"Did you listen to me?" Ye Su asked.

"Yes." Lin Luo came back to his senses and said, "I am very embarrassed by you doing this..."

All right.

In fact, Lin Luo raised three hands in favor.

However, Lin Luo can't say that.

First, it is unreasonable.

Second, Lin Luo doesn't really want to get involved with this big guy.

Getting involved with a Chen Haotian already made Lin Luo terrified.

"I can make a profit." Ye Su said.

Lin Luo heard this and said, "That's not a reason."

"If you want to produce second-generation genetic equipment, you can only rely on me." Ye Su said.

Lin Luo raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Su with admiration...

Sure enough, the big boss is the big boss, and he kept a hand.

Lin Luo pretended to be surprised, and Ye Su continued: "According to your plan, only more advanced equipment can support..."

Lin Luo thought for a while and asked, "How much do you need me to invest?"

"I want to ask you to borrow it." Ye Su said.

Lin Luo finally understood when he heard this.

This leaf...

Really big ambition.

It's just not right.

According to Lin Luo's memory, Haotian Room should have very arrogant ambitions.

After all, the Ascension to God Project and the like are all masterpieces of the Haotian Room.

On the contrary, the Great Desolate Palace is very responsible.

However, Ye Su didn't seem like a responsible person.

"Yes." Lin Luo said, "But I will charge interest."

"No problem." Ye Su said in surprise.

Lin Luo asked curiously: "Don't you ask me how much interest?"

"If you're too tall, I'll go find someone else." Ye Su said, "Besides, there shouldn't be anything higher than arms sales, right?"

Lin Luo was astonished.

Ye Su's eyes were really sharp.

He also realized that the world was about to fall into chaos.

Even if a world war does not break out, one thing is certain is that the competition for world armaments will follow.

Arms dealers can definitely make a lot of money.

"Why did you tell me?" Lin Luo was puzzled.

"Because Chen Haotian said, you are not short of money." Ye Su said; "Based on my observation, you really don't have much interest in money."

Lin Luo thought for a while, just smiled, he wrote down a number on the table, and said, "This number."

"One year?"

"Yes." Lin Luo said, "12 percent a year."

"Thank you."

Ye Su said gratefully.

Lin Luo looked very high, but if he went to the bank to talk, it would be impossible for Ye Su to negotiate.

And in this environment, Galaxy's loan has reached almost 15 points.

At present, the financial system of the whole world is almost in the stage of collapse, so money is worthless.

Ye Su got up and was about to leave, when Lin Luo suddenly asked, "What's the name you plan to name?"

"I don't know yet." Ye Su thought for a while and said, "How about calling it Ye's Company?"

Lin Luo just smiled.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing." Lin Luo couldn't help but smile again as he said so.

Because the system just prompted:

Gain 214 Karma Points.

Deduct 132 points.


Everything is clear.

The force formed by Ye Su is called Hong Huang Dian.


Three weeks later, Gu Huaxia finally sent someone to contact Lin Luo.

According to the information Lin Luo prepared in advance and the confession of Ding Jun and the others, Lin Luo is an investor.

Other than that, there is nothing else.

Therefore, when the executives saw Lin Luo, they directly proposed to acquire it.

"That won't work." Lin Luo refused immediately, "I've put in so much hard work."

"We will give you twice the price compensation." The other party said.

Lin Luo was unmoved and said, "It's not about money."

"If we don't get control of Haotian Room, then we won't unlock its seal." The other party threatened.

Lin Luo was not surprised when he heard this.

The official means are just that little.

He smiled and said, "Then we'll go abroad."

Hearing this, the man frowned.

In the eyes, there is a bit more murderous intent.

"Chen Haotian, just listen to me." Lin Luo said.

Hearing this, the other party stood up with a smile and said, "You will regret it."

After speaking, he left directly.

In the afternoon, Chen Haotian heard Lin Luo's last words from a machine.

At this moment, Chen Haotian was expressionless.

But the person negotiating looked at Chen Haotian and said: "He just wants to control you. The capitalists always only have interests in their eyes."

"I really only listen to him." Chen Haotian said suddenly.

The other party was taken aback.

However, Chen Haotian continued: "If you want to poach me alone, then don't talk about it."

the other party again

Astonished, I wondered if Chen Haotian was so bloodless?

However, this is because he did not know how Chen Haotian became what he is today.

What Lin Luo said, I didn't tell him in advance.

But Chen Haotian understood what kind of person Lin Luo was.

Chen Haotian could still feel that Lin Luo really wanted to help him.

"Okay." The other party had no choice but to bite the bullet and go back to Lin Luo.

So, at night, Lin Luo opened a good wine and waited for him to arrive.

"Congratulations, you have controlled the key person." The other party said angrily.

Lin Luo smiled and said, "I don't want to make things difficult for you, my request is actually very simple."

"I keep my shares, you have ninety-nine percent, and I have one percent." Lin Luo said quickly: "And the control of the entire company...."

"Impossible." The other party said directly: "The control must be in our hands."

"No, it's in Chen Haotian's hands." Lin Luo said.

"He only listens to you, what's the difference?" The other party laughed.

"Do you understand genes? Do you understand technology? You people, do you understand?" Lin Luo's voice also became louder.

This time, the other party was stunned.


If it weren't for the anonymous information given by Lin Luo, no one would care about the new gene.

None of them like variables.

"I need to go back and discuss it." The other party said.

"No problem." Lin Luo nodded, letting Ding Jun see him off.

Ding Jun turned around and asked, "Will they agree?"

"They had no choice," Lin Luo said.

"How could there be no choice?" Ding Jun asked puzzled.

Lin Luo didn't explain, but asked, "You answered the phone just now, did it come from Ye Su?"


"What did you say?"

"Ask for money."

"Give it?"

"Give it as you ordered."

Lin Luo nodded.

"He also said that he thought of a name." Ding Jun smiled, then looked at Lin Luo and said, "Why don't you guess?"

"How about guessing right?" Lin Luo also smiled.

"You guessed it right, I don't need this month's salary." Ding Jun said.

Lin Luo sighed, thinking how middle-aged people are so frivolous nowadays, he said slowly: "Hong Huang Dian!"


Ding Jun paused on the spot, looked at Lin Luo in disbelief, and said in astonishment, "You...are you sure you're not a god?"

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