"What should we do now?" Li Donglai asked.

"What else can I do?" Yang Jun raised his sword and said, "Come and see me with the sword!"

The moment the voice fell, the armies of the two sides intertwined immediately, and a river of blood flowed across the starry sky in an instant.


"Let me guess, how many troops do you have?" Lin Luo looked at Monroe and said slowly, "One million... ten million?"

Monroe laughed and said: "This is why I must win."

"No matter how great your blue star's potential is, potential is potential after all."

"But our Star Saints has developed for countless years."

"So, I'm here to find you." Lin Luo directly took out the secret at this time.

This scene was also watched by Monroe's eyes.


The first generation of comprehension technology artifact...

Didn't you say it wasn't finished?

What is this now?

Monroe couldn't help frowning, and said, "Actually, we should make another deal."

"You want to know its origin?" Lin Luo smiled.

Monroe frowned, he could already hear Lin Luo's playful smile.

He waved his hand violently, and suddenly the power of the fourth-order advanced appeared again.

Lin Luo frowned.

He thought that the opponent would take out Xuanyuan Sword to fight.

Are you so confident?


The fourth-order advanced level is really so scary.

The two made a move, but Lin Luo's secret didn't show mercy at all.

The moment the powerful energy hit, Monroe did not retreat but advanced.

I only saw him dealing with the power of the broken sky with his bare hands.

This scene made Lin Luo feel ashamed.

Although the opponents he met in the past were not without strong players, he was still the first one who could catch the broken sky with his eyes.

"See, this is the power of the fourth-order advanced."

"Even if you have the light of the soul, you are just a low-level."

While speaking, Monroe's energy was surging, and he was surrounded by materialized energy quality, rushing towards Lin Luo.

Lin Luo poured all the light of the soul into the sky, and for a while, the two fought fiercely.

This piece of cosmic starry sky has also become a vortex of energy.


Zhang San is also desperate.

He firmly believes.

no one can control women


"So, you are a counterfeit." Zhang San shot violently, the powerful force made Zhang San have the urge to vomit blood.

However, Zhang San still held back.

He knew that this was a contest of mental strength.

However, he underestimated this woman.

She was standing here, but Zhang San felt that she was like a big mountain, and she couldn't breathe under the pressure.

Zhang San felt pain in his pupils...

Then, blood flowed directly from the eye sockets.

Zhang San still did not close his eyes.

Because he knew that when he closed his eyes, there would be eternal darkness.


He is really not reconciled.

Today's Zhang San is not afraid of death.


He really wanted to keep fighting.

For Blue Star.

For all those he wants to protect.

"Unknowingly, have I become so selfless?"

"However, I'm so sleepy!"

Zhang San closed his eyes, at this moment he felt a great power, which was strangling his spiritual power.

"It's over..." Zhang San felt more and more tired.

He really didn't understand who this woman was.

But what is certain is that this woman must be related to Nuwa.

However, it has nothing to do with him, Zhang San.

"General Manager Lin, I'm sorry, I'm still not as good as Li Donglai..."

"My mission failed."

"Even without me, Blue Star will still win, right?"

"With your ability, one..."

Zhang San closed his eyes and fell into eternal darkness.


When the woman saw this scene, a coquettish smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She stepped forward gently, and put her hand on Zhang San's head.

give it a little twist...


broken neck...

The woman held Zhang San's head and put it on the ground. When she was about to crush it, a blue light flashed.

Then I saw Zhang San's head automatically returning to Zhang San's head.

Then a powerful force caused the woman to bounce away...

At this moment, Zhang San gradually became conscious...

There were tears in his pupils, looking at the machine in front of him, he even wanted to cry.

"Lin Luo, you still lied to me after all!"

While speaking, Zhang San's body was constantly repairing, and he

The memory is also constantly being recalled...

On the day Lin Luo came back from Haotian Room, Zhang San approached the door.

Zhang San still remembered that he was the one who cleared Dabai and the others out.

"Speak up if you have something to say." Lin Luo looked at Apple while looking at him.

"You know, Tier 4 Intermediate?"

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded and continued eating the apple.

"I think I have a chance to break through this level."


"Well, what, I mean, I have to die once." Zhang San snorted angrily, grabbed Lin Luo's apple roughly, and threw it directly on the ground.

However, this guy actually caught the apple with his genes, ate it as if nothing had happened, and said, "I know, you want to die once."


"How is this possible." Lin Luo said, "I'm not a god..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it." Zhang San said helplessly, "Sure enough, I still have to rely on myself."

Lin Luo just smiled and watched him leave angrily.

But now, Zhang Sanchai suddenly realized.

It's not that Lin Luo doesn't care about his words, but he has already set up a situation...

A bureau with Kongtong Yin as the core.

You know, Ye Yi said that according to the lifespan of Kongtong Seal, at most one time, it will be completely scrapped.

Everyone's decision was...

Leave the Kongtong seal to Lin Luo.

However, Lin Luo lied.

Among the equipment he handed to Zhang San, there was no queen bee at all.


Kongtong India.

Zhang San exhaled, and he saw that the light in his heart was continuously being repaired.

The woman next to her was startled for a moment.

Then her face became hideous.

Because, she felt that her strength was being absorbed by Zhang San.


Lin Luo and Monroe came to the pole.

The complete body of secrets is indeed a terrifying occasion.

At least, Lin Luo is getting more and more excited as he fights.

However, Lin Luo understood.

Now neither of them played their cards.

"It seems that you've been looking forward to this..." Monroe looked at Lin Luo's secret, knowing that there was nothing he could do at this moment, and finally clasped his hands together, and the sky and earth were filled with golden light.

A spirit of justice ripples through the entire sky.

this is breath....

There is only one weapon in the world!

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