Chen Haotian has completely changed.

At least, he's changed his mind.

What's more, sometimes Ding Jun can't see through what he wants to do.

He cooperated surprisingly with the above request, not only handed over the information, but also promised to continue to study genes and obey orders.

When Ding Jun told Lin Luo the news, the latter said, "Did he often go to Ye Su's place these days?"

"How do you know?" Ding Jun thought for a while and said, "It's normal where he buys equipment."

After finishing speaking, he was stunned again, and said, "The second phase of genetic engineering has not yet been approved, what new equipment is he going to buy?"

Lin Luo smiled and said, "Next, he should come to us."

Ding Jun didn't quite believe it, but after two days, he saw Chen Haotian coming.

This time, he came to find someone.

He wants to secretly find a group of students who are good at biological genes.

"You want to set up another base?" Ding Jun understood.

Chen Haotian nodded. He didn't mean to hide anything from Ding Jun and Lin Luo. He said slowly, "I have ordered them to start digging underground, and Ye Su agreed."

"Where?" Lin Luo asked.

Chen Haotian casually drew a circle on the map.

Lin Luo was dumbfounded when he saw it.

Isn't the place he plans to be in Shennongjia?

"Is there a problem?" Chen Haotian asked.

"No." Lin Luo shook his head.

He finally understood everything...

Today, the city they are in is Xiacheng.

This city is very close to the sea, no matter how you look at it, it cannot be the location of Shennongjia.

Lin Luo thought, maybe the base was moved there in the future.

Looking at it now, this is not the case.


It was obvious what Chen Haotian and Ye Su were going to do next.

All the curtains of history are clearly written at this moment...

The two kings joined hands and finally stood on the same path.


By selling the genetic map, this piece of land has indeed obtained a short-term peace.

However, peace is temporary.

At the same time, due to the outflow of a large amount of genetic data, the whole world is beginning to study genetic engineering.

This scene was completely different from what Lin Luo thought.


This also laid the brilliance of Blue Star.

Lin Luo has always felt that brilliance does not depend on a few people.

At the beginning, Lin Luo intended to promote the world, but Lin Luo must master the top strength.

However, the gene researched by Lin Luo is too different from other races, which also leads to a problem, that is, the blue star has sequelae.

The advance part of the Heavenly Soldiers is far superior to the Allied Forces.

Therefore, the blue star of the later life cannot reach the madness of the previous life.

And when the whole world began to study genetic engineering, the Haotian Chamber hidden underground was completed.

Lin Luo went to see him and found that Ye Su was really talented.

Today, he has actually begun to use the terrain of mountains and rivers.

That is the so-called Feng Shui.

The entire Haotian room is under the undercurrent.

If there is no correct route, it should be said that judging from the progress of this world, it should be impossible for anyone to enter.

"How is it?" Ye Su looked at Lin Luo proudly.

Lin Luo asked in surprise, "How much did you spend?"

"Hey, I'm not short of money now." Ye Su said.

Lin Luo thought about it.

This is a fact.

Now that this piece of land is suffering from war, how can an arms dealer like Ye Su be short of money?

"It's a pity, these things can only be built by relying on mountains and rivers, it would be great if they could move." Ye Su added with great distress.

Hearing this, Lin Luo subconsciously said: "In fact, many things are not impossible to reproduce."

Ye Su fell into deep thought when he heard this.

And Lin Luo also stared at Ye Su...

God bless.

"Ding! You changed history..."


"That's right!" Ye Su said excitedly: "If these mountains, rivers and seas are made into patterns or something..."

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

And Lin Luo was also excited. Biqu library

"Ding! You got 288 karma points!"

Lin Luo waited for a long time, but found that no causal points were deducted.


Lin Luo was overjoyed.

At this moment, he can not only get rewards of karma points, but also get access to a key piece of information...

About the production process of ancient artifacts.

This is one of the things Lin Luo wants to get.

If it is said that Blue Star of later generations can manufacture a large number of comprehension weapons...

Then, when facing eight ninth-level worlds, the distance can really be shortened a lot.


After being reminded by Lin Luo, Ye Su led the scientific research team to work day and night.

Today, this piece of land is gradually quiet, because the whole world is researching and developing genetic engineering.

In fact, it is quite interesting to judge this period of history from the perspective of Lin Luo.

Because of their mistakes, they gave out the gene map, which kept the peace of this land for a while.

as well as...

Temporary peace in the world.

When there is another turmoil, it must be the time when Haotian Room and Honghuang Palace completely dominate this planet.

Ancient Huaxia can still be at the forefront of the world.

And the development of Blue Star has reached a great height.

Of course, Lin Luo still feels that the idea of ​​handing over the genetic map is wrong...

This is somewhat similar to the negotiations in the late Qing Dynasty.

Lin Luo has been paying attention to the development of Honghuangdian, and he has nothing to hide from Lin Luo because of the intersection of Lin Luo and Ye Su.

The reason is...

Ye Su felt that if Lin Luo wanted to dominate the world, he would definitely be able to do it.

It's just that he didn't understand why Lin Luo didn't do this.

Of course, everyone is not optimistic about genetic engineering, but Lin Luo invested a lot of money in Chen Haotian.

Moreover, today's Lin Luo has not received any power in return.

Soon, Lin Luo understood the creative method of comprehension technology.

That is really the same as what Ye Su said, transferring the terrain of mountains and rivers, that is, the so-called formation, into the machine.

For example, they are currently researching a formation device called Wushanyue.

There are five mountains here, which are divided into five angles to form a five-pointed star...

Wushanyue was successful, and even almost killed a staff member.

After arousing such a powerful force, Ye Su almost opened the door to a new world.

He began to study the stars, the rivers, and the sea.


He began to study the arrangement of the human body.

He wants to make texture maps of everything that can generate power.

At the same time, Lin Luo is also secretly studying.

However, Lin Luo was thinking about a problem.

How to pass these learned things back to modern times.

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