Lin Luo, who was inside the Donghuang Bell, felt two forces.

One is from Monroe.

The other one came from Monroe Suyi.

In terms of aura, Monroe's strength is much stronger than that of Monroe Su Yi.

However, the breath of Monroe Suyi gives people a strange feeling...

"Is there really the breath of God in this world?" Lin Luo said.

On the other hand, Monroe was holding the Xuanyuan Sword in both hands. At this moment, the Xuanyuan Sword was still absorbing the power of the primordial. He looked at Lin Luo and said, "Now you still have the time to care about others?"

After finishing speaking, he continued: "She is different. She was born as a weapon and gained the power of Nuwa."

Lin Luo frowned, he had already heard the sound of Xuanyuan Sword twitching...

"Lin Luo, can you take this sword?" Monroe raised his hand.

And Lin Luo felt the near-destructive aura of Xuanyuan Sword.

At the fourth stage, the ability of genes can be maximized.

The fourth intermediate level is the light of the soul.

The fourth-level advanced level is the power that can 100% activate these comprehension technology weapons:

The power of prehistoric.

Lin Luo looked at the Donghuang Bell, and then at the Tianji, and at this moment, one in each hand, continuously injecting the light of the soul into it.

Seeing this scene, Monroe laughed and said, "It's useless, Lin Luo!"

"The gap between us is a huge gap in strength!"

When speaking, Monroe didn't hold back any more. The moment the power of the prehistoric poured out, his whole body seemed to be emptied.

He is full of confidence. Biqu library

No matter which battlefield they are on, they will surely win.

The moment the Xuanyuan Sword was cut down, the entire starry sky was like the eye of a storm under a strong typhoon, sweeping the surrounding stars crazily.

Then, the golden light rushed towards Lin Luo's position.

Lin Luo controls the Donghuang Bell, which directly becomes bigger....

At the same time, holding the secret with one hand.

However, it made him feel bad.

The Xuanyuan Sword, blessed by the power of the wild, was able to give him a feeling of powerlessness.

"Is this the fourth-level high-level?" Lin Luo didn't want to die, and poured in powerful power with all his strength, driving the Donghuang Bell to its maximum.


In an instant, a huge breath slammed into the east

Above the imperial bell.

Ripple-like fluctuations appeared in the surrounding thousands of miles of starry sky, and the moment the space became distorted, a picture of stars shifting unexpectedly appeared.


Outside the starry sky, there are two aliens standing together.

They watched this scene in horror.

These two people are Mark Carey and Senior Doris.

After continuously providing Blue Star with war services, in the last month, Lin Luo suddenly told them to withdraw all of them.

Mark Carey and Senior Doris were puzzled, but now they were somewhat terrified.

If their army is on this kind of battlefield, there will be many casualties.

"The gap between the ninth level civilization and the eighth level is still too big." Doris took a breath and said, "Back when Blue Star defeated Gustav, it was already at the limit."

"Even if they have exhausted Gustav's resources, what they lack is..."

"Time." Mark Carey followed her words and said.

There was a bit of pity in his pupils.

With Lin Luo's appearance, the blue stars in the future are limitless.

They even felt that it was very possible to reproduce the glory of the ancient blue star.

However, the time is only one year.

Even if Lin Luo got the Zerg and designed all the plans. Biqu library

It's all just delaying time.

But this time, Lin Luo seemed to have exhausted all his means.

The Eastern Emperor Bell can no longer be Blue Star's biggest reliance.

"Is it over?" Mark Carey sat on the ground, his hands trembling slightly.

"Are you afraid?" Doris said.

"No." Mark Carey said: "Our fate has already been bound up with Blue Star."

"Although I don't know why Lin Luo suddenly drew a line with us before the war, it can be said that after the destruction of the Blue Star, the entire sixth galaxy will no longer exist."

Hearing this, Doris was also silent.


The reason why they joined Blue Star was because they all understood.

Blue Star is now the representative of the sixth galaxy.

If it loses, those enemies who used to be Blue Star will cleanse this place thoroughly.

As for Blue Star, there will be no possibility of civilization revival.

If we talk about ancient times, they can't destroy

Blue Star, then in tens of thousands of years of evolution, they have already become stronger and stronger.

When talking, their pictures also become blurred, just like their mood.




Lin Luo felt that his ears were ringing.

At this moment, he is lying on the ground, but he can hear all directions...

He heard the shouts of the heavenly soldiers on the main battlefield.

I heard the clamor of the Saints.

He heard the voices of Dabai and Nuwa gene fighters fighting...

Hearing that Lin Yue was fighting with an army of divine beasts for the first time, trying hard to save the heavenly soldiers.

Lin Luo didn't understand why he could hear this, but he heard it very clearly.

However, his body was bleeding.

At this time, he heard footsteps getting closer, he opened his eyes and saw Monroe.

Lin Luo stood up tremblingly, and Monroe said in surprise: "You can still stand up."

Lin Luo didn't speak, just covered the blood that was constantly flowing.

"Your plan is very good. If you kill me, then you are really likely to win, because no one will be your opponent." Saints looked at Lin Luo and said, "But it's a pity that your strength Still a bit worse."

Lin Luo said, "Monroe, what kind of role do you think you are?"

Monroe was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "I know, you have made a plan called returning to ancient times."

"However, what you don't know is that many galaxies are trying to imitate the path that Blue Star has traveled."

"Blue Star's path is strong and correct."

Monroe's pupils became sharper, and he said, "I'm very glad that you have contributed to this step for our Star Saints."

"Your genetic data, as well as your artifacts, are all for my use."

While speaking, Monroe raised Xuanyuan Sword and slashed at Lin Luo's body.

But what surprised him was...

The sword cut directly through Lin Luo's body.

At this moment, Lin Luo is like a spirit body.

Monroe was stunned for a moment, and then swung a sword behind him.

However, the results are all the same.

That sword still penetrated Lin Luo's body, as if they were in two different worlds.

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