The rain on the sky became heavier.

The rain here is almost black. The rain washes over the ground, and also washes away the blood flowing on the battlefield.

The entire eastern land is immersed in the shadow of war.

Lin Luo understood that if this war continued, both sides would suffer.

Although the overall strength of the Eastern Continent has been improved, there are too many people in the Western Continent.

Of course, Dongfang Continent's tactics have been done perfectly, that is, they don't take you seriously.

In the long run, the Eastern Continent will only become stronger and stronger, because there are still many Eastern faces on this land.

This is the land of the Orientals.

Lin Luo doesn't intend to let that happen, though.


Lin Luo pushed open the door and saw Ding Jun watching the news.

It was reported in the news that the Western Continent had achieved a huge victory.

This is natural as the current Western continent holds ownership of the media.

"What's the real situation?" Ding Jun asked.

"In a short period of time, the West will be intimidated by the defeat of this war, but not for long." Lin Luo said: "The Western mainland should adopt the method of overwhelming troops, while the Eastern side will rely on The deep ditch of the Hongmeng system is used as a circle."

"It would be great if there were more people, but 100,000 is still a little less." Ding Jun said.

Lin Luo didn't speak.

Because on the screen, you can see scenes of oriental bloodshed everywhere.

These people from the western continent are also unscrupulous for marketing, just to create a picture of panic.

But no matter what, the blood shed and the dead people are real.

At this moment, Lin Xi came out of the room and said, "Big brother is back?"

Lin Luo turned around, turned off the screen, forced a smile, then took out something from behind, handed it to Lin Xi, and said, "Look what this is?"

Lin Xi walked over to take a look, and was immediately happy.

This is a paintbrush.

This brush is very expensive.

Although it is not a lot of money for Lin Luo, there are only three copies in the world.

Lin Luo bought it back at a huge price.

"Thank you big brother." Lin Xi said sweetly.

Lin Luo touched her head and said: "Today is your birthday, big brother has not forgotten

. "

Lin Xi unwrapped the paintbrush and said, "big brother, I want dessert."

"Okay, I'll get the big brother for you." Lin Luo said as he walked towards the kitchen, and Ding Jun who was next to him followed him, hesitating to speak several times.

In fact, what he wanted to tell Lin Luo was that Lin Xi's mood was very wrong today.


Lin Luo seemed to be preoccupied.

When he came to the kitchen, Lin Luo suddenly said, "Ding Jun, do you remember what you promised me?"

Hearing this, Ding Jun looked outside subconsciously, and said nervously: "Boss Lin, you..."

"I can't tell you where I'm from, but..." Lin Luo said, "I'm worried about what will happen to Lin Xi after I leave."

Ding Jun stood up straight, and said: "President Lin, don't worry, I still say the same thing, as long as I'm here, then Lin Xi will be fine."

Lin Luo nodded, and when he started making desserts, he said, "What do you think of the future of this world?"

"Although I'm good at making more money, I believe in your vision." Ding Jun looked at Lin Luo and said, "You have invested so much in Haotian Room and Honghuang Palace, which means that the future must belong to them. "

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "If you can, try to stay away from them."

Ding Jun paused.

As the saying goes, you can enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree. Why would Lin Luo say that?

However, Lin Luo's words still made Ding Jun subconsciously nod in agreement.

After all, Lin Luo said so, there must be a reason.

"Boss Lin..." Ding Jun thought for a long time, and finally raised his head and asked, "Should we tell her?"

Lin Luo was silent.

Lin Xi had already lost Lin Luo once.

This has already caused a trauma to her heart.

If Lin Luo disappeared again, Lin Luo was worried that she would not be able to bear it.


Or not?

For a while, Lin Luo also had a hard time making a choice.


An hour later, a huge cake and many desserts were placed in front of Lin Xi.

Lin Luo used to be a dark cook, but under the influence of Li Donglai and Xia Qian these years, he has grown rapidly.

"Make a wish." Lin Luo said.

Lin Xi closed his eyes and began to make a wish.

Then she opened her eyes and began to wish.

Lin Luo asked with a smile: "What wish did you make?"

? "

"Can you not say it?" Lin Xi said.

Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and said, "If you don't say it, you don't say it, my sister has grown up, and even the big brother will have to hide it."

Lin Xi smiled and blew out the candle.

Lin Luo then cut a piece of cake and handed it to Lin Xi.

Three people, each with a piece, ate.

Suddenly, there was a shocking thunder in the sky, and then the flames could be seen in the distance.

Ding Jun subconsciously glanced at the communication equipment.

The above shows that the Western Army has formed a huge encirclement network against the Eastern Army.

The time to attack is now!

"Boss Lin..." Ding Jun was about to tell Lin Luo, but Lin Luo just waved his hand to signal him not to say anything.

Ding Jun could only give up.

The three of them ate the cake quietly, at this time Lin Luo said: "It's late, I'm going to bed after finishing my homework."

"En." Lin Xi walked obediently to the room after finishing speaking.

Seeing her close the door, Lin Luo got up.

"Boss Lin..."

"I should go." Lin Luo said.

"Okay." Ding Jun paused, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

Is it Lin Luo's limit to spend this birthday with Lin Xi?

"Nice to meet you, Ding Jun." Lin Luo held out his hand.

"Me too." Ding Jun stretched out his hand and said, "It's you who made me realize what a higher level in this world looks like."

Although Ding Jun's words were somewhat vague, they were real words.

Lin Luo's many practices made Ding Jun feel that life can still reach such a height.

Lin Luo walked into the room, looked at Lin Xi who was obediently doing his homework, and finally turned around and left towards the door.


After going out, Lin Luo put on black clothes and covered his whole body.

The sky is black.

Rain is also black.

Lin Luo wearing this suit seemed to be completely integrated into the night.

Lin Luo flew straight to the west.

In this line, he will do a crazy thing.

should say...

It's a bet.

Lin Luo needs a big gamble to draw a perfect ending to this line.

Not for myself.

But for the future Blue Star.

"If the gods really have spirits, bless me!" Lin Luo said, and the speed suddenly increased to the fastest.

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