In the starry sky, the atmosphere also became serious in an instant.

Swimming armies are everywhere, and a lot of sky equipment has been turned on.

At present, the non-combatants are all on the blue star and Mars.

Lin Luo also designated these two positions as the final defensive area. Biqu library

Yang Jun, Li Donglai, Xia Qian, and Wen Tiancheng are in charge of the four directions.

According to the research of space science, when the space fluctuation of the star gate is monitored, it means that the distance is very close, and the longest time will not exceed two months.

Lin Luo sat on the command room in the middle and ended the daily meeting.

At this time, Lin Yue came in, made a military salute like a dragon, and yelled.

Lin Luo couldn't help laughing, he thought, if Lin Yue could talk, it would be very interesting.

From behind, Chen An followed and said to Lin Luo, "Everything is normal."

Lin Luo nodded and poured a glass of water for Chen An, who picked it up and took a sip before asking, "Is there a little less people here?"

"why would you say so?"

"Because I saw your plan written..." Chen An stopped talking suddenly when he said this, and said, "I'm just guessing, you should know that I am the founding general of China, and I have a certain understanding of tactics." Research, you should be planning to play corner tactics this time."

Being watched by Lin Luo, Chen An said helplessly: "Well, Li Donglai asked me to see it."

"Don't you find it strange?" Lin Luo said: "Li Donglai has never been interested in my drawers."

Chen An shook his head, and said, "Who can resist the temptation of your drawer? Didn't Zhang San run to your office the first time when he woke up?"

After finishing speaking, he said with a smile: "Let me tell you, it's that person, he..."

"Ahem." Lin Luo coughed dryly.

Chen An felt the unfriendly gaze from behind, turned around and saw the old man standing there.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he saluted immediately.

Lin Luo also gave a military salute.

Although everyone thinks that Lin Luo is the leader of Blue Star, Lin Luo has never forgotten that he was only a citizen of Huaxia.

While scanning Chen An, the old man walked in and made a military salute to Lin Luo.

Then, the three sat down.

"Speak." The old man looked at Lin Luo


Lin Luo signaled the others to go out. At this time, he looked at the founding generals of China and said, "I know that in this war, you should not be allowed to come forward, but I need your abilities now."

Everyone glanced at each other, not understanding Lin Luo's words.

Lin Luo continued to hand out his handsome seal at this time, and said: "There are some things that cannot be said now, but the time is up, I hope you will show this."

Everyone looked at the eight handsome seals in front of them, a little bit puzzled, but Chen An said: "Although I don't know what you are talking about, we all listen to you."

After seeing Chen An accepting it, others also accepted it.

Lin Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The information collected by Monroe Suyi will certainly not include these veterans.

After all, their strength is too weak, no one will care about them.


In this way, after another month, the fluctuation of the star gate is still continuing.

However, the fluctuations shown are more and more frequent.

On the other side, Saints' army has already assembled.

How many people are here?

densely packed.

Maybe even Monroe himself didn't know.

However, the real main force of the Saints war is:

Sword Army.

Saints, claiming to be the heir of the sword.

They are born to practice swordsmanship, and only the top ones can join this army.

"When will it start?" A general next to him stepped forward and knelt down on one knee in front of Monroe.

Monroe glanced at the stargate.

In fact, if Saints wants to speed up, he can open the star gate within three days. Biqu library

Monroe, however, was in no rush.

He is waiting for Monroe Suyi.

The origin of this woman is not simple. The reason why Monroe obtained the Xuanyuan Sword was also thanks to her information.

"Wait a little longer." Monroe said calmly.

Although the general was puzzled, he didn't ask any further questions.

At night, Monroe was meditating with his eyes closed. At this moment, a woman walked out from behind him.

Monroe. Su Yi.

But if you think about it carefully, it is shocking.

Because, at present, except for Lin Luo secretly digging the special star gate passage for Zhang San, there is no way to return to Saints Star at all.

But if you take a closer look, there is an extra characteristic on the forehead of this Monroe Suyi.

special imprint.

This imprint is only one point.

If Lin Luo and the others are here, they will definitely think of someone...

An ancestor that all Chinese people will respect:


"Any news?" Monroe glanced at Monroe Suyi and asked expectantly.

"En." Monroe Su Yi nodded, she waved her hand, and at this time, dense words came out from her fingers.

These words are exactly Lin Luo's plan hidden in the drawer.

The transfer process took a full half an hour.

So, when the transmission was over, Monroe Su Yi's face turned pale.

Monroe didn't care about her at all, and asked, "It's over?"

"Well." Monroe Su Yi said: "This is all the plans made by their leader Lin Luo."

"Sure enough, it's wonderful, ring after ring. No wonder Blue Star was able to rise like this in just a few years, and it's also because Star Alan and the others underestimated Blue Star." When Monroe sneered, he added: "Details Tell me, how did you find this plan."

When Monroe Su Yi heard it, he naturally understood that Monroe was worried that this plan was a fake.

She opened her mouth slowly, telling every detail carefully.

After talking about it, Monroe couldn't help laughing, and said, "This Lin Luo is really smart."

"Do you think there is a loophole?" Monroe Su Yi asked.

Monroe shook his head.

It sounded like there were no loopholes in all of this, and Monroe Su Yi's choice was also very smart. He just asked Chen An to help with this, and things seemed logical.

"Come on," Monroe yelled.

At this time, the emperor outside the door hurried in, and Monroe said: "Call all the sword generals and redeploy tactics!"

"Command the army, the war will begin tomorrow!"

"Yes." The emperor hurriedly turned around.

Watching the disappearance of the emperor, Monroe couldn't help but smile.

Although Blue Star's resurrection was a bit of a surprise, from another perspective, it was a good thing for them.

He firmly believes...

This is the handwriting left by the ancient blue star.

It is also a great wealth.

In the past, Saints became the top existence in the universe by carve up the Blue Star civilization.

Now, there is an opportunity in front of you...

They might be able to take it to the next level.

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