Lin Luo quickly figured out many rules, such as...

It doesn't matter who built Haotian Room.

First, as long as it is called the Haotian Room.

Second, Chen Haotian must develop super gene technology.

Lin Luo quickly wrote down these rules in his notes.


Time passed quickly, a month passed in a blink of an eye, Haotian Room was officially established, and there were no news reports, or even a little attention.

At present, there are only three senior technicians in the Haotian room, and the others are assistants.

In the following time, the company began to face various problems.

Gene evolution itself is extremely complicated. The first stage they have to go through is to extract various gene samples from various animals and plants for analysis.

Just this step is enough to give them a headache.

You know, back then Lin Luo relied on the system to avoid many detours.

Otherwise, even if Lin Luo has astonishing knowledge, it will take at least twenty years to crack this.

"I can't wait twenty years." Lin Luo didn't forget the current dangerous situation of the modern Blue Star.

Therefore, it seems that Lin Luo never asks about the company, but Lin Luo can always know the development stage of Haotian Room from Ding Jun's mouth.

"Haotian has you as the boss, it's really a blessing from the previous life." Ding Jun handed the report to Lin Luo and said.

Lin Luo glanced at it and said, "It seems that the conflict has begun."

"This idea was originally created by Haotian alone. In fact, the two of them don't have much research on this type of technology." Ding Jun said.

Lin Luo nodded.

"Do you need me to deal with it?" Ding Jun asked.

"Let it take its course." Lin Luo didn't want to add extra complications.

"Yes." Ding Jun nodded.

Lin Luo asked him to sit down, Lin Xi came over, poured Ding Jun a glass of water, and the latter smiled and said, "Thank you miss."

"Ding Uncle, don't make fun of me, I'm not a lady." Lin Xi scratched his head and said.

Ding Jun laughed, but Lin Luo said, "Go do your homework."

Lin Xi pouted, greeted Ding Jun with a smile, and ran to the room.

Seeing Lin Xi leave, Lin Luo said, "What do you think they lack?"

"Direction." Ding Jun said: "Technology, equipment

... are all directions, but their biggest problem at present is that Chen Haotian believes that he can succeed, but the other two don't think so. "

Hearing this, Lin Luo said: "Do you think this needs to be mentioned?"

Ding Jun paused, then understood in an instant, and asked, "Mr. Lin thinks, which one is the key point?"

"Equipment." Lin Luo handed Ding Jun a list and said, "This group of people is currently the best technician in this country."

Ding Jun glanced at it and said, "I guess it won't work."

"However, only they can make this device." Lin Luo said: "We just need to cooperate, and that will be fine."

"Okay." Ding Jun nodded and said, "I will contact you."

"Just say you did it, and don't mention me in anything," Lin Luo said.

Ding Jun paused. Although he was puzzled, he was as smart as him and understood what Lin Luo meant. He said, "Don't worry."

After speaking, Ding Jun was about to leave. After taking two steps, he suddenly turned around and said, "Something will happen at that time..."

Lin Luo raised his head and said, "Just let nature take its course."

Ding Jun nodded and left directly.


Another month passed.

In the past month, Haotian Room has achieved nothing, but it has lost three million yuan in funding.

Chen Haotian was busy day and night, and even lost his mind.

He didn't understand why the research on the human body was not successful.

It has been clearly proved that the human body contains hidden gene chains.

Why can't I find it?

At the same time, it was Yu Man and Guo Fei who made him mentally exhausted.

These two people have deep attainments in biology, but now they have quarreled several times.

Many of Chen Haotian's ideas are very leaps and bounds, but they do not approve.

Regarding this, Chen Haotian was a little skeptical about life.

There is no doubt that these two people are knowledgeable, so their negation made Chen Haotian start to lose confidence in himself.

Finally, on the thirteenth day after two months, the quarrel broke out.

This quarrel originated from when Chen Haotian went to the bathroom and heard what they said.

"Actually, I don't quite understand what Haotian is insisting on. This guy named Lin Luo is a fool with a lot of money, yet he really believes in him."

, is Guo Fei.

Yu Man reacted quickly. Hearing footsteps behind him, he immediately turned his head and made a booing gesture.

Chen Haotian stepped forward, pointed at Guo Fei and said, "What did you just say?"

Guo Fei didn't expect Chen Haotian to appear here, he was taken aback for a moment, but quickly said: "I...forget it, since you heard it, we might as well just say it straight."

He glanced at Chen Haotian and said, "Even if your theory is correct, can you really succeed with the Haotian Room alone?"

"Let me put it this way, without the support of the state, we would not have been able to carry out this project at all."

Chen Haotian's expression changed, and he said, "So, you didn't have any intentions at all, did you?"

"Haotian, we...we are just..." Yu Man looked at Chen Haotian.

"Haotian, don't be stupid, just earn some money and we'll leave. Lin Luo offers us 200,000 yuan a month. We're in the research institute, and it's only 8,000 yuan a month." Guo Fei said: "Now this offer The funds are running out, and it is time to disband, do you think Lin Luo will continue to invest money?"

Hearing this, Chen Haotian's expression changed immediately.

Deep down in his heart, he is very grateful to Lin Luo.

Because it was Lin Luo who gave him hope and trust.

Although, he didn't know why Lin Luo believed him so much.

"Wake up, what genetic evolution, what superhuman beings are all just dreams." Guo Fei said disdainfully.

"Shut up." Chen Haotian shouted coldly.

Guo Fei looked at him coldly, he didn't think Chen Haotian would do anything to him.

Chen Haotian's character is cowardly, otherwise, when he was in the research institute, their superiors would not have specially made things difficult for him.

"Up to now, there is nothing to talk about. Both Yu Man and I have found our next home." Guo Fei said, "If you are willing to give up your so-called research, you can actually follow us..."

Chen Haotian didn't speak, he turned and left silently.

Yu Man looked at his leaving back and said to Guo Fei: "What are you doing?"

"It's time, we should wake him up, this is what we should do as friends." Guo Fei said.

Just as Yu Man was about to speak, he heard Chen Haotian's voice from behind:

"We were friends before, but now...and in the future, we won't be anymore."

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