"It turns out that we were called the Haotian Room in ancient times."

"So, our profession used to be very difficult."

In the canteen of the School of Hope Biology, the staff inside were talking and laughing.

Most of the people who come here to eat are students who have just graduated from Huaxia School of Biology.

In the past, those who came out of this kind of biology college did not have a high status.

But now it's different, biological gene research has become the most popular industry.

Just when they were discussing heatedly, someone suddenly shouted: "General Manager Lin!"

Some people didn't believe it at first, until they saw many people standing up and calling for General Manager Lin, everyone looked at the door and saw Lin Luo walking in.

"Really...really Commander Lin!" Everyone was very excited.

Lin Luo, but their legendary idol.

Lin Luo walked in, looked at these students, nodded slightly, and said, "Sit down, don't be nervous."

The student looked at Lin Luo and felt unreal, and stayed there...

The hero who saved Blue Star several times is right in front of him?

"Where is Academician Zhu Yihui?" Lin Luo asked.

The student quickly said, "Academician Zhu usually eats on the second floor."

"Okay." Lin Luo nodded, turned back and waved to the group of students, and then walked towards the second floor.

As soon as he left, the students behind him became excited.

And Lin Luo also successfully found Zhu Yihui on the second floor, and Chen Xiaoya was sitting opposite him.

When the two saw Lin Luo approaching, they both got up.

"Master Lin, what's the matter?" Zhu Yihui asked.

Lin Luo looked at their dining table, each with a computer, but the meal did not move.

"How long have you been on vacation?" Lin Luo asked.

"Eh..." Zhu Yihui scratched his head, and then said perfunctorily, "I have nothing to do when I go back, my wife and children have run away with others."

Zhu Yihui was rescued from a mental hospital by Lin Luo before, and his family broke up because of his mental illness very early on.

Lin Luo smiled and said: "Don't use this as an excuse, work when you need to work, rest when you need to rest, and start a family when you need to rebuild your family."

"I asked Chen An to find one for you, and you take a few days off."

"Eh..." Zhu Yihui was obviously reluctant, and Chen Xiaoya beside him was snickering.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Luo glared at Chen Xiaoya.

The latter pouted,

He could only chuckle, then raised his head and asked, "Brother Lin Luo, what about sister-in-law?"

Before she finished speaking, she was hit hard by Lin Luo's fingers, and she covered her head and scratched her head.

"Go get me a cup of tea." Lin Luo said.

"Oh." Chen Xiaoya got up and quickly ran to the front desk.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Yihui asked Lin Luo.

"How is Gustav's gene pool digested?" Lin Luo asked.

Zhu Yihui thought for a while and said: "There are not many practical things in the ancient Blue Star gene pool. My guess is that Gustav didn't get the things in the Haotian Room."

Lin Luo was obviously disappointed.

"In the blood you brought back about the novice, we made a major discovery." Zhu Yihui said: "I planned to go to you in the next two days."

At this time, Chen Xiaoya handed the teacup to Lin Luo, and Zhu Yihui said, "Xiaoya, find out that document."

Chen Xiaoya nodded, tapped a few times on the computer, and then turned the computer screen to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo glanced at it, only to see it read:

Conjectures about the evolution of gods!


star star

On this galaxy, above the sky, there are flying beasts and armies everywhere.

Now, attacking Blue Star has become an inevitable thing, and Saints is also regrouping the army.

Emperor Monroe of Saints sat on the top of the mountain, looking at a stone gate in front of him...

In the past, Blue Star's beasts resisted fiercely, and not all of them were captured.

Things like the Great Wilderness Blue Ox and the Black Phoenix are extremely rare cases.

The real strength of the ancient Blue Star civilization is their genetic technology.

And Saints got a part of it from it...

Everything is within this stone gate.

"Haotian Room..." Monroe looked at the words engraved on it, and could not help but take a deep breath.

Haotian Room, this is a nightmarish name.

How crazy is this former Blue Star scientific research team?

They came up with various tests.

The first plan put forward by Haotian Room was not genetic evolution, but...

The Immortal Project.

That's right.

The beginning of the evolution of the Blue Stars was not for the pursuit of stronger strength or strength.


eternal life.

After getting the evolved gene, the madness of Haotian Room began.

They not only regard the Blue Stars as the subjects of the experiment, but also begin to regard the species of the whole universe as the subjects of the experiments.

This crazy behavior also led to the rise of many aliens, but...

Many people also died.

During the long research process, the behavior of the Haotian room was finally stopped.

Six god kings came forward and jointly prevented Haotian Room from continuing its research.

The God King set up regulations for the Haotian Room, not at the cost of sacrificing other people's lives.

Since then, the Haotian Room has become more stable.

However, the Haotian Room has always been the top secret existence of Blue Star...

Saints was able to get part of it, and he was lucky.

"Could it be that the current Blue Star has discovered the existence of the Haotian Room again?"

Thinking of this, Monroe began to become uneasy.

Haotian Room...

This is a name that makes people feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.


"...I think that the original Haotian Room fell into a bottleneck period."

"Some people can reach the legendary genetic control after gaining powerful power."

"Even, no one has reached the theoretical genetic control, that is, the divine realm."

"Under such a premise, the Haotian Room became crazy. They started the Ascension Project and took another path."

Zhu Yihui said so, pointed to the last line of the report, and said slowly:

"Black genetic chain!"

Lin Luo looked at these words and asked strangely: "What does this mean?"

"I have analyzed it with several other academicians." Zhu Yihui said: "We all think that when the Haotian Room was almost crazy at the beginning, another method may be adopted..."

"Artificially manipulated genes."

"They are making the human body, using scientific instruments to arrange the DNA molecular structure..."

"These structures are arranged according to their needs, just like the sequence of nuclear bombs. Different arrangements give different powers."

Lin Luo frowned when he heard this, and said, "You mean..."

"That's right." Zhu Yihui said: "The beginner, Yan Liren, actually never appeared in this world."

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