Lin Luo lowered his head to check Zhang San's injury, and after confirming that Zhang San was still breathing, he breathed a sigh of relief, he directly helped Zhang San, handed it to Dabai, and said, "You guys go first."

Dabai grabbed Xiao Qingniu with one hand, and patted Xiao Qingniu's head with the other hand, and when he knocked him unconscious, he directly helped Zhang San and left quickly.

And Lin Luo watched the pursuers coming from behind, holding the secret in his hand.

"Ice and snow are the best match." He looked at the pursuers behind and said, "Let's take the first blood debt first!"

"Swift Blade!"

As the voice fell, the sword rose and fell, and then the chasing soldiers in front of them saw the area centered on them, forming a huge red storm circle...

This huge storm circle carries a huge wind blade.

Touch it and it's gone.

Outside the storm, there was great chaos at the moment, and an emperor looked at the red storm and couldn't help frowning:

"Great Saint?!"


At this moment in the deep mountains and old forests, Lin Luo looked at the unconscious Zhang San.

He has had first aid bandaged and given medicine.

Today, Zhang San's life is not in danger, but he has lost too much blood.

Lin Luo looked at the little green cow again, and couldn't help being a little more angry at the moment.

If he hadn't come in time, Zhang San would have died.

But he also understands that this incident can't be blamed on it, it's not Lin Luo's Holy Mother, but Lin Luo knew it clearly when he watched that documentary in the square.

This little green bull has been controlled since it was born.

There are two possibilities.

First, it was born with shackles.

The second is that its mother has been deeply poisoned, which has affected it.

Lin Luo was half lying on the stake, thinking about what to do next, when the little green cow woke up.

It looked at Lin Luo and Dabai warily.

Dabai seemed to be tired and fell asleep directly.

As long as Lin Luo is around, Dabai still sleeps soundly.

Seeing that Lin Luo didn't pay attention to it, the little green bull got up gently, ready to leave in the distance.

However, Lin Luo's voice sounded at the same time, saying: "If you take a step, you will die."

The little green cow seemed to understand human speech, its feet stayed in the air, and it turned around, looking back at Lin Luo with a wicked smile.


The chasing army

When we got to the scene, we saw dead bodies all over the place.

With Lin Luo's knife, almost all the pursuers were killed.

"It should be at the level of a great sage." An emperor knelt on the ground on one knee, glanced at the traces on the ground, and said so.

Hearing this, the soldiers behind all swallowed their saliva.

At the level of the Great Saint, that is an extremely terrifying existence.

Those who can reach this stage are all well-known big shots.

At this moment, footsteps were heard in the distance.

The third prince is here.

He came hastily, and came with anger.

He scanned the scene and said, "Where's the divine cow?"

"God... The god cow has already..." The emperor bowed his head, not daring to say more.

"Trash." The third prince roared abruptly, even murderous.

The emperor did not dare to speak, but just knelt there.

"What are you waiting for, check it out for me." The third prince shouted, "If you can't find the divine cow, you will all die."

The emperor suddenly woke up.

What a big thing God Cow is.

This divine cow was born from a god-level beast in this galaxy.

If it is really lost, everyone involved, will die.

The third prince watched the group of emperors leave, and couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"Brother and the others must have done it." The third prince clenched his fists.

No matter where it is, the battle for the throne is extremely terrifying.

Subconsciously, the Third Prince also blamed the First Prince for what happened today.

If you want to be here, and dare to plan this kind of incident here, it must be someone with a reputation in Gustav.

after all...

Not everyone is able to hire people at the level of the Great Sage.

Just when the third prince came back to his senses, he noticed bloodstains in the distance...

From this place, a huge storm recess formed in the rear.

The blood was very small, even just a few drops.

"Take up these bloodstains and send them over for testing."

The third prince pointed to the entourage beside him and said.



"...Why are you dreaming again?"

Looking at this virtual world, Zhang San really didn't understand.

It is not the first time he has come to this world, nor is it the first time he has talked with this voice.

"This is not a dream, this is the future," said the voice.

"Nonsense." Zhang San naturally wouldn't believe his nonsense.

That voice said with a smile: "You think you have devoured my strength, but you still don't seem to understand why you come here every time you fall into death."

Zhang San frowned.

"Because you need strength." The voice said: "Give up, Zhang San, one day you and I will be together..."

Zhang San opened his eyes suddenly, but found that the world was gradually going away with him...

In reality, Zhang San also opened his eyes, and he saw a blue sky and white clouds, as well as a scent.

"Are you awake?" Lin Luo was grilling and was overjoyed when he saw Zhang San wake up.

"En." Zhang San got up and coughed dryly again.

Lin Luo directly handed him the barbecue and said, "Eat some."

"Beef?" Zhang San said subconsciously.

Lin Luo paused, and then glanced at the little green cow who was sleeping in the corner next to him.

Zhang San also looked back at it, Lin Luo said: "If you want to kill it, we will eat beef."

Zhang San was stunned, but he acted extremely calm, and said: "Killing it won't change things..."

"If I'm not wrong, maybe it's not because of it, but because of its mother."

"I think so too." Lin Luo frowned and said, "If this is the case, it will be much more difficult."

Zhang San nodded.

Humans need a strong gene right now to help them take the next step.

And the gene of this blue cow was taken by Lin Luo.

However, what Lin Luo knew was that there was a high probability that the genes of this little green cow would be the same as that of Lin Yue when she was a child, and the system would not make a judgment.

"Where's Matthew?" Zhang San said.

"Fortunately, the chaos came early, I pretended to be dispersed by the crowd." Lin Luo said.

While eating the meat, Zhang San raised his head and said, "How do you know?"

Lin Luo didn't hide anything, and told the situation at the time, and said at the same time: "Fortunately, it came in time."

"I'm destined." Zhang San coughed dryly while eating.

His face was extremely pale and paper-like.

At this time, Zhang San turned around and felt someone poking him.

The moment he turned his head, he saw the little green bull holding the cup and handed it to Zhang San with a flattering expression.

However, the black talisman in its pupils and that evil smile still exist.

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