This so-called no one's time is the next day.

The reason why Chen An knew that no one was there was because Monroe Su Yi came to tell him.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Chen An was reviewing documents at the moment, but he was actually not very free.

Monroe Su Yi couldn't think of an answer for a while, but saw Chen An stand up abruptly.


"What are you doing in a daze?" Chen An said, "You can come back and approve the documents, but I haven't looked through that kid's drawer for a long time."

Monroe Suyi was overjoyed when he heard this.

Afterwards, the two of them quickly walked towards Lin Luo's residence. At this moment, Lin Luo's residence was empty, and even Dabai, who was sleeping late, was carried away by Lin Luo.

The two were overjoyed. Chen An immediately came to his drawer, saw the huge lock, and said with a smile: "This kid even changed the lock."

After finishing speaking, Chen An waved his hand, and the power of genes was activated.

Monroe Su Yi stopped and said, "Would it be bad?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Chen An said: "Let me tell you, if this kid wanted to hide his plan, he would never put it here. If he put it here, he would just show it to us."

When Monroe Su Yi heard this, he finally relaxed a little.

In fact, she was afraid of being suspected.

Her task is to collect the combat power and information of Blue Star.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the information obtained from Li Donglai's head, Blue Star is not as good as Saints, but Blue Star's many battles have also informed a fact.

Relying on Lin Luo's plan, Blue Star has completed the reversal of the war many times.

Therefore, Monroe Suyi understood that if he wanted to eliminate these uncertain factors, he had to know Lin Luo's plan hidden in the drawer.

When she was happy, Monroe Suyi heard a click, and then saw the sound of heavy metal falling to the ground. At this time, the drawer had been slowly opened, and the pile of plans came into their eyes.

Both of them were a little excited, but the excitement was different.

Monroe Suyi still restrained himself and didn't reach out to grab it, because it didn't fit Li Donglai's character.

Proposing to Chen An to come here before was already a very risky move.

"The Zerg Project..."

"New weapons plan..."

"Re-evolution plan..."


camp plan...."

Sure enough, there are dense plans here.

However, Li Donglai is actually aware of many plans.

"There is no deployment for war?" Monroe Suyi said.

"Should be, this kid always hides his nest." Chen An continued to flip through, and opened another drawer. At this moment, there was another thick document in it, with Lin Luo's signature on it, which read:

Saints battle plan.

Chen An quickly opened it, and Monroe Su Yiye leaned forward and saw the first paragraph written by Lin Luo:

Level nine civilization.

What we are about to face is a level nine civilization.

Then, we can guess that what we have to face may be the king of gods.

First, we need the power to fight against the God-King.

Seeing this, Monroe Su Yi was ecstatic in his heart.

She was sure that she had found the most important information.


However, what they didn't know was that in another separate office, Lin Luo was lying on a chair, looking at the people on the screen and smiling.

mission impossible.

Because of the existence of people with mental power genes, any plans and plans may be leaked.

Compared with uncertain factors, it is better to let the other party choose a person.

Then, Li Donglai is the best choice.

First, he used to work for the Secrecy Bureau.

Second, he has a loophole in his mental power.

Third, he is easy to get close to Lin Luo.

Such conditions make Li Donglai one of a million existences, so everything is in Lin Luo's plan.

Lin Luo needs to make a convincing plan for her, and make her believe in this plan.....

Then, the next thing will be much easier.

However, none of these things can be brought to light. If Monroe Suyi knew that she had been discovered, then the first one to die would not be her, but Li Donglai.

So in order to save Li Donglai's life, Lin Luo arranged Yang Ju and the others into the training camp.

The first is to improve their abilities.

The second is for them to have more contact with Li Donglai.

After all, the real plan is for them to realize it.

Just as Lin Luo was watching them, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Lin Luo shouted.

The door was pushed open, and a messenger appeared in front of him.

Lin Luo glanced at him

, the latter said: "General Manager Lin, there are star gate fluctuations on Jupiter."

"Is it finally here?"

Lin Luo exhaled slowly, and said, "Tell Yang Jun and the others to stop training immediately, pass it on, and the entire galaxy enters a state of first-level alert."

"All non-combatants, evacuate to a safe area."



After Lin Luo's order, the solar system entered a state of first-level alert.

A large number of warships and troops entered the starry sky, ready to deal with this possible crisis.

And Monroe Suyi is now in the outskirts of Tianjing, and has recovered her body. Looking at Li Donglai who fell in front of her, the Saints star next to her said, "Do you want to kill him?"

"Kill it, my information will be meaningless." Monroe Su Yi said coldly.

"But putting it back, isn't it the same as letting the tiger go back to the mountain?" The Saints star knew Li Donglai's combat effectiveness.

Monroe Su Yi said coldly: "You can't look farther?"

"If the war can be won, then he will die."

The man woke up like a dream.

Monroe Su Yi continued: "Next, your task is to stay here and make sure their plans have not changed."

"Yes." Several people cupped their hands and watched Monroe Su Yi fly away.

They looked at Li Donglai pitifully. This man might never even think about it until he died. He had already sold the entire Blue Star.

because of him....

Blue Star will lose faster and more thoroughly.

They also turned around and left, and three hours after they left, Li Donglai opened his eyes in a daze. He looked around, a little dazed.

According to what the Saints set for him, he still has this record.

It's just that he is doing it instead of being controlled by others.

At this moment, his communicator rang, and Li Donglai saw that it was Lin Luo, and hurriedly pressed the communication button.

"I'm Li Donglai."

"I'm Lin Luo." Lin Luo glanced at Li Donglai, and then said: "It seems that I'm awake, welcome back."

"Huh?" Li Donglai was taken aback.

Lin Luo continued to speak: "Come to Xingkong quickly, the war preparations have begun!"

Li Donglai was still pondering the meaning of Lin Luo's words, and he didn't have time to think about it, so he said quickly: "Yes!"

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