The entire deployment took three hours, and when Lin Luo thought he had everything under control, he finally nodded.

"Pick 100 hidden dragon soldiers, and I will go in with you." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San nodded, and quickly found the Yinlong Army.

Lin Luo stood next to the dug cave, explained to the person in charge, and finally took Zhang San and the others into it.

However, the more I look at it, the more palpitations I get.

Here, on the soil next to the cave, there are still a lot of bones.

You know, they have penetrated hundreds of meters.

"What do you think?" Zhang San asked.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "This piece of land is likely to be floated up from the ocean due to an earthquake. Judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that this place was once related to the Haotian Room."

Zhang San exhaled, and said: "It seems that any progress requires a price."

Lin Luo nodded.

As for the merits and demerits of the Haotian Room, it is actually difficult to judge, because many things cannot be known.

First, did these people die because of the experiments in the Haotian Room?

Second, it is still unknown whether there is any connection between this place and the Haotian Room.

When they got deeper and deeper, they still didn't see any trace of the black monster.

Immediately, Lin Luo and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that there are no monsters here." Zhang San laughed.

"Don't be crowed." Lin Luo said.

But Zhang San laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, my mental strength is very strong now, and I can explore the situation thousands of meters away. I know much better than you whether there are any living things in here."

Flying all the way, it reached a depth of 10,000 meters in an instant.

However, there is sea water starting here.

"The hole is broken?" Zhang San was surprised.

Lin Luo looked at the deep water and didn't say much, just telling them to be careful.

They submerged in the sea and flew another 3,000 meters. Finally, their eyes lit up.

In front of them, there is a broken building...

It is written in ancient Chinese characters:

The Western Branch of Haotian Room.


In addition to shock, or shock.

" that simple?" Zhang San was also stunned.

It seems... everything is going too well.

Lin Luo instead teased: "Aren't people who awaken their spiritual powers as suspicious as you?"

of? "

The corner of Zhang San's mouth twitched, but a Yinlong Army next to him weakly raised his hand, and said, "Commander, I... I am also of the spiritual department, and I do have this problem."

"Go aside." Zhang San was furious.

Everyone laughed.

With the help of high technology, they are no different in water than on land.

Lin Luo walked to the stone gate, observed carefully, and then exerted force.

But, to his surprise, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull it away.

At the back, Lin Luo got angry and used the camera directly, but still couldn't shoot.

"Why don't you try using the Donghuang Bell?" Zhang San said.

"What do you think?" Lin Luo's mouth twitched.

He sent Ye Yi a video, Ye Yi over there seems to be busy with something...

Anyway, behind his background is an explosion.

If it weren't for knowing that the other party's name was Ye Yi, both Lin Luo and Zhang San would have suspected that the other party's background was too fake.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Ye Yi's hair stood up, and there were black traces of the explosion.

Lin Luo said, "Look at this door."

"Cultivation technology products." Ye took a look and said.

"Why don't you come over and take a look?" Lin Luo said.

"Okay, wait." Ye Yi said, "I've finished this experiment."

Before Lin Luo could open his mouth, he heard another bang. The fire at Ye Yi's side had already overwhelmed the sky, and the sirens of fire engines were everywhere...


A few hours later, Ye Yi came to Lin Luo's side, and he was back to normal.

He looked at the door, took out the equipment while explaining, and said, "This thing is similar to the door we first discovered on Venus."

As he spoke, he inserted the device into the door, before crouching on the ground and knocking a few times.

At this moment, the door slowly opened.

Lin Luo asked: "What will happen if I open the door violently?"

"This door belongs to the existence that recognizes the owner. If you don't have the correct way to open the door, it will choose to self-destruct after it determines that its defense is useless." Ye Yi said.

"It's just a door, and it will explode?" Zhang San smiled.

Ye Yi said seriously: "Don't underestimate it, it's much more powerful than thousands of nuclear bombs."

Zhang San squeezed his sweat and said, "Isn't this a setting to prevent thieves?"

"Almost." Ye Yi said:

"All right."

At this moment, the stone door opened slowly, but what surprised Lin Luo and the others was that even though it was deep into the bottom of the sea, there was no water in it.

"Awesome." Zhang San sighed, looking carefully at the side, Lin Luo led the people in first, Zhang San fell behind, after carefully looking at the door, he glanced at the ocean outside...

Then he turned back a little depressed, and said, "I always feel like I'm being watched by something."

Having said that, Zhang San really didn't feel any other fluctuations here, not even a single fish nearby.

Lin Luo and the others walked in, and they saw that it was really wide and bright.

However, most of the area here is dilapidated and seems to have been looted.

They searched inside for a long time, and finally a heavenly soldier said: "General Manager Lin, we found an unopened door here."

Lin Luo hurried over, and sure enough, at the end, there was a stone gate intact.

Ye Yi squatted on the ground again, studied it carefully, and said: "This door is much more complicated, it may take a little time."

Lin Luo was not in a hurry, and asked them to be vigilant about their surroundings, and at the same time pay attention to the words and patterns on the wall above.

I just saw that there are some recorded texts here.

"...Established 764 for the revitalization of the Western program!"

I searched carefully again, but I didn't find much.

And at this time, Ye Yi broke open the door again.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge machine...

"Brother, isn't this the one..." Ye Yi looked at Lin Luo, who was also dumbfounded.

Because, this is the enlarged version of the ancient genetic instrument.


There were tens of thousands of troops stationed on the ground, and they looked around vigilantly, but at this moment, the mountain shook suddenly.

"what happened?"

"Call Commander Lin quickly..."

"Call has no signal!"

"Quickly check the reason!"

Just when the ground was busy thinking that the earthquake happened again, a heavenly soldier in the sky suddenly found out in horror...

This piece of land is moving fast.

Just when the Heavenly Soldiers were about to call the ground, they saw the piece of land suddenly soaring into the sky.

The heavenly soldier was frightened for the first time.

Because in front of...

It's a huge monster!

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