Why does Lin Luo consider this issue?

Not to mention whether Lin Luo can go back.

If you can go back, in case Lin Luo goes back, the war will break out.

Then all the efforts Lin Luo made to come to this world were in vain.

Therefore, Lin Luo had to find a way to send these things back in advance.

It is possible to do it.

Because Lin Luo is in history.

However, there are two things that Lin Luo needs to avoid:

First, history cannot be changed.

Second, it must be delivered safely.

Lin Luo thought for a long time, and finally decided to hide it among the cultural relics.

The blue star of the later generations suffered a looting by the great powers, and many things will be lazy.

"So, we have to choose some useless cultural relics." Lin Luo thought so, and suddenly remembered a person:

Xu Han.

It must be him who is responsible for excavating these in later generations.

"If it's him, there is a good way." Lin Luo thought so, and ordered Ding Jun to buy a lot of calligraphy and paintings.

"Paintings are not important, but what is painted is important." Lin Luo said.

Just as Ding Jun wanted to leave, Lin Luo said again: "No need, just buy some white paper and some inexpensive but well-sealed things back."

Ding Jun was bewildered, but he did it anyway.

In the evening, when Ding Jun handed the materials to Lin Luo, the latter was very satisfied.

"Brother, can you still paint?" Lin Xi was very surprised.

At her age, she is just the age to learn, and she is also very interested in painting and so on.

Lin Luo smiled and started to draw, saying, "Xiaoxi, do you like bears?"

"Bear?" Lin Xi was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "Bears are fierce, wow wow wow, I'm scared, I like puppies."

Lin Luo suddenly recalled Dabai's figure in his mind...

You know, that's not bad.

Oh no, don't be mean to acquaintances.

Lin Luo thought, if Lin Xi was in modern times, he would definitely be able to ride on the big white head every day.

After all, this bear is extremely fond of children like children.

Of course, for Lin Luo, he is not so good-tempered.

Lin Luo thought about it, and then drew according to Dabai's portrait.

But looking at it, Lin Xi laughed and said, "big brother, where is the bear in your drawing?"

Lin Luo picked it up, looked at it anyway, and then asked Ding Jun, "Isn't it like it?"

"The truth is still

lie? "Ding Jun asked cautiously.

After all, Lin Luo is the boss.

"Looking for a fight?" Lin Luo said angrily.

Ding Jun laughed, and said, "You really don't look like a bear, your drawing skills... are really not that good."

Lin Luo frowned when he heard this.

Lin Xi said, "big brother, how about I help you draw?"

"What do you know about movies, girl?" Lin Luo said.

"Big brother, I'm the study committee member of our painting class." Lin Xi said proudly.

"Um..." Lin Luo handed her the pen.

Lin Xi held the pen in a dignified manner, and said, "Brother, what does that bear look like?"

"Hmm..." Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "Stupid, with a big belly..."


After a long time, a painting was finally finished.

Lin Luo picked it up and looked at it, and was stunned.

But Ding Jun said: "Xiaoxi, you draw too much, there is no bear with such a big belly."

"But the big brother said it." Lin Xi frowned.

Lin Luo on the side still didn't speak.

He is in shock.

This tm is not a painting, it is simply a photo, okay?

This painting is exactly the same as Dabai.

If Lin Xi was not from this world, Lin Luo shook his suspicions that Lin Xi had met Dabai.

"Brother." Lin Xi shook some of Lin Luo's thighs and said, "Do you want me to draw it again? This time I will draw the stomach a little smaller."

"No need, its stomach is just that big." Lin Luo laughed.

"Uh, hee hee." Lin Xi smiled triumphantly.

Lin Luo handed the painting to Ding Jun and said, "Take this painting and print it."

"How much to print?"

"Let's get 100,000 copies first." Lin Luo said.

"Eh." Ding Jun turned his head, then froze again, and said, "Huh?"

After confirming that Lin Luo was right, Ding Jun walked outside with a confused face.

He thought that many printing presses in this city were going to smoke tonight.

As for money...

That's not a problem at all.

After about two days, the printing was completed.

Lin Luo makes an unexpected decision...

Send money.

100,000 copies of bear paintings, free of charge.

If you get it, you will directly send 1,000 yuan.

Moreover, Lin Luo also signed a contract with them. If he brings this painting over ten years later, he can directly get 100,000 yuan.

At this, Ding Jun's eyeballs were about to drop.


Lo what are you doing?

It's just sending money naked.

That's not how money works.

You can say that he speculates on calligraphy and painting, but there are more than 100,000 copies of this bear's paintings.

If it is 100,000 copies, it is very worthless.

Secondly, Lin Luo gave money back, just as if he was begging the other party.

"Could it be that this is a new business model?" For a while, Ding Jun actually began to seriously think about this question.

And Dabai's paintings also became popular in ancient China, and even the world.

But, that's it, Ding Jun forgot to tell Lin Luo something not very important....

The owner of the printing factory told Ding Jun.

At the end of copying, the original cannot be found.

However, this kind of printing factory is very formal, and the protection of the original is very well done.

However, this time it disappeared.

This is also the only time in the printing house.


Sanxingdui excavation site

Xu Han sat there and sighed.

Now, it's been another three months and nothing has been found.

The closing ceremony of Sanxingdui is about to begin.

Overall, there is still a gap between the Sanxingdui civilization and the ancient civilization.

The Sanxingdui civilization is all miscellaneous, and high-quality and high-precision things are too rare.

"Today..." Xu Han stood there, ready to start the official announcement. Biqu library

At this time, a staff member ran over, in a hurry.

"Dr. Xu, look at this."

When Xu Han turned his head, he saw the other party holding a painting.

Sure enough, Xu Han became interested.

He picked up the painting, first touched it, and then felt a little disappointed.

Until, he saw the portrait.

Then, he immediately became energetic, ran to the rear, and said while running: "Keep digging, don't stop."


ha woo~~

At this moment, Dabai was lying on the ground, sneezed loudly, and glanced at Lin Luo's body behind him.

It frowned.

Obviously, as a bear, how could it be frozen?

It was wondering, suddenly a person rushed out of the door at this time...

Dabai flew directly to the door.

It's Xu Han.

Dabai stopped Xu Han directly.

But when Xu Han came here, he held a piece of paper and kept looking at Dabai...

This made the fat bear very angry...

this human..

It's too rude.

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