So, another long month passed.

Lin Luo finally saw that Chen Haotian had reached a critical step.

gene collection.

At present, relying on the equipment provided, they have collected a large number of genes of simple organisms.

Moreover, Chen Haotian's eyes turned to the human body again.

This is the place where Chen Haotian fell down before.

Lin Luo also showed anticipation.

According to Chen Haotian's progress, it is estimated that he will be able to enter the clinical trial in two to three months.

Entering this stage means that you have entered the beginning of super genetic engineering.

Just when Lin Luo was expecting a breakthrough, a piece of bad news came.

Entering the stage of clinical trials, the country came.

I don't know where the upper echelons of Huaxia got the news, and they sent people directly to block the Haotian Room.

The reason is...

Illegal biological genetic research.

For this reason, Ding Jun came to look for Lin Luo overnight, but found Lin Luo sitting there calmly, as if he already knew about it.

"You guessed it?"

"It's still a bit of a surprise." Lin Luo said.

"Why is it a surprise?"

"It's too early." Lin Luo said: "Unexpectedly, the other party has already acted before we have researched it."

"You want to fight them?"

"No." Lin Luo said: "On the contrary, I think we should cooperate."

When Ding Jun heard this, he smiled and said: "Impossible, if Chen Haotian's research comes true, do you know who is the least happy?"

"The rich and the powerful." Lin Luo said.

"Yes." Ding Jun said: "Only in turbulent times will there be a new distribution of wealth and power..."

"Getting rid of uncertain factors is the key point."

Lin Luo smiled at this moment and said, "What if the world war is about to start?"

After Ding Jun paused, he saw a terrible thing happening on the news TV station.

I only saw that the two resource countries in the western continent suddenly fought.

This fight is the kind that declares an all-out attack.

Ding Jun said in surprise: "It is not easy for these two countries to fight."

Thinking of Lin Luo's words again, he said in surprise: "It shouldn't be all of this..."

"I'm not a god." Lin Luo smiled bitterly, and then said: "Under the financial crisis, it is very common to use war to divert conflicts."

"That's not going to be a world war." Ding Jun said.

"You have said that these two countries are not easy." Lin Luo said: "One controls 30% of the world's energy, and the other controls 30% of the world's food."

Ding Jun paused.


After two days, Gu Huaxia was full of uproar.

Above the Eastern Continent, Ancient China is the strongest country.

Although the Eastern Continent is not as good as the Southern Continent as a whole, Ancient China is still very strong, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a big country in the world.

The outbreak of this war suddenly made the senior officials of Guhuaxia tighten their brows.

On the fifth day, the world was in an uproar.

Because these two countries have successfully developed the fifth-generation mechs and brand new fighter jets.

All of a sudden, everyone realized that the countries in the Southern Continent were silently developing.

And the distance between the backward countries and the superpowers in the Southern Continent is getting wider and wider.

For this reason, Gu Huaxia's high-level executives held meetings for eight hours a day, and did not discuss any results.

Ancient China still has a lot of secret technologies.

However, they still expressed concern.

Because the fifth generation of mech fighters means that they lead the world.

And Guhuaxia...


With such a tense atmosphere, the senior officials of Guhuaxia put forward a new slogan:

Go all out to attack the fifth-generation mechs!

Also on this day, a secret letter was sent to the palace of Ancient China.

This secret letter...

It was sent by Lin Luo.


"You said, we want to cooperate with the country?" Chen Haotian looked at Lin Luo.

"Yes." Lin Luo nodded and asked, "Any questions?"

Chen Haotian thought for a while and said, "It's not that I'm unpatriotic, it's just..."

"Afraid they restrict you?" Lin Luo said.

Chen Haotian nodded. He looked at Lin Luo and said, "I didn't understand it before, but now I understand that if you want to successfully research it, you have to take an unusual path."

"It's impossible for the people above to let me mess around."

"So, you need to issue a military order to them." Lin Luo said.

Chen Haotian paused and looked at Lin Luo.

"Time." Lin Luo said.

When Chen Haotian heard this, he suddenly realized.

If there is time, many people will be willing to wait.


Indefinite promises are void.

"How long do you think it will take?" Lin Luo asked.

"Three...Three years." Chen Haotian said not confidently.

Lin Luo said very confidently: "No, two years, one and a half years is enough."

Chen Haotian looked at Lin Luo in surprise, wondering if you are a technician or am I...

However, Chen Haotian respected Lin Luo very much, and said, "I'm afraid."

"Chen Haotian." Lin Luo looked at him and said, "I believe in you, and you should also believe in yourself."

After the words fell, Chen Haotian didn't speak for a long time, and finally he nodded.


At night, Lin Luo was very excited.

Because for him, this war is to speed up the process of genetic research.

As long as the country intervenes, the development of Haotian Room will inevitably become faster.

However, Lin Luo will inevitably enter the country's field of vision.

Now that he knew it in advance, Lin Luo also made preparations in advance, but what Lin Luo didn't expect was that the people from Guhuaxia didn't come to the door, but Ye Su came to the door first.

Lin Luo looked at the white and fat man in front of him, and was taken aback.

"I was introduced by Haotian." Ye Su looked at Lin Luo and said.

"Please come in." Lin Luo nodded, scanning the other party up and down.

this person...

It's marine technology.

Then there is a connection with Honghuangdian.

Lin Luo poured him a glass of water and said: "You can just say it, I heard him tell you."

Ye Su smiled, but he was not a shy person, on the contrary, Lin Luo saw extreme confidence in his eyes.

He and Chen Haotian are not the same kind of people.

This man is ambitious...

There is also strength.

"The Haotian room is sealed."

"I know." Lin Luo said.

"You don't seem to be panicking."

"Chen Haotian should have told you everything." Lin Luo said.

This is not a secret, because they want the equipment of Ocean Technology, as a partner, they must give each other confidence.

"I want to leave Ocean Technology." Ye Su looked at Lin Luo and said, "I want to set up a company by myself, so I think you can terminate the cooperation with Ocean Technology and choose me."

"Have you started..."

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth twitched, thinking what kind of shit luck he was.

To be able to meet two top bigwigs in ancient China before they matured?

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