On the battlefield, there shouldn't be such a hypocritical picture.

On the battlefield, all means should be used.

What Yang Jun did was hypocritical.

However, it depends on the environment.

Lin Luo's departure and his behavior gave them a huge stimulus.

This stimulus is like a mountain, pressing down on their bodies and heads.

They have to vent.

With the blood of the enemy.

With the victory of the war.

The emperor was overjoyed when he saw Yang Jun's behavior like this. He waved the spear of victory and stabbed him.

However, Yang Jun did not hide or dodge...

The spear of victory pierced Yang Jun's body.

Then the emperor paused, and when he wanted to pull out the spear of victory in an instant, he felt unable to move.

When he opened his pupils, he saw Yang Jun grasping the spear of victory with one hand and the angel wings behind him with the other.

"How dare a bird man shit on my head?" Yang Jun yelled, tearing off the opponent's wings.

The emperor cried out in pain, and blood was streaming from his back at this moment.

The slack at this moment gave Yang Jun a greater counterattack.

He vacated everything, and in turn held the spear of victory, pointing it straight at the opponent's head....



The dragon roars, and the yin and yang supernatural powers.

Candle Dragon.

It is a god between heaven and earth.

How Lin Yue was born, only Lin Luo knows.

However, Lin Yue never asked.

She only remembers that from the time she could remember, she had a group of big brothers who loved her dearly, Uncle Uncle...

Lanxing is her Lin Yue's home.

And Lin Luo is her biggest reliance.

Even Lin Yue never thought that her invincible big brother would fail and leave this world. Biqu library

At this moment, Longyan was furious for her.

Slov on the opposite side was a little uncomfortable.

Lin Yue's strength seems to have also undergone a qualitative change in this death...

More importantly, his mental power didn't seem to have any effect on Lin Yue.

"Die, chop suey!"

Lin Yue turned into a human body, her eyes still kept the pupils of a dragon...

One black and one white.

There was a flash of light in the eyeballs, and then a mighty energy poured out, instantly surrounding Slov.

Naturally, Slov resisted immediately.

However, when the supernatural powers completely surrounded him, he realized that things were not that simple...

"This... this is the magic power of the candle dragon.

True meaning? "Slov's pupils shook.

He stared straight ahead.

Because, he saw hell.

He knew it was an illusion.

However, he was locked in directly.

Locked in the prison of hell.

The strongest form of candle dragon supernatural power:

Hell funeral!

After doing all this, Lin Yue fell limply to the ground.

At this time, Xia Qian came over and helped her up.

Seeing that it was Xia Qian, Lin Yue lay on her chest and cried, "Sister Xia Qian, brother Lin Luo is not dead, right?"

Xia Qian didn't answer.

In her heart...

Lin Luo is omnipotent.

is invincible.

He can even do crazy things that no one can imagine.

However, the facts are right in front of us.

If Lin Luo is still alive, it is impossible for him not to participate in this war.

If he didn't show up, that means...

Lin Luo, has disappeared at this time.

Lin Yue cried even more sadly. Xia Qian felt the change in her mood, and remained silent, staring blankly at the final battlefield ahead.


There are Zhang San and Don.


How strong are Xuanyuan Sword and Pangu Axe?

But the confrontation between the two artifacts caused a large part of Mars to be dented as a whole.

However, the outcome of the two is still undecided.

"I have to admit that your Blue Star is really powerful. A civilization that has been wiped out can grow to such an extent." Dawn panted heavily, holding a Pangu axe.

Zhang San's consumption is no less than his.

As I said before, Zhang San is not a fighting type.

Moreover, Zhang San's fighting style is not like this.

However, Zhang San still chose to shake hard.

It's not that Zhang San's brain is convulsed.

But Zhang San wanted to use this method to tell Lin Luo...

They can win!

because of him...

They can win! ! !

"No, our Blue Star is not strong." Zhang San looked at Donne and said, "The only one who is strong is our General Manager Lin."

Hearing this, Donne paused.

"It must be hard for you to imagine that neither I nor he was actually a fighter in the beginning. He was a student and was ordered in a crisis..."

"I, a lawyer who is afraid of death."

"On this battlefield, there are many, many people, many of whom are just like us, just ordinary people on Blue Star."

"However, because

For war, because of you endless aliens, we are all on the battlefield. "

"In the past, many people would say that when the sky fell, the tall ones would hold it up."

"Later, a lot of people wanted to be this tall guy."

"Yes, who is not afraid of death?"

"However, it is because of Lin Luo, because of him, that he gave us hope and let us see...survival."

Zhang San's eyes turned red as he spoke.

Holding the Xuanyuan Sword, he looked at Dawn and said, "Come on, end this."

Donne looked at Xuanyuanjian and said with a smile: "Although I don't want to say it, it seems that you don't have much control over Xuanyuanjian."

"Killing you is enough."

Zhang San held Xuanyuan Sword in both hands.

Donne sneered and jumped into the air.

At the same time, a fierce prehistoric aura emanated from the Pangu axe.

When the prehistoric aura reached its maximum, the entire star field was covered by this huge energy...

space warp.

In many places on Mars, lava erupted!

"Pangu's Ninth Form, open up the world!"

Donne shouted, and when he waved his hand, he actually reproduced the last move of Pangu that year.

Zhang San felt Pangu's sharp aura, so he didn't panic, he looked at Xuanyuanjian, at the starry sky...

He didn't panic at all.

Because, he doesn't say that a person is fighting.

"I will win!" Zhang San shouted, and finally swung his long sword.



Yang Jun pulled Xia Qian and the others up and flew directly outside.

They turned their heads and saw that half of Mars was sunken in, and they all swallowed their saliva.

If it wasn't for Zhang San, no one would be able to compete against Don.

It is not without reason that Dawn can become the head of the emperor.

Seeing that the two people and the entire battlefield were covered by the breath of energy, Xia Qian was extremely worried.

"Zhang San, he..." Xia Qian couldn't feel Zhang San's breath anymore.

Yang Jun also frowned, he just said: "Be ready at any time."

Xia Qian nodded.

And at this moment, from the energy circle, a figure soared into the sky.

Everyone was stunned, and then ecstatically.

All I saw was that the figure was so familiar, he flew straight towards them, and said in an extremely cold tone: "Send the order, and don't let go of any alien army that has set foot in the solar system!"

"I want them all to die here!"

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