When the light shines on this piece of starry sky, a huge protective layer of space energy is formed around them.

Under the radiation of this energy, everyone must retreat tens of thousands of stars away.

But even so, Li Donglai and the others in the distance can still feel the energy flowing out continuously.

And, saw that golden light.

Chinese people have a unique memory of the sword, they think the sword is a weapon of justice.

This memory comes from sword masters throughout the ages, because in the past there were too many masters who used swords to fight for justice.

As for Xuanyuan Sword, it is a kind of national worship.

After all, in ancient times, Xuanyuan Sword was the only one known as a sword.

"These bastards really took away the Xuanyuan Sword." Li Donglai was furious.

Yang Jun frowned.

According to the current form, Blue Star does not have any advantages...

However, according to what he knew about Lin Luo, he must have a backup.


What is he waiting for.

But, what is there to wait for?

While he was contemplating, a white light suddenly lit up at the same time.

It's a secret.

After several evolutions, Tianji has been gradually perfected...

Lin Luo also discovered the difference in the secret after countless tests.

The reason why the Tianji was said to be a failure back then is very likely because...

Tianji is a growth weapon.

That is to say...

Even after the system has been strengthened several times, it still has not reached its peak state.

After it automatically senses the powerful cultivation weapon, the resistance power within the mechanism will be activated...

At this moment, Lin Luo was able to see Chu Xuanyuanjian's true face.

Glittering golden blade.

That powerful aura, as well as the lines of comprehension technology on the body of the sword are clearly visible...

Every divine pattern gives people a deep sense of oppression.

Xuanyuan Sword is worthy of being one of the top ancient artifacts.

Lin Luo looked at the secret in his hand, and there was a low beep at this moment, and Lin Luo raised his head suddenly in the next second.

The moment the knife was raised, the entire stars were paled by it.

Seeing this scene, Monroe looked directly at Tianji, although he couldn't understand why Tianji would appear again.


But it's too late to think about it now.

He raised the Xuanyuan Sword high, and the two of them swooped down above the starry sky. When the light source of the soul was continuously poured into the weapons, the two ancient legendary weapons finally collided at this moment.


When the weapons collide, the powerful energy field explodes suddenly, and the moment the space becomes distorted, it bursts suddenly...

The Void Hole is formed!

The footsteps of Lin Luo and Monroe did not stop there, the two raised their hands again, and Tianji and Xuanyuanjian collided for the second time in the sky...


"Did you feel it?" Li Donglai swallowed, feeling the ground tremble.

This is on Neptune.

That is, the whole of Neptune is shaking.

This has to make them startled, can the ancient artifacts reach this level?

While they were marveling at the energy storm, the fight between Lin Luo and Monroe had completely entered a heated stage.

At this level, Li Donglai and Yang Jun can't watch at all, and they don't have time to watch.

And Lin Luo and Monroe who were on the battlefield finally separated with an explosion...

Monroe laughed loudly and said, "Ever since I got the Xuanyuan Sword, I have never made a move like this."

Lin Luo didn't speak, and was panting heavily.

The gap between the fourth-order elementary and the fourth-order advanced is really too big...

Even, Lin Luo already has the light of the soul.

"You lost." Monroe said, looking at the sweat on Lin Luo's forehead.

Among masters, as long as they have met each other once, it is enough to tell the difference.

In terms of weapons, perhaps neither Tianji nor Xuanyuanjian can compete with each other.

However, the person using it can.

The difference between the fourth-order advanced and the fourth-order elementary is still too far.

While Monroe was thinking this way, he suddenly felt Lin Luo's aura quickly subsiding...

Monroe was taken aback, he looked at Lin Luo, and said in disbelief: "You... you actually broke through the fourth-level primary."

His surprise can be imagined.

You know, unlocking the genetic lock is not the same as practicing.

Cultivators, those who are talented and evildoers, it is not a problem to advance to several stages a year.

But according to Monroe's source of information, Lin Luo did not break through to the fourth-level elementary level.

How many years.

You know, after the fourth-order gene lock, every level of breaking is a huge improvement.

Lin Luo felt the light of his heart flowing out continuously, and said: "At first I didn't understand why the fourth level became a saint, but now I understand." Pen Fun Library

Lin Luo is enjoying the huge changes in his body.

He could feel every cell in him beating.


As rumored.

The higher the stage of unlocking the gene lock, the stronger your ability to control genes.

"So what?" Monroe sneered.

His fourth-level high-level is not a joke.


On Saints, when Zhang San reappeared, his eyes became hollow.

He made it through.

Wandering between life and death, he broke through himself again.

Although he didn't know how Lin Luo did it, it was obviously not something he needed to consider.

He looked at the woman in front of him and said, "It's time to end, I have to rush back to support my comrades in arms!"

While speaking, Zhang San suddenly opened his hand. At this moment, he was able to directly grasp the other party's mental space, and he became his own.

The woman was so terrified that she wanted to fight back.

However, after the breakthrough, Zhang San's mental strength has reached an extremely exaggerated level.

He tore through the space with one hand, and saw the big snake again.

However, this time Zhang San did not back down.

He looked directly at the big snake with his pupils, as if they were staring at each other from across the air, but a strong spiritual confrontation broke out between one person and one snake, causing the entire city of Saints to clutch their heads in pain.

Zhang San's eyes were focused, and at the same time, he received information related to the big snake...

Sure enough, it was related to Nuwa.

It's just that it seems that they just got a small piece of gene from some descendants of Nuwa.

Zhang San suddenly raised his hand at this moment, and a powerful spiritual force struck him.

In the next second, that big snake slowly disappeared into the void with terrified and unwilling eyes...

At this moment, a large number of Saints Legion surrounded them.

Zhang San didn't panic.

He raised his hand, and the moment the Zerg army appeared, he swooped down towards the imperial palace.

"The Jade Plate of Creation...Where will it be?"

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