of the ancient blue star.

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