In fact, with Lanxing's current knowledge, he has never seen any huge beasts.

They even ate a lot.

However, this is the first time I have seen a super monster like this one.

I can only see towering into the clouds, above the head, is that piece of land...

The standing height is several thousand meters.

"This..." The general standing here panicked all of a sudden.

This monster is even bigger than the Ying Long I saw before.

He reacted quickly, and immediately shouted: "Continue to call General Manager Lin and tell Huaxia Headquarters that we need support here..."

"Also, evacuate everyone in the Western Continent!"

Everyone woke up like a dream when they heard this.

On the blue star, there is such a huge monster hidden?


On that day, the entire Blue Star was a sensation.

Because the monster was too huge, news spread throughout Blue Star.

After hearing the news, Chen An personally led the team to the Western Continent.

"Lin Luo, are they still at the bottom of the sea?" Chen An was extremely surprised.

"Yes, Ye Yi also went in." Xia Qian was very anxious: "Zhang San and some hidden dragon soldiers are also inside."

Chen An looked up at the monster at this moment.

Up to now, this monster is just floating here and has not moved.

"There's really no signal?" Chen An asked.

"I can't call. Academician Wu Shan and his staff are rushing to deal with it." Xia Qian said to Chen An, "I want to gather a team of hidden dragon troops to dive down."

"Nonsense!" Chen An yelled: "What strengths are Lin Luo and Zhang San, and what strengths are you?"

Xia Qian was silent.

At this moment, a cow cry came from behind, and Da Huang Qing Niu and Lin Yue came.

Chen An and the others seemed to have seen a savior. As soon as they walked over, they heard Dahuang Qingniu raised his head and said, "What is this?"

"You don't know him either?" Chen An said anxiously.

He also thought that Da Huang Qing Niu was an old senior, well-informed and well-informed.

"Nonsense..." Dahuang Qingniu said: "This guy is too big, even in ancient times, I have never seen such a big one."

Hearing this, everyone was astonished.

"Snakes are not like snakes, and dragons are not like dragons." After Dahuang Qingniu made an assessment, he said, "What about the kid?"

"Can't get in touch." Chen An said.

Dahuang Qingniu glanced at Lin Yue, and only

Seeing this golden dragon was already worried enough to charge up.

Just as Dahuang Qingniu wanted to stop it, he heard the roar of the dragon and went straight up.

Then, the golden dragon's eyes flickered...

Lin Yue doesn't care about this.

She only worries about Lin Luo.

At the moment when the supernatural power flickered, the energy of the light of the mind flew towards the front continuously, and the colors between the sky and the earth were also divided into black and white at this moment.

Dahuang Qingniu immediately became vigilant, and Chen An was also preparing to let everyone retreat.

At this moment, I only saw a huge explosion in the sea below, and then a huge energy vortex formed between the sky and the earth...

All of this was due to Lin Yue's supernatural powers.

They looked at the giant beast vigilantly, but this super monster remained motionless.

it seems...

He didn't care about Lin Yue's attack at all.

"This... so powerful?" Chen An was tongue-tied.

This Lin Yue's fighting strength is almost the top.

However, the other party didn't seem to care about her attack at all.

The little golden dragon was furious, and at the moment when his figure grew rapidly, a large amount of energy divine light appeared above the dragon's mouth.

The Great Wilderness Blue Ox didn't stop her this time, it stepped into the air, and a divine light also appeared on the horns of the bull.


Seeing the two divine beasts exerting force at the same time, Chen An and the others felt even more disturbed.

At present, the power of this super monster seems to be terrifying.

"Go farther away." Chen An shouted.

In the next second, two huge energy storms rushed towards the super monster...

The power of the two beasts burst out with all their strength, causing the sea water in the entire sea area to tremble tens of meters high.

And Chen An stared in front of him, suddenly shocked.

All I could see was that the two beams of energy passed directly through the monster's body, and then poured down towards the sea area.

The next second, the super monster roared, and then its eyes flashed red.

Just when everyone was vigilant, they saw Dahuang Qingniu and Lin Yue standing in the air.

And everything in front of me...

There doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary.

"Lin Yue!" Xia Qian sensed that something was wrong. She stepped forward quickly and found that Lin Yue had closed her eyes. She put her hand out of Lin Yue's breath anxiously, and Xia Qian breathed a sigh of relief when she felt that she was breathing. He turned his head to look at the super monster again, and saw that it did not

Any movement, I can't help but feel very puzzled in my heart.

It looked like a dead thing.

However, it has just clearly experienced movement.

Chen An said, "Stop the attack immediately."

Chen An felt terrified.

The opponent was able to silence Lin Yue and the others. This ability alone was not something they could handle.

He looked at the deep sea worriedly, and said, "What is Lin Luo doing, it's impossible to be silent..."


In the huge space hole, a super genetic instrument is placed horizontally.

To Ye Yi and the others, this might just be strange.

But for Lin Luo, it is a visual impact.

In the past, Lin Luo teased that the system was a junk picker....

Thinking about it now, it may not be true.

Could it be that this system is also related to the ancient blue star?

Thinking of this, Lin Luo became more suspicious.

It's just that their space is very peaceful, so he doesn't know that the outside world has been turned upside down because of the existence of this super monster.

"Haotian..." Lin Luo looked at the text on the ancient gene instrument, took a deep breath, and said, "It is so."

Ye took a look and said, "Brother, it seems to be a little more advanced than ours."

"Are you sure?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yeah." Ye nodded.

Lin Luo asked again; "Can you open it?"

"I'll give it a try." When Ye Yi spoke, he was about to start the machine.

But there was only a puff of dust, and when Ye Yi continued to try, Lin Luo began to look elsewhere.

There are many patterns of cows, horses, ghosts and gods here, and many things are written on them.

However, Lin Luo and the others' first goal is the list of gods.

However, they couldn't see the gleaming wordless book at all, they could only turn their heads to look at these murals. Biqu library


Zhu Yihui is here.

Although fighting is not his job, he still came here.

Finding Lin Luo today requires every bit of strength.

As his assistant, Chen Xiaoya also came here.

At this moment, Zhu Yihui was sitting on the base, looking at the captured images carefully, several times in a row, but Zhu Yihui didn't find anything.

At this time, Chen Xiaoya said: "Academician, can you play it again?"

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