At this moment, Monroe realized that this was a very serious matter, and it all seemed like a conspiracy.

If everything else can be explained, what about the star gate?

Even for a stargate that is only a few hundred meters long, it takes time to dig, because the most difficult part of a stargate is getting started.

Blue Star suddenly opened the star gate channel and released the Zerg, which means...

Blue Star has long been prepared.

These battlefields are all bait.

Monroe Su Yi is not a fool, she soon realized all this, but she still didn't believe it.

Zerg has no humanity at all. This kind of Zerg will not only bite the enemy, they will sense all creatures with heat, and then attack.

However, what happened next made them all stunned.

It was only seen that when the Zerg passed by the soldiers covered in armor, they did not attack, but instead rushed directly at the densely packed Saints army.

"There is a problem with this armor." Someone shouted.

The soldiers of Saints wanted to do something, but they were soon surrounded by densely packed Zerg.

They are very clear.

If they don't escape, they will become food for these Zerg.

They evacuated quickly, because the place where the bugs appeared was in the north, so they could only retreat towards the southern area.

Seeing this scene, Monroe and Monroe Su Yi were both a little anxious.

But soon, Monroe realized something.

Although the Zerg is fierce, if you realize the appearance of the Zerg and want to escape, it is still very possible.


Why did Blue Star spend so much time preparing these?

When Monroe realized something, he raised his head suddenly, and at this moment, a white light glowed between the two planets above the sky.

A golden and white door slowly appeared...

"This is..." Monroe suddenly realized.

The Gate of Jade Immortals appeared, and it opened slowly.

At this moment, Saints' army still has a chance to respond.

However, in front of it is the gate of immortality technology, and behind it is a dense army of Zerg.

At this moment, how desperate is this army of swords.


Everyone looked at Lin Luo in disbelief.

When all the truths are revealed one after another, they feel that Lin Luo is simply a demon playing with people's hearts.


Luo's drawer basically became a joke among Blue Star executives.

They all know where Lin Luo's drawer is, but there are only a few who can and dare to approach it.

Knowing that the opponent might invade, Lin Luo chose to send the chess pieces up, and successfully ensured that the chess pieces survived.

This is where Lin Luo is most brilliant.

Therefore, when Li Donglai heard what Chen An said, he couldn't believe it.

I was being used unknowingly.

And it was both the enemy and us who used him at the same time.

"Am I stupid?" Li Donglai asked.

"I can't say that, it's about the same." Chen An was lying on the ground at the moment, motionless, but his mouth could still transmit sound through the device.

Li Donglai said again: "When I go back, I will definitely beat him up."

"What's the reason?"

"He used me." Li Donglai said.

Chen An smiled and said, "If you were given another chance, would you be willing?"

"Of course I would." Li Donglai said, "Damn it, look at those grandchildren..."

Chen An was speechless.


Let alone Li Dong, if it were him, he would be willing to be used.

Even if...

They may die.

Because Lin Luo once did such a thing, he regarded himself as a pawn.

He, Lin Luo, can do things to calculate himself, so don't mention other people.

Moreover, looking at the group of Saints who claim to be the descendants of the sword are struggling frantically on the verge of life and death, ecstasy and excitement can no longer be described.



Monroe shouted loudly. At this time, a group of soldiers holding golden long swords separated from behind, and they entered in the shape of swords.

In the first time, he was able to suppress those Zerg races.

I only saw that after the densely packed Zerg entered the sword formation, they began to wipe out a large number of them.

From the sword array, the light of the soul is continuously released.

This battlefield is so.

On other battlefields, several huge beasts flew out.

There are dragons and there are phoenixes.

The appearance of these divine beasts was able to suppress the Zerg extremely well, which also opened a way for the army of swords.


Naturally, all of Lin Luo's arrangements cannot be like this.

At the moment when the Zerg army was suppressed, the main combat forces and reinforcements on the battlefield

Finally it came together.

"Kill!" Li Donglai stood up, looked at the Jianjun who was frantically fleeing, and shouted loudly.

For a moment, the Heavenly Soldiers stood up and pursued bravely.

At this time, Zhu Yihui who was outside the star gate also activated the device.

Bug King control device.

Relying on this device, the bugs can be temporarily controlled from attacking.

But that's all there is to it.

Seeing this scene, the Saints star was stunned.

Ring after ring...

It seems that all things, all reactions are all in the calculation of the other party.

Seeing this scene, Monroe Suyi lowered her head in shame...

Even, the two women knelt on the ground at the same time.

They bowed their heads and said nothing.

Instead, Monroe said, "You don't have to blame yourself..."

"This is the difficulty of Blue Star."

"No matter how time moves, it's hard to change their powerful nature."


At this moment, communication has been fully restored.

The most important part of this plan is to close the communication.

If everyone is blind typing, then it depends on their own tactical game.

Lin Luo said a long time ago...

On the interstellar battlefield, the defender is more advantageous than the attacker.

Because they can deploy a large number of tactics, and the offensive side needs to guess how they will deploy.

In this way, the attacker is actually the most passive.

Lin Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after listening to the reports from all parties.

So far, the effect is very good.

However, the war is still not over.

All of Lin Luo's arrangements are just for the final plan...

High level games.

play chess.

That's what counts....

When a war is perhaps unresolvable, the best solution is:

King against king, soldier against soldier.

The reason why Lin Luo puts so much thought into it is because he wants to see how much the Saints star has.

So far, they haven't been cornered.

In other words, they still have a long way to go.

Lin Luo waved his hand. At this time, a deputy commander of the Dark Night Army came from behind and knelt on the ground.

"Let's go!" Lin Luo said.

"Yes." The deputy commander waved his hand, and at this time an army of about one million appeared.

Lin Luo took them and flew towards the north.


is where Monroe is.

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