"Li Donglai..."

"Heavenly Soldiers Hidden Dragon Army Commander!"

"This time, I really found a treasure." Biquku

The voice came out slowly, coming from Li Donglai's mouth.

Six hours ago, Li Donglai came here because he found the missing persons here.

However, how could he be the opponent of Monroe Su Yi.

Li Donglai is the one with the weakest mental strength among so many coaches.

Because of his experience, he was kept in darkness for a long time. Even if he was liberated by Lin Luo and the others later, his mental power was still very weak.

So, he was controlled.

"Lord Su Yi." The Saints star next to him said, "Is this too dangerous?"

"This guy named Lin Luo obviously guessed that we're coming, and besides them is a person with a mental power gene named Zhang San."

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs." Monroe Suyi said with a smile: "This Li Donglai and Lin Luo have a very good relationship, this is also an opportunity. If Lin Luo can be solved with my hands, then The Blue Star Civilization is not self-defeating."

The Saints next to him stopped talking.

"Besides, I'm not that easy to kill." Monroe Suyi said with a smile: "If I really don't hear anything from you, just tell the King of God what you know."

"Yes." The Saints star nodded, watching Li Donglai's figure gradually move away.


On the second day, Xia Qian came to the Security Bureau and met Li Donglai.

The style of the Secrecy Bureau is still the same as before, and this fake Li Donglai is also very smart, so it is naturally impossible to do something suddenly to startle the snake.

Lin Luo also knew all this from the correspondent. He nodded slowly and said, "I see."

When the correspondent walked out, Lin Luo looked at the document in his hand, and ticked a check in the project plan at the bottom.

Afterwards, he put this plan directly into the drawer and said, "Dabai, bring me a lock."

Dabai naturally ignored him, but Lin Yue came rushing over, holding a lock that was bigger than her faucet.

"Why don't you go to work today?" Lin Luo touched her faucet and said.

Lin Yue enjoyed this kind of touching very much, squinting and smiling, every time she

Any movement will make Lin Luo subconsciously suspect that what he raises is not a dragon, but a cat.

"Wow..." Lin Yue stretched out her dragon claws and showed her muscles, which means that Yang Jun and the others were taught a bad lesson yesterday, and they probably won't be able to get up today.

Lin Luo laughed when he saw this.

While he was laughing, Li Donglai came.

Lin Luo narrowed his eyes, this Li Donglai is not that Li Donglai, Lin Luo has already confirmed, but he still said calmly: "Why are you here?"

"I must have news that I'm here, otherwise, who would want to come to a place like yours?" Monroe Suyi tried to control her tone like Li Donglai.

She is nervous.

Because in Li Donglai's consciousness, Lin Luo is very smart.

Even Lin Luo's cleverness surprised Monroe Suyi.

Apocalypse, Proteus and so on.

Basically every enemy who fell has a share of credit for Lin Luo.

"Don't be so angry all the time, I thought you had reached menopause." Lin Luo said.

Monroe Suyi glanced at the lock in Lin Luo's hand, and then at the drawer.

It can be said that not only one person but many people know that all of Lin Luo's secrets are in this drawer.

This has also become the favorite place for their acquaintances to browse.

Before the war, Lin Luo would definitely put his plan in this place.

"What news did you get?" Lin Luo's voice brought Monroe Suyi back to his senses.

Monroe Suyi said: "We found a few corpses in the outskirts of Tianjing City, and they seem to have been devoured by people." Pen Fun Library

Lin Luo bit his lips when he heard this, the anger in his pupils was only clear to him.

In fact, he knew that the person in front of him did it, but he couldn't do it now.


He wants to use this person.

"Did you track it down?" Lin Luo asked.

"Some traces have been traced, and we have sealed off the entire northern area." Monroe Suyi changed his voice and said, "How do you know that the Saints may have arrived."

Lin Luo was taken aback, thought for a while and said, "The root cause is Gustav's records on Saints."

After a pause, he added: "You never asked this before, this is

What's wrong? "

"Eh..." Monroe Suyi panicked, but quickly imitated Li Donglai's tone and said, "I want to be smart once in a while, can't I?"

Lin Luo just smiled and didn't say much, just waved his hand.

Monroe Suyi retreated, and before leaving, she glanced at Lin Luo's drawer.

Lin Luo's last sentence made Monroe Suyi understand one thing...

Li Donglai is not a person who likes to ask questions, so he is not suitable to open this drawer.

But in Li Donglai's memory, there is one that fits well:

That is Chen An!



While eating the barbecue, Chen An looked at Monroe Suyi and said, "He put in the plan again?"

"That's right." Monroe Su Yi said, "This time, it's still a generous portion."

Chen An's eyes lit up, and he said cursingly: "I said it before, this kid must be hiding some kind of plan."


Turning around, Chen An said: "Now that he doesn't say anything, I don't bother to look it up, anyway, he won't harm us."

Monroe Su Yi became anxious when he heard this.

If you talk about digging through drawers, Chen An does the most.

If he didn't go, Monroe Suyi would have to take the risk of taking Li Donglai's body to leave.

However, she still said calmly: "Aren't you curious?"

Hearing this, Chen An paused, feeling a little moved.

He licked his fingers, paused, and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you take a look, maybe I can help you then..."

"That's not true." Monroe Su Yi immediately nodded and said in agreement.

"Okay then, I'll go take a look sometime," Chen An said.

"Take me." Monroe Su Yi said.

"Don't you dislike this kind of thing?" Chen An raised his head and said in surprise, "You... you are not Li Donglai, are you?"

Monroe Suyi was startled, wondering if this Li Donglai was so unmotivated in their heads? Can't even study?

She immediately said: "Isn't this thinking of changing? After all, I am the coach now, and I have to start learning. You are right."

When Chen An heard this, he didn't have any doubts, and said, "Then choose a time when there is no one around."

"it is good."

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