Zhu Yihui was taken aback, and quickly played back.

"Hurry up." Chen Xiaoya said.

Just as Zhu Yihui was speeding up, Chen Xiaoya's eyes flickered and she said, "Stop!"

Zhu Yihui pressed pause and looked at the screen.

This picture is the action of the super monster attacking Lin Yue and the others.

However, he looked carefully several times, but found nothing unusual.

"Is there anything strange?" Zhu Yihui asked impatiently.

Chen Xiaoya's eyes were close to the screen, and she finally said, "Academician, look at its eyes...."

Zhu Yihui leaned over to take a look, and suddenly panicked.

Because the pupils of the super monster shone with golden light, it looked like nothing.

But if you look closely, you can find that it is the pattern of the Fengshen Bang.

Zhu Yihui immediately pressed to zoom in.

With the help of the equipment, they all saw clearly this time.

"But..." Zhu Yihui's eyes became strange, and he said, "What does this represent?"


"Haotian is the will of heaven!"

"The latter, you must not forget its existence, and you should keep in mind that those who survive will never come back..."

Lin Luo read carefully and found that the people who wrote these murals not only had literary talents, but also revealed a kind of world-mindedness in their words.

"This seems to describe the evolution process of the first generation of geneticists..." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo glanced at it, and sure enough, there was something interesting in reading it.

They studied for ten minutes, and finally relied on their conjectures to read them into a story:

Roughly speaking, a person who was on the verge of death suddenly unlocked the genetic lock...

He survived.

However, he was also crazily backlashed by genes.

When he was dying, he met the founder of Haotianshi.

He used medicine to save him.

And in the process, a gradually clear genetic technology slowly began to unfold.

The story of the ancient blue star also began because of this.

Seeing the last picture full of sun, Lin Luo was quite moved.

No matter what the truth behind the Ascension Project is, their starting point was good at the beginning.

"Brother Lin Luo, I've entered their system." At this moment, Ye Yi shouted.

Lin Luo walked over and saw that the ancient genetic instrument restarted


Lin Luo and the others looked at it expectantly.

At this moment, two words popped up on the screen:


Ye Yi tapped something on it quickly, but there was still no response.

"I'll try again." Ye Yi was not reconciled, and began to concentrate on manipulating.

However, those two words seemed to be locked, without any change at all.

"Or, move back and study it again." Lin Luo said.

"Eh..." Zhang San and Ye Yi sweated, thinking that you still have a way.

Before the thought crossed his mind, Zhang San's pupils shrank suddenly, Lin Luo had already reacted very quickly and pulled Ye Yi's clothes...


Because of the great inertia, Ye Yi's clothes split and hit the wall heavily.

"Brother, what are you doing..." Ye Yi said so, but 1 looked up and saw a pair of eyes on the ceiling...

Immediately afterwards, the ceiling began to collapse.

"Didn't you say there are no monsters?" Lin Luo grabbed Ye Yi and said to the others, "Get out!"

Everyone hurriedly withdrew, and the Haotian Room behind them began to collapse...

When Lin Luo and the others flew out, they only saw the dark sea water. They wanted to fly out of the sea, but found...

The road is broken.

In front of them was a very spectacular picture.

sea ​​break....

At the bottom of the sea, the whole sea is divided in two.

Lin Luo and the others are in the lower half of the area, so they can't go to the first floor at all.

And below them, there is a huge super monster, looking at them with eyesores.

"I admit, I am indeed a crow's mouth." Zhang San looked at the super monster and said: "But I really don't feel any spiritual power from it."

"Stop talking, okay?" Lin Luo grasped the secret, and at this moment the super monster opened its mouth, and countless sea water became boiling...

Lin Luo found that these seawater are evolving into magma.

"I rely on it!"

"Is it so fierce as soon as you make a shot?"

Zhang San scolded his mother directly, because the temperature of the sea water had already exceeded 100 degrees.


Above the sea, it was still calm.

Chen An and the others looked at the giant beast, still puzzled.

This monster didn't do anything, just stayed here.

So Zhu Yihui and the others gave

found no use at all.

"...if we keep going, there's nothing we can do."

"I propose to launch an attack on it."

Yang Jun on the side spoke.

Chen An didn't speak, and looked at the old man sitting in the center.

The old man glanced at them, finally looked at Xu Han in the distance, and asked, "What do you think?"

Everyone wondered why they asked Xu Han.

Unexpectedly, Xu Han, who had been silent all this time, said: "I also need an attack to verify my guess."

"Okay." The old man said: "Prepare the Gate of Zhu Xian..."

"And the army."

"In an hour, attack."

"Yes." Everyone got up.

Soon, the Zhuxian Gate was ready, and at the same time, the army had formed a huge encirclement circle in the distance.

After the time is up, the attack begins.

The Jade Immortal's Gate on the blue star sky is aimed at this place. Although it uses the minimum energy, it can still cause great damage in this area.

"Precise positioning!"



Following the operator's voice, the button is pressed.

All I could see was above the sky, when the Gate of Jade Immortals slowly opened, a white light shot straight towards the monster.

In the next second, the waves churned, setting off layers of high walls of the sea.

And Xu Han in the distance watched this scene quietly, until the moment he saw the energy of Jade Immortal's Gate penetrate the monster, he finally clenched his fist, his pupils filled with fear.

"What's wrong?" the old man asked.

"It's not a monster at all!"

Xu Han said with certainty:

"It... is the list of gods!"


Lin Luo and Zhang San were forced to release some spiritual light to protect the Yinlong Army and Ye Yi, but the temperature of the sea water continued to rise.

If it's volcanic lava, they can all survive in it for a while.

However, if this temperature exceeds the lava, the cost of protecting themselves is extremely high.

"You protect them." Lin Luo looked at the monster, picked up the secret and rushed over.

Zhang San took over the burden of protection and looked straight ahead.

This monster has form and movement.

However, Zhang San just didn't feel any mental power fluctuations from it!

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