The more contact you have, the more you know the horror of the Hongmeng system.

Obviously, now Ye Su and the others don't know what the light of the soul is.

However, the light of the soul is the best energy system to release the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Therefore, Yuwen Taiyi's eyes lit up when he saw the different lights of the Donghuang Bell.

At the same time, a large number of golden runes rotated beside the Donghuang Bell.

At this time, those Westerners began to panic.

What is this black-clothed man who came out, and why is the Donghuang Bell more powerful in his hands than in Yuwen Taiyi's?

When the light of the soul is at its maximum, the entire battlefield can feel the breath of destruction.

Lin Luo looked at the Western army in the distance, and raised the Eastern Emperor Bell in his hand...


"Report! A powerful aura appeared in the center of the battlefield." A scientific researcher walked in quickly and said to Chen Haotian and the others.

"Yuwen Taiyi's battlefield?" Ye Su asked quickly, took a look at the report, and paused.

"Isn't this the energy structure of the Hongmeng system?"

Ye Su just glanced at it and knew clearly that this was the energy structure diagram of the primordial system.

However, he did not expect such a large energy fluctuation.

"Could it be that Yuwen Taiyi broke through again?"


"Could it be the West..."

Ye Su woke up suddenly, and his face turned pale in an instant.

If people in the West have mastered the method of using the Eastern Emperor Bell, then things will be irreversible.

When Ye Su was about to give the order to retreat with all his strength, a picture suddenly came over.

They saw a man in black...


Ye Su and Chen Haotian looked at each other.

They were all people with extremely high IQs, and they recognized who this figure belonged to almost at first glance.

Lin Luo.

They are all too familiar.

Because they had investigated Lin Luo's background.

However, there has been nothing strange about Lin Luo these years.

However, both Ye Su and Chen Haotian knew that after Lin Luo jumped off the building, he suddenly changed...

Whether it's strength, IQ or something else.

The two stared at the Donghuang Bell released by Lin Luo.... Pen Fun Library

In the next second, the Eastern Emperor Bell swept away, drawing a huge long mark on the ground...


Countless Western soldiers were involved.


Hyundai, Lin Luo Office

This is Lin Luo's exclusive area. Not only Dabai is guarding it, but also countless heavenly soldiers are guarding it.

All these years, everything is normal.

Until seven days ago, there was a sudden change.

That day was originally sunny and sunny, but suddenly the painting style changed.

It was dark and there was constant thunder.

The darkness this time was different from ordinary darkness. Ordinary black was the color of rain.

However, this kind of black is too pure, giving people a hairy feeling.

For the past seven days, Dabai has been wandering around Lin Luo from time to time, obviously very nervous.

As for the others, no one can come close to here.

Including Chen An.

Before stepping into the compound, he was driven away by Dabai.

However, Chen An and the others also relied on Dabai's actions to confirm one thing, that is, Lin Luo should have changed.

Generally, there are two options in this situation:

First, Lin Luo returned safely.

Second, there was an accident.

Chen An can't accept the second kind, but....

This time it was the Conferred God List.

The information that Lin Luo sent back from ancient times did not involve any weapon of causality at all.

On the seventh day, the blackened sky was about to split open, which made Chen An and the others extremely worried.



When the huge waves and storms swept away, the entire front of the battlefield was wiped out.

Accompanied by the disappearance, there are one mountain after another.

The ancient Huaxia soldiers and Yuwen Taiyi behind them were all stunned when they saw this scene.

Is this the power of the Eastern Emperor Bell?

Can Donghuang Bell achieve this kind of power?

They were very unbelievable, and Yuwen Taiyi was even more shocked at this moment.

He always felt that he was the one who knew Donghuang Bell the most.

Lin Luo was expressionless when he saw this scene.

It's impossible for these people to block a blow with all their strength...

And just as Lin Luo issued this blow, the pulling force became stronger.

Is this space exile?

Lin Luo narrowed his eyes, and just about to make a move, he suddenly felt energy pouring down, as if he wanted to completely disintegrate himself.

Lin Luo raised his hand and directly mobilized all the power on his body.



When a person is strong enough, he can prevent space exile.

So, can such a person make a wish on the list of gods at any time?

There are too many puzzles in Lin Luo's heart.

Because he came here in the pre-prehistoric era, it is already very good to be able to know the origin of the artifact. As for the weapon of causality, it must have no horoscope.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo couldn't help but really doubt the authenticity of the list of gods...

"Have you reached the limit?" Lin Luo shouted directly when he was about to lose his hold:

"Use all karma points, stop exile!"

At the same time, Lin Luo's eyes became crazy.

This time he is gambling.

The bet is...

Fourth level advanced.

He once created a chance for Zhang San to die, allowing him to break through to the next level.

And the breath of death is not so easy to judge. A person must show enough fear when facing death to stimulate the hidden energy in his heart.

Lin Luo just wants to exploit bugs.

He wanted to use space exile to give himself a fatal blow, struggling on the verge of life and death...

After all, he has a huge sum of money in his hands.

"Insufficient Karma Points..." The system's voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Luo was taken aback...


Lin Luo turned his head quickly, and said: "Procrastinate space and exile time..."

"Injecting causal points..."

The moment the system sound sounded, Lin Luo felt that the power of space exile was much reduced.

Lin Luo did not let down his vigilance, but seized this opportunity on the verge of death...


All the Western armies are fleeing, because this place is too terrifying. Biqu library

The power of space exile and the remaining power of the Eastern Emperor Bell caused some people to be directly affected and shattered in an instant.

"Who is he?" Yu Wentai took a deep breath, still unbelievable.

Is this the height that humans can reach?

His eyes also became crazy again.

"General Yuwen..." A soldier shouted from behind.

Yu Wentai turned his head, looked at the shouts of the soldiers, and nodded.

They have to get out of here too...

Because their intuition told them that no one would be able to approach here next.

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