at night

On the earth, there is killing.

"Give me a little more time." Yuwen Taiyi paled.

In the past few days, he has used the Donghuang Bell intensively, which has caused him to be very overdrawn.

Everyone was a little downcast.

This time the great encirclement and suppression by the West is indeed formidable.

At present, although there are only 100,000 of them, they have been completely disrupted.

Now, Yuwen Taiyi and his army were forced into a huge valley.

Although it is hidden here, it will be discovered sooner or later.

According to the instructions given to them by the headquarters, they must retreat towards the southeast within two days. At this moment, the army in the southeast has already prepared for them to respond by relying on the terrain and terrain.

However, it is not so simple to break out of the encirclement of at least half a million people.

While everyone was talking, a soldier came back in a hurry and said in a panic, "We may have been discovered."

Hearing this, everyone's expression suddenly changed again.

If found, it means...,

Suddenly, there was a change outside, and Yuwen Taiyi woke up suddenly, saying: "Hurry up, evacuate!"

However, by the time Yuwen Taiyi and the others rushed out, it was already too late.

All the densely packed people around here have already formed a circle of encirclement around them.


"I see how you will go this time?" A big man headed by Xixi looked at Yuwen Taiyi with a smile.

The reason why he spared no effort to hunt down Yuwen Taiyi this time is because of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Hand over the things, and you will not die." The big man looked at Yuwen Taiyi greedily.

The Great Desolate Palace was completely on fire.

Genetic warriors completely overturned ordinary warfare.

Then, the weapon developed by Honghuangdian subverted the genetic warfare.

This is a very terrifying thing, a small gadget can actually create such a powerful explosion.

Today, the headquarters of Honghuangdian and Haotianshi have become the places most wanted by the western army.

Because they are all beginning to understand.

these two

This thing is too scary.

If you continue to leave it alone, the future Eastern Land will inevitably reverse the current situation of Blue Star.

Yuwen Taiyi smiled and said: "Believe it or not, I can die, but I can also kill you."

The big man was shocked when he heard about it, but Yuwen Taiyi was really ruthless, so he directly activated the Donghuang Bell, and continued to overdraw power into it...

When a steady stream of power was instilled in again, the white army suddenly panicked.

Because too many people died under this thing.

However, the power of overdraft is too limited.

It only saw the Donghuang Bell spin a few times, and then stopped immediately.

"He has no strength, he has no strength." The white general who was fleeing frantically saw this scene, overjoyed, and said: "Everyone, attack with all your strength..."

Seeing this scene, Yuwen was too anxious, and directly injected a huge force.

However, what is waiting for him is not the spinning Donghuang Bell, but...

A mouthful of black blood.

Yuwen Taiyi knew that he couldn't hold on anymore, at this time a steady stream of soldiers were coming.

"Are you going to die?" Yuwen Taiyi was very desperate.


"Report!" Chen Haotian and Ye Su were planning the next step when they suddenly saw someone walking in and handing over a military report.

Ye Su took a look, his expression changed in shock, and he said, "Hurry up, send everyone over there."

"But..." the soldier was puzzled.

Ye Su said, "The divine clock is our strongest offensive weapon. If it falls into the opponent's hands, the consequences will be disastrous."

Chen Haotian said, "But in this case, our deployment will have to be re-planned."

"I still underestimated them." Ye Su said.

"It's over now, so it's probably too late." The soldier said, "Because...the information was delayed for nearly 30 minutes."

"That is to say..."

"Now they're surrounded, or..."

Hearing this, both Ye Su and Chen Haotian bit their lips.

Ye Su set the Donghuang Bell

The rule is that only Eastern blood can be used.

However, this rule can be modified.


The gene locks of Westerners originally originated from the Haotian Room, and the origin is the same.

If they lost the Eastern Emperor Bell and Yuwen Taiyi, the main force, the consequences would be disastrous.

After a little silence, it was Ye Su who spoke first, and said decisively, "Let's evacuate first."

Hearing this, the entire hall was silent.

Today's evacuation means that this counterattack has completely failed.


Yuwen Taiyi is not so easy to admit defeat.

He struggled to get up, but he was held firmly.

People in the Western Army are not fools. If you get the Donghuang Bell but don't get the password to unlock it, then it's useless to take it back.

In addition, Yuwen Taiyi has extremely high research value.

Therefore, Yuwen Taiyi cannot die.

Yuwen Taiyi looked at the fallen brothers one after another, his eyes turned red instantly.

He yelled loudly, trying to resist...

"How does this thing work?" The white general stepped on Yuwen Taiyi's back and asked forcefully.

Yuwen Taiyi felt the burning pain in his back, coupled with the stimulation on the battlefield, his pupils suddenly turned black at this moment...

But, soon, a familiar voice brought him back to reality.

"I teach you?"

The voice rises.

Yu Wentai turned around.

All turn around.

All they saw was a man in black.

It is naturally impossible for the western army to know, but Yuwen Taiyi is unbelievable...

It is impossible for him not to hear this voice.

and also...

his breath.

The person who came was Lin Luo.

At this moment, he was walking in the air, and with a wave of his hand, the Donghuang Bell in the white general's hand flew directly to Lin Luo's hand.

The white general was shocked.

What kind of power is this?

He suddenly realized something and said, "Kill him first."

Everyone rushed over quickly.

And Lin Luo looked at Yuwen Taiyi, with the Donghuang Bell on his palm, and said, "Look, this is the art of the Donghuang Bell!"

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