A few minutes later, the battle was on the verge of breaking out.

The huge advantage in numbers caused the Western Continent to look down on people as soon as they came up.

Until, they saw the difference in this group of people.

These people are all powerful, and their strength is much stronger than what they don't know.

Although, they are in the unified gene lock stage.

This involves a fundamental issue. After all, Gu Huaxia's genes were created step by step by Chen Haotian.

And the genes of the West are somewhat similar to the ones applied mechanically. Biqu library

The gap that exists in the human body is difficult to change.

The real reason is...

The gene locks injected by humans in ancient China were mainly based on laying the foundation.

In the second stage, it began to explode.

Western genetic researchers, on the other hand, thought that they had discovered a new continent, and changed the composition of the genetic reagents at a certain stage, allowing them to erupt in advance.

Lin Luo stands tall among the mountains.

When the war broke out below, he actually felt a pulling force.

This pulling force meant that the time he could stay here was running out.

Lin Luo looked at his hands, and then at the bottom...

Got a lot to come here though.

The origin of ancient gene research, information related to Honghuangdian.

However, a clear mind told Lin Luo that these were not enough.

"In the end, I still have to win a game..." Lin Luo looked at the sky, and his mood became complicated: "Even if it is to die!"


On the battlefield, there were shouts and corpses everywhere.

There are a lot of people in the Western Continent, and those heads are densely packed like locusts.

As for the Eastern Continent, although there are only 100,000 elites.

However, they have the weapons of Honghuangdian.

At the eighth hour of the battle, Yuwen Taiyi finally made a move on the frontal battlefield. He twisted the Eastern Emperor Bell and walked away.

"What's that?" A general in the west looked up at the Eastern Emperor Bell spiraling in the sky.

This golden clock seems harmless to humans and animals, but it gives people a very bad feeling.

Immediately, a group of people flew towards Yuwen Taiyi.

Unexpectedly, Yu Wentai stepped on the sky, looked down, his voice was loud and powerful...

It resounded throughout the entire battlefield, and resounded throughout the eastern land.

"Western white worms dare to invade our eastern land!"

Now he is like a demon,

With a loud shout, watching the white soldiers approaching densely, they finally activated the Eastern Emperor Bell...

All I could see was that the Eastern Emperor Bell was getting bigger and bigger, and the spiral light emitted golden runes. Biqu library

This is the first battle of Donghuang Bell!

The first battle born!

Those people didn't care about this light at first, until those lights swallowed their flesh, genes...

At this time, they realized that something was wrong.

However, it was too late.

All I could see was that the light exploded above the square...

This power is not comparable to any nuclear bomb.

However, that huge mushroom cloud energy storm is sweeping across the entire battlefield like a never-ending god of death.

Those who fell yelled frantically, and finally disappeared into this piece of heaven and earth.


"Ha ha ha ha..."

At this moment, Ye Su was smiling like a lunatic.

Such a frenzied scene, coming from such a rational person, is really rare.

At this moment, Lin Luo appeared from behind him, Ye Su subconsciously turned around, glanced at Lin Luo, and said, "Look..."


He raised his glasses and said to Lin Luo: "Your energy is very unstable."

Lin Luo paused.

"Don't mind." Ye Su said: "Although I don't know why you don't want to say it, I didn't check what you mean. It's the data that this pair of glasses told me."

Combat glasses?

Lin Luo couldn't help but smile.

He neither admitted nor denied it.

Because at this time, extra-holiday skills are not good.

Lin Luo's energy is indeed unstable.

Because, he needs to use the power of genes, and even the light of the soul to resist the pull of the Gods List.

This is also where Lin Luo feels the magic weapon.

This invisible power can actually resist the pulling power from the Conferred God List.

Lin Luo came here not to congratulate Ye Su, but to tentatively ask about the list of gods.

"It's really powerful." Lin Luo looked at the screen and said, "I didn't expect that the peak of technology can really create miracles."

Hearing this, Ye Su was still very happy. He thought for a while and said, "Although I don't have a specific plan yet, I don't think this is the end."

"As you said, it is impossible for the Hongmeng system to be completely put into the God

In the device, because its structure is too complicated. "Lin Luo said.

"That's now, who knows the future." Ye Su said.

Lin Luo was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Could it be that the existence of the Conferred God List is the entire Hongmeng system?

However, the power of the Hongmeng system is certain, and it should not be able to reverse the cause and effect.

Lin Luo didn't dare to ask him this question directly, and continued to ask: "You said, is it possible to achieve wishes by relying on the power of energy in the future?"

"Have you thought about it too?" Ye Su seemed very interested, and said, "I once thought about this conjecture..."

"...We can describe this world with dislocation of time and space. For example, if I hadn't done this job, then there might not be this war. Then the timeline is...the western land continues to enslave the east. "

Ye Su came slowly.

Lin Luo nodded.

"However, I did, and then two time-spaces were created..."

"First, I did it."

"Second, I didn't do it."

When Ye Su said this, Lin Luo interrupted: "It's nothing special."

"No." Ye Su said with a smile: "I mean, will these two intersecting nodes generate energy?"

Lin Luo was astonished.

What theory is this?

"That's what I guessed from the bulge of the western peaks."

"Of course, it shouldn't be possible. It's hard for us to capture the energy of matter, let alone the power left by time." Ye Su laughed at himself.

However, his words were very shocking to Lin Luo's ears.


Lin Luo left here. Apart from the dense bodyguards around this house, there is also Ding Jun.

Ding Jun was cooking at the moment, looked at the time, and said, "Xiaoxi, it's time to eat."

"Okay." Lin Xi turned around and answered.

Turning back, continue to look out the window.

It was raining heavily outside the window at this moment, the sky was terribly dark, and lightning was everywhere...

And, the flames soaring into the sky in the distance.

However, Lin Xi was not afraid at all, and just stared blankly.

After a long time, Ding Jun urged again, and Lin Xi came back to his senses, looked at the portrait of a big white bear with a big belly in his hand, and said, "Little bear, big brother is leaving, right?"

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