Judging from the photos, not only the bottom of the house, but also a large number of bones floating on the sea water.

Chen An took a look at this and said, "I'm afraid this is a prisoner's pit from previous wars in the Western Continent, isn't it a modern masterpiece?"

The correspondent glanced at it and said, "I'll check it out."

Chen An didn't care, but after a while, the correspondent hurried over and said, "Look."

Chen An took a look and was startled.

This is a map.

The graph shows:

In 1976, there was no such thing as a large area here.

After 1976, a large area appeared here.

In 1976, WWII would have ended long ago.

"What else did you find?" Chen An asked.

"In 1976, there was an earthquake on this line around the Western Ocean." The correspondent said: "The scale of this earthquake is quite large, reaching a magnitude of 7.6."

Hearing this, Chen An finally regained his spirits and said, "What does the geography department say?"

"They said that this kind of situation is impossible..." The correspondent said: "This piece of land is more like floating up directly because of the earthquake."

Chen An's eyes widened, and he said, "Tell the Xizhou Army to keep the scene safe, and we will send people there."

"Yes." The correspondent immediately turned around.


After about three hours, a team composed of biological, geological, and heavenly soldiers entered this area, and the officer hurried forward to salute.

"What's the situation?" The leader was Xu Han.

The officer spoke quickly while pointing to the bones behind him.

Xu Han stepped forward to take a look, then frowned...

According to this team of bones, it has exceeded ten thousand people.

Moreover, these white bones are different in size and look very irregular.

Xu Han asked the researcher at the Hope Biological Base next to him, and asked, "What do you think?"

"We need to identify it," said the researcher.

Xu Han nodded, and the researcher started working quickly.

Xu Han actually came to that house, glanced around, and the assistant next to him said: "According to investigation, this house is only a few decades old..."

"What about the dirt on the ground?"

"Contains a lot of salt," said the assistant.

"Then why can plants grow?" Xu Han asked


"These plants contain very strong energy to protect them, and the specifics have to wait for the report." The assistant said.

Xu Han came to the center of the house, lay down there, and listened with his ears.

After listening for a while, he took out another instrument and listened on his stomach.

Finally he stood up and said excitedly: "Perhaps, we have found it."

The assistant was taken aback. Biqu library

Xu Han was not in a hurry, and waited here for a long time, and finally the reports from all parties came out.

"The salinity of the land is almost exactly the same as in the deep ocean."

"The energy components in the plants are unknown, but it can be determined that energy protects the growth of these plants."

"and also...."

"What else?" Xu Han raised his head.

"The genes we found from the bones have gene types similar to Alan star, Gustav star."

"What?" Xu Han stood up directly.

"We have sent the report back to the headquarters of the Hope Biological Base, and there will be a report soon." The assistant said.


late at night

At this moment, the Hope Biological Base is still working overtime because it has received this report from the Western Continent.

Zhu Yihui looked at Chen Xiaoya who hurried in, and asked, "How's it going?"

"The result is...a ninety-five percent match," Chen Xiaoya said.

"Sure enough!" Zhu Yihui took a deep breath and said, "This should be related to the Haotian Room."

When he was talking, he asked, "Hurry up and ask General Manager Lin to come over."


Chen Xiaoya nodded.

And Lin Luo was admiring the moon by the lake, the little golden dragon next to him was lying on Dabai's belly, one dragon and one bear were sleeping happily, Xia Qian hurriedly came from behind and said: "There is a situation."

Dabai and Xiao Jinlong immediately opened their eyes, and when they saw that it was Xia Qian, they closed them again.

Lin Luo asked: "Did you find something?"

After Xia Qian explained in detail, Lin Luo stood up and said, "I'll go right away."

"Call Zhang San."

"Already called, he has already passed by." Xia Qian said.

"Okay." Lin Luo soared into the air, and then quickly disappeared from Xia Qian's sight.

On the contrary, Xia Qian turned her head and glanced at Dabai and the others, then at the direction Lin Luo was heading away from, and suddenly felt a little emotional...

Now, it doesn't seem like many years.

but it seems

It's been a long time.

She still remembered how Lin Luo had just graduated from university.

Now, times have changed, and everyone's identity and courage are completely different.

But, who would have thought that Lin Luo back then could do everything he is today?



When Lin Luo landed, everyone gave a military salute.

Sure enough, Zhang San came early.

Seeing Lin Luo, he stepped forward to give a military salute, and quickly said, "Xia Qian told you everything."

"Tell me the result." Lin Luo nodded.

Zhang San said: "We have indeed detected a huge hollow echo below 10,000 meters."

"How big?" Lin Luo asked.

"It's more than three times bigger than the hole in the center of the earth. This is a preliminary estimate." Zhang San said. Biqu library

"How long will it take to dig?"

"At least fifteen days." Zhang San said: "We must maintain the integrity of the channel and avoid risks..."

Lin Luo nodded, and he was not in a hurry. He looked at the pile of bones and said, "Will we really find the existence of the Haotian Room?"

Zhang San didn't speak.

Since knowing the existence of the Haotian Chamber, Lin Luo and many others have made conjectures.

It can be known that this was the existence of the Hope Biological Base in the past.

However, the Earth Center Project is obviously a tragedy.

The reason why they wanted to find the Haotian Chamber was not only to explore the ancient Blue Star gene, but more importantly...

It is an exploration of the complete list of gods.

Lin Luo stayed in this place for fifteen days, and every day made amazing discoveries.

On the thirteenth day, according to statistics, there were bones of tens of thousands of creatures.

And some skeletons have changed their appearance.

"Like this one, it's human." The researcher held a bone and said to Lin Luo.

"Looks like teeth." Lin Luo said.

It is said to look like a tooth, but this tooth is already as big as an ivory.

"It's teeth," said the researcher.

Lin Luo couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

On the seventeenth day, the engineering team finally came and told Lin Luo that the cave was less than a kilometer away from Echo Cave.

"People from the engineering team evacuated, and told the Heavenly Soldiers to surround all the nearby sea areas and lands, and evacuate the crowd." Lin Luo made a decisive decision because he didn't know whether the beginners were also buried in the ground.

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