At this moment, Zhang San exerted his strength suddenly. With his current mental strength, he could instantly control everyone in the surrounding area.

Monroe brought almost all the masters over.

Especially spiritual ones.

Therefore, the current Zhang San actually has two fourth-level beginners in his hands.

These two people have extremely weak mental strength, so they became Zhang San's trump card.

At this moment, they are like bodyguards.

However, Zhang San felt terrified, because the big snake was still staring at him.

"Let's see what you are." Zhang San made a move, he walked through the air, and rose towards the big snake.

The moment Big Snake saw Zhang San jumping up, his eyes flickered.

Then Zhang San paused when he saw his figure, and actually entered another space...

Zhang San raised his head and saw a mountain rolling down.

"Five Finger Mountain?!"

Zhang San was taken aback.

This mountain was not originally five-fingered, but it instantly became five fingers.

The corner of Zhang San's mouth twitched, and he understood instantly...

This tm is an illusion.


Zhang San looked at the shadow above his head and said in great pain: "I am not Monkey King!"

He wanted to struggle, but he saw himself being entwined by a snake.

In an instant, Wuzhi Mountain fell down with a bang like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

For a while, Zhang San felt an incomparable pain in his lower body.

He stared blankly at the front, and at this moment, he actually felt a source of energy pouring into his brow...

Almost subconsciously, Zhang San said:

"Ani Tuo Buddha!"


Above the starry sky, Lin Luo, alone with a bear, led a million-strong army to the northern part of the solar system.

The battlefield at this moment is still extremely chaotic.

However, Tianbing has achieved initial results after this game.

The battle lines between Yang Jun and Li Donglai were not far away, and after the initial victory in the battle, they converged on the north.

It should be said that they came here after hunting them down.

So, Lin Luo can meet here besides them and Chen An at the same time.

"Why are you here?" Chen An asked puzzled.

"Haven't you noticed?" Lin Luo said.

Chen An looked up and looked at a white spot of light in the distance.

In fact, he had already noticed it.

This white spot of light obviously belonged to someone, and the identity was not simple.

"Then why didn't he make a move?" Chen An asked.

If the opponent's emperor is here, then he shouldn't have watched so many sword soldiers die.

Lin Luo said, "Because he doesn't want to lose."

Hearing this, Chen An was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately came to his senses.

The battlefield is all about being adaptable.

Before the opponent's hole cards are determined, the sooner the person who releases his hole cards, the greater his chances of losing.


Your strength can crush others.

Chen An thought, most of the previous enemies came from underestimating Lan Xing.

This Emperor Saints is strange.

"Just stay here." Lin Luo said to Chen An.

"Uh..." Chen An knew that Lin Luo disliked him for being weak.

However, he really does not deserve to participate in the next war.

Yang Jun and Li Donglai immediately assigned the task of the battlefield to the deputy commander, and then followed Lin Luo. Three people and a bear led an army of one million and headed towards the white light spot.


On the flickering light spot, Monroe sat there, behind him were two women, and thousands of emperors.

They looked at the mighty army behind Lin Luo without any panic on their faces.

These are the top executives of Saints, and they are very clear.

In the face of real strength, quantity is not a problem at all.

"We finally met." Lin Luo spoke slowly before coming to the spot of light.

As soon as the voice fell, the white light curtain was slowly lifted, and he said: "Everything you have done is very good, even if you deceived me."

Lin Luo glanced at the woman behind and said, "If my guess is correct, she must be the one from Blue Star."

After finishing speaking, another woman raised her head, and Lin Luo frowned.

These two women are exactly the same.

And the divine lines on their foreheads...

Lin Luo glanced at Dabai, and found that it was also looking at the divine pattern on Monroe Suyi's forehead.

Monroe's voice continued, saying, "I'm curious, how did you know for sure? According to her memory, you have never met before."

"Why should I be sure?" Lin Luo said: "Although the genetics of the spiritual department

Scarce, but not non-existent. "

"In Gustav's gene bank, there is an introduction about spiritual gene persons."

"But it's a pity that Gustav's people are too useless, and they haven't been able to awaken the related genetics."

"If you can get the Xuanyuan Sword, then it will not be difficult to get research on people with spiritual power genes."

After hearing this, Monroe continued to ask: "So, you don't hesitate to use him as cannon fodder?"

While speaking, he pointed to Li Donglai.

"Bah!" Unexpectedly, before Lin Luo could speak, Li Donglai had already spoken, saying, "Don't sow discord here."

He stared at Monroe and said, "How can a person like you know what a comrade-in-arms is?"

"Don't you have any complaints in your heart?" Monroe said calmly.

Li Donglai didn't even look at him, obviously with deep contempt.

It was Lin Luo who said, "Before the war starts, I want to make a deal."

"How do you want to trade?" Monroe asked.

"The one in my hand is the information about all the Blue Star genetic research." Lin Luo said.

Monroe frowned.

How the new blue star genetic power came about, this must be investigated clearly.

Compared with the Eastern Emperor Bell, this is even more important.

"Besides, there is also news about the Haotian Room." Lin Luo said.

When Monroe heard this, he finally couldn't stay calm.

Haotian Room....

This is the existence that all galaxies want to find.

"You think I'll believe it?" Monroe frowned.

"The woman behind you should be a psychic. She should be able to tell if I'm lying." Lin Luo said, "Both of these things can be given to you."

"Lin Luo..." Yang Jun was a little anxious, and didn't understand why Lin Luo did this.

Lin Luo raised his hand, looked at Monroe, and said, "How about my sincerity?"

"Very enough." Monroe saw Monroe Su Yi nodding at him, and said, "Now you can talk about the bargaining chip."

Lin Luo spoke slowly at this time, looked at Monroe and said, "The content of the transaction is very simple, I need a list..."

"What list?"

"All the main players involved in the Blue Star War, as well as the artifacts and beasts they took away...etc."

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