Li Donglai was full of enthusiasm, and the brothers in the secrecy bureau below were sweating.

In fact, most of them have joined the Heavenly Soldiers Corps, because since the integration of Blue Star, there is no need for any secrecy bureau.

Although the current Blue Star still divides the country, there is no difference except that Huaxia's policy is different.

"Li Shuai, what are we going to do this time?" Someone asked.

"Please call me Director Li." Li Donglai said seriously.

There was a lot of laughter below.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Donglai said, "Be serious, this time, it's not a small matter."

Only then did everyone get serious, and Li Donglai said: "General Manager Lin said that our Blue Star may have entered the spies of Saints, and we must not let them obtain information about Blue Star's army deployment and fortifications."



Everyone shouted in unison, and at the same time, their expressions became extremely serious.


On the other side, Zhang San saw the star gate mentioned by Lin Luo on Tirami star.

It's very cheap here, but there is a base.

The engineer at the base had also met Zhang San before, and he was a participant in the Secret Way Stargate Project back then.

"Hello! Finally you are here." The engineer made a military salute.

Zhang San returned the salute, looked at the ice and wind around him, and looked at the architects here...

Lin Luo said that the engineers here have no families.

In order to build this star gate, they came here a year ago.

Moreover, they can't go back until after the war is over, so Lin Luo is the only one who knows the news about this star gate except for those present.

"You have worked hard." Zhang San said.

"It's not hard." The engineer smiled and said, "Before we came here, General Manager Lin Luo talked with us. We are honored to be able to participate in such a project."

Zhang San looked at the Xingmen Tunnel and said, "Has it been completed yet?"

"Well." The engineer said: "This star gate is excavated in an extremely secret way, so the hole is very small, and there can be no energy interference, so Commander Zhang will pass through the machine later."

"No problem." Zhang San nodded.

The engineer explained some details, and Zhang San finally got up and got on the aircraft.

"We await your return," said the engineer.

"I'll be back!" Zhang San said, starting the aircraft.

A group of people were doing military salutes below, watching Zhang San leave.

A staff member next to him said, "Mr. Liu, when will the war end?"

"When we were invincible

waiting. " said the engineer.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Remember, peace is not given, but to be deterred by strength." The engineer said: "General Manager Lin and the others really endured a lot!"

And a day later, Zhang San sat in the aircraft, looked at the other end of the space, and finally opened his eyes.

The first time to perform such a mission was with Li Donglai and Yinlong Army.

The second time, it was with Lin Luo.

This time, only himself.

And Lin Luo said that there is a high probability that he will not come back this time.

However, Zhang San still came without hesitation.

At this moment, he is no longer the Zhang San who is afraid of death. He understands very well that with great power comes great responsibility.

He put away the space device in front of him, because Lin Luo told him not to open it unless it was absolutely necessary.

He watched the flying aliens coming and going, and finally locked on to one.

"It's just you." Zhang San flew up slowly, and in the next second, powerful spiritual power continuously attacked the passerby.


late at night

Lin Luo was working, when the door was pushed open suddenly, Lin Luo looked up and saw Ye Yi coming.

"Why are you so free?" Lin Luo said.

As soon as Ye walked in, he glanced at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo saw his thoughts and said, "Sit."

While speaking, Lin Luo glanced at Xia Qian.

Xia Qian also understood, she poured a cup of tea for the two of them, and was about to leave...

When he went out to the door, he stopped in his footsteps, turned his head and carried Dabai and Lin Yue who were lying on the bed directly out, regardless of the struggle of these two guys.

Lin Luo and Ye Yi were sweating as they watched.

"Sister Xia Qian is getting more and more violent." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo laughed and said, "Why are you so free to look for me today?"

"Uncle Dong Lai that you asked me to monitor, the signal disappeared." Ye Yi said.

"How long has it been since you disappeared?"

"It only appeared after 20 minutes of disappearing." Ye Yi said.

After finishing speaking, Ye Yi said nervously: "There will be no problem."

"For now, the best way to save his life is not to be exposed," Lin Luo said.

"I...I understand, so I didn't tell anyone." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo continued to read the document and said, "You don't need to worry about this matter, just pretend nothing happened."

After watching for a while, Ye Yi suddenly said: "Brother..."

"Yeah." Lin Luo raised his head, and this time he found that Ye Yi's gaze was different.

"I want to know my origin." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo looked at Ye Yi's pupils and frowned.

When children grow up, they can think and


"I know, it's useless to know some things, but..." Ye Yi said: "I'm a scientist."

Lin Luo looked at him, he paused, and continued: "I've checked, and my blood is a little different from today's humans, but it's similar to the genes of the ancient Blue Stars."

Lin Luo was not surprised to hear this, because a long time ago, he took Ye Yi's blood for genetic testing.

"I'm not from this era, am I?" Ye Yi said.

"That's right." Lin Luo said, "You were indeed born through a special channel. Once you were born, you have memories. Ye Yi, it doesn't matter which era you are in, what matters is... .”

Unexpectedly, Ye Yi interrupted excitedly: "As expected, I am of the blood of the ancient Blue Star!"

"Uh..." Lin Luo sweated.

Lin Luo's system has been identified as undoubtedly related to the ancient blue star.

After all, everything it gave belonged to the ancient blue star.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Ye Yi's bloodline to also belong to Ancient Blue Star.

I heard Ye Yi say again: "Brother, I want to apply for one thing."

"you say."

"I want to transform my body and inject the technological patterns of the ancient blue star into my body." Ye Yi said.

"Nonsense." Lin Luo scolded.

"I'm not fooling around." Ye Yitong said firmly: "I also want to be a soldier, to protect Blue Star, and protect all the people I want to protect."

"Brother, I don't mind my birth, but all of you are existences that I want to protect."

"I know too many truths about the ancient blue star. I don't want the current blue star to become the destroyed blue star."

Hearing this, Lin Luo was silent.


That Ye Yi had finally grown up.

"I can promise you." Lin Luo said: "But the premise is that you can't make yourself human, ghost or ghost."

"Don't worry." Ye Daxi nodded again and again, then opened the door, saw Xia Qian who was calming the animals outside, greeted with a smile, and then left directly. Biqu library

Actually, what Ye Yi didn't tell anyone is...

Ye Yi is indeed planning to use Kongtong Yin to create a new weapon.

And this weapon is himself.

After Ye Yi left, Xia Qian carried two animals and threw them on the bed. Lin Luo said, "Xia Qian."


"Go find your master tomorrow, and return to the work of the Secrecy Bureau."

Xia Qian was puzzled at first, because Lin Luo didn't let her go back at first, but she subconsciously said, "Yes!"

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