According to Ding Jun, Chen Haotian has not come to work for five days.

At the same time, Yu Man and the others have also left.

Today's research institute is basically in a state of vacation.

"Do you want me to persuade you?" Ding Jun looked at Lin Luo and asked.

Lin Luo said, "What are you persuading?"

Ding Jun thought for a while and said: "Based on what I know about him, facing his friend's betrayal and guilt towards you for a while will make him fall into a state of insanity for a short time."

"Yeah." Lin Luo said.

"In this case, it will be better if someone enlightens you." Ding Jun said.

"Then do you think it is difficult to get out of this shadow, or to study genetic evolution?" Lin Luo asked.

"Of course it's the latter, there's no comparison." Ding Jun suddenly realized after speaking.

The so-called not sweeping a house, why sweep the world.

If Chen Haotian can't even cross this threshold, what can be done?

Thinking so, Ding Jun looked at Lin Luo and said, "What can I do?"

Lin Luo patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said: "You have nothing to do for a while, how about helping my sister study?"

"Ah?" Ding Jun paused and said, "I have a monthly salary of more than 100,000."

Lin Luo just smiled.


After another four days, Lin Luo's residence finally welcomed Chen Haotian.

At this moment, Chen Haotian seemed to be in a bad state of mind. He seemed to be hesitant, but after wandering around the door for a while, he finally mustered up his courage.

When he entered the door, he saw the tea Lin Luo had brewed, and he was taken aback for a moment, but he soon realized that he bent down to put a sealed document bag on the ground.

"I guess, there is a letter of resignation inside?" Lin Luo took it and asked.

Unexpectedly, Chen Haotian said with firm eyes: "This is my adjusted plan."

Hearing this, Lin Luo looked at him with interest and said, "Continue."

"I made a big mistake before. The traditional creatures and the creatures I'm about to study are not at the same level."

"I'm too selfish. I thought about studying human beings as soon as I started."

"However, the human body is the most complicated. I think I should lay the foundation."

Chen Haotian said seriously.

Lin Luo was very satisfied when he heard this.

Chen Haotian is indeed the person who changed that era.

If Chen Haotian submitted his resignation letter because of guilt, Lin Luo would be disappointed.

A successful person must have a strong heart.

"What do you think of me

? " Lin Luo asked.

"I want you to add the second phase of investment." Chen Haotian said.

"What's the reason?"

"There is no reason." Chen Haotian looked at Lin Luo and said, "I just want you to trust me again, just like the first time."

Lin Luo looked up and saw Chen Haotian looking directly at him.

Lin Luo raised his hand slightly, although what Chen Haotian did seemed a little unreasonable.

But, that's exactly one thing...

Chen Haotian believed in himself very much.

He believes that he will succeed.

"I have already given Ding Jun the money." Lin Luo said.

"Uh...huh?" Chen Haotian was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Lin Luo in disbelief.

"Haotian." Lin Luo said slowly: "For a project as big as genetic evolution, it is definitely not enough on your own. You have to learn how to use resources. I am your resource. I have money. What do you think, Ding Jun what?"

"Connections." Chen Haotian thought for a while and said.

"Yes, connections." Lin Luo said: "He knows more people than you. If you need something, you might as well go to him and discuss it. It is not a sin to use others, don't treat him If you do something bad, then it’s not called taking advantage.”

Chen Haotian was thoughtful.

"I don't need you to promise me anything, but..." Lin Luo said: "I need time."

When Chen Haotian heard this, he seemed to understand, and said, "I understand."

After sitting for a while, Chen Haotian got up, but Lin Luo didn't see him off.

Because while he was speaking, the system sounded again.

This time it's...

Gain 121 Karma Points.

89 points will be deducted.

In other words, Lin Luo advanced the development of the ancient blue star.

However, because of the advancement, many things have changed.


After Lin Luo used the money he won from the stock market to invest in the second phase, Haotian Room was completely on the right track.

As for Yu Man and Guo Fei, Lin Luo didn't teach him a lesson.

Because he knew that when Chen Haotian succeeded in the future, their expressions of regret would be more torture than any revenge.

At the same time, Haotian Room entered the second round of recruiting. This time, Chen Haotian did not use any acquaintances, but evaluated the other party's innovative thinking and ability objectively.

In just a few days, more than eighty people were recruited.

And Ding Jun also gave Chen Haotian information about an equipment factory according to Lin Luo's instructions.

"What do you need, you go talk to them

talk. Ding Jun also understood that Lin Luo was training Chen Haotian intentionally.

It's just that he doesn't understand...

Ding Jun can see people clearly.

If Lin Luo wants to develop a vision, there is no need to invest in Chen Haotian.

He himself can make a career.

Chen Haotian took his blueprint and began to rush between the two sides. Lin Luo seldom asked about such things during this period of time.

The reason is...

Lin Luo doesn't want to affect history.

Because Lin Luo understands that when the super gene is generated, Lin Luo may face life and death.

Lin Luo advances the progress of genes, which will inevitably produce causal points.

There must be a large number of causal points.

At this moment, Lin Luo is calculating the number of possible causal points, and he is also calculating one thing.

Honghuang Palace.

Honghuangdian is related to the development of cultivation technology.

This thing is one of the main purposes of Lin Luo's coming here.

If one can obtain a complete comprehension technology, it will definitely be a great inspiration to future generations of Blue Star.

"Honghuang Palace, where is it?"

Lin Luo searched all the companies on the Internet and found that no one mentioned this name at all.

Even the two words Honghuang have never appeared on this network.


"No problem." Chen Haotian looked at the fat man in front of him again and again.

Fatty's skin was very fair, he glanced at the blueprint again, and said, "The price is right, you can talk about anything."

Chen Haotian was ecstatic when he heard this.

Before, Chen Haotian thought it was impossible to produce this kind of equipment, but he didn't expect that the company Ding Jun found could actually produce it.

"The price is fine, but I want time." Chen Haotian recalled Lin Luo's words and said so.

"Give us one month, just one month." The fat man raised his hand and said so.

"it is good."

"By the way, what's your name?" The fat man asked with a paper record.

"Chen Haotian!" Chen Haotian said.

The fat man was taken aback, raised his head and looked at Chen Haotian, both of them smiled, and then the former quickly wrote his name...

At this moment, Lin Luo who was sitting at the table suddenly received a prompt from the system:

"Ding! You have been deducted 188 karma points!"

"...Your karma points are insufficient, and you are about to be wiped out of the Conferred God Ranking. Do you want to use points to exchange?"

Lin Luo's face turned black when he heard this.

This tm is so good, why did Wang Zha appear?

Chen Haotian...


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