Lin Luo just smiled.

But Ding Jun said: "Tell me, how do you know?"

Lin Luo didn't bother to explain, he knew that Ding Jun would not ask, and said: "The matter of Honghuang Temple is not our business, we are only responsible for investment."

Ding Jun keenly heard two words.


However, he did not speak.

Instead, Lin Luo handed over a contract to Ding Jun and said, "Your inspection period is over. From now on, you will officially become the CEO of Lin Group."

Ding Jun was taken aback, picked up the contract and looked at it, and swallowed immediately.

It says:

The annual salary is five million.

"I... am I not the CEO of Haotian Room?" Ding Jun said.

"Do you think they will let you take charge after joining?" Lin Luo smiled and said, "Chen Haotian is a technician and cannot be abandoned, but you can."

"So, why don't you get out and help me."

"That's fine." Ding Jun said happily, "It's fine if you have money."

After signing the contract, Ding Jun glanced at the name of the Lin Group again, and asked, "How many people are in the group now?"

"Three." Lin Luo said without thinking.

"Ah?" Ding Jun was surprised when he heard this, and said, "I thought it was a big company."

"As much money as possible." Lin Luo said.

"That's true." Ding Jun scratched his head and asked curiously, "Who is the other one?"

At this time, Lin Xi who was doing homework next to him raised his hand.

"You know?" Ding Jun asked.

"No." Lin Luo touched her head and said, "The third person is her."

"..." Ding Jun shut himself up directly, and said, "After talking for a long time, you are the chairman and she is the vice chairman."

"Okay, I'm the CEO, I'm at the bottom."

"Then do you want to do it?" Lin Luo asked.

"Of course." Ding Jun immediately defended the contract.

He has seen the magic of Lin Luo...

So, don't let go of anything.

Lin Luo looked at Ding Jun, showing an intriguing smile.

Why did Lin Luo set up the Lin Group.

It's all because of Lin Xi.

When Lin Luo goes back in the future, there will only be three situations:

First, the Lin Luo of this world disappeared directly.

Second, the former Lin Luo continues to live.

Third, the former Lin Luo is still dead, and the world has completely erased the information of Lin Luo, the traveler.


So, no matter what, two of these three possibilities are unacceptable to Lin Luo.

This is also the origin of the Lin Group.

If Lin Luo really disappears, at least she still has money and no worries about food and clothing.

Moreover, she also needs someone who can escort her.

This person must be trusted.

Currently, Ding Jun is on this list.

In fact, the first choice should be Chen Haotian or Ye Su.

Because they are all big shots.

Most big people don't bully children.

However, Lin Luo didn't really want Lin Xi to contact them, because no one could predict their future.

Not even Lin Luo.

What he hopes is that Lin Xi can spend this life in peace.


A few days later, the senior management of Guhuaxia came with a message.

Lin Luo can still account for 1% of the shares and will receive up to 500 million in compensation.

However, Lin Luo cannot unilaterally decide anything about the Haotian Room. In terms of voting, Chen Haotian alone occupies 40% of the right to speak, Lin Luo occupies 20%, and Gu Huaxia occupies 40%.

In this way, the equity distribution is still reasonable.

It can be said that this is a triangular state.

Lin Luo didn't care about this either. In fact, he fought for the 20% just to help Chen Haotian.

Lin Luo didn't want Chen Haotian to be affected by complicated things.

In this way, another month passed, and in this month, Chen Haotian got a lot of resources.

These resources include talents, equipment, venues and so on.

On the other side, Ye Su's Great Desolate Palace began his crazy journey.

Ye Su is simply a talent. After he left Ocean Technology, he went overseas to make money.

Nowadays, overseas wars are in full swing. Several countries in the Southern Continent are at war, almost overturning Blue Star.

And, more and more countries are joining.

Ancient Huaxia seemed calm, but how could it be spared under the financial crisis and the integration of the world economy.

Lin Luo found out that Ye Su made more than 100 million yuan by taking advantage of poor resources.

At the same time, Ye Su immediately spent 50 million yuan to open up the world line in the country, and began to frantically poach talents.

However, Gu Huaxia imposed restrictions, that is, they cannot make weapons.

hear this, lin

Lo just laughed.

In fact, many military weapons come from life.

Finally, it is used in the military.

Like the Eastern Emperor Bell...

Like a weapon?

Lin Luo thought, maybe it was this treaty that made the Honghuang Palace in the future.


Then came a long year.

During this year, Lin Luo has roughly understood the acquisition of Karma Points.

For example, an important person.

He should have died today, but Lin Luo saved him. Karma points will be deducted according to the subsequent influence of history.

However, if Lin Luo killed him after a second and just let him live for an extra second, then it would have no effect.

In general, as long as history remains unchanged, Lin Luo will not be at risk of being obliterated.

Before Lin Luo accidentally asked Chen Haotian to meet Ye Su, which was a big taboo.

After Lin Luo learned the lesson this time, he also began to understand that as long as he didn't touch the bottom line, there would be no problem.

Therefore, he tried his best to get in touch with Chen Haotian and not to have too much contact with Ye Su.

However, after waking up this day, he heard the system beeping:

"Ding! Judging the historical impact..."

Lin Luo frowned.

He knew that it must be because something happened to Chen Haotian.

He jumped up directly, and said to Lin Xi who was still on the bed: "Xiao Xi, I'll go buy some food by myself later."

"Okay." Lin Xi opened his eyes in a daze, glanced at Lin Luo, and went back to sleep.

Lin Luo ran out directly to Haotian Room...

The system's words were hinting at him.

If so, this one thing is negative.

Then, Lin Luo no longer has room to operate.

However, Lin Luo is not a person who likes to wait for death....

If Chen Haotian really did something that deviated from history, then Lin Luo only needs to correct him.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo sped up a little.

The moment he entered the Haotian Room, he really saw cheering staff.

Lin Luo approached the central research institute, and Chen Haotian was almost frantically looking at the human gene map in front of him...

Lin Luo has seen it before, and it is basically exactly the same as what he made.

This is truly a historic moment...

This means that Blue Star is about to reach a peak.


Lin Luo took a look, and there was another one there.

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