The shadow of war still persists.

This is already the second week after entering the war.

The news of the emperor's defeat has spread like wildfire among the cosmic army.

Zhang San's order also came from the Blue Star Army.

A counterattack began.

At the beginning, the cosmic army was fairly united, but after knowing that the general situation was over, they began to think about escaping.

The result of this is that the army was defeated in an instant.

"...Go in this direction." Zhang San pointed to the map and said, "Let the 118th Army come back and rest."

"Yes." Li Donglai nodded, and was about to turn around and leave with others, but Zhang San called to stop him and said, "You can hold on."

Hearing this, Li Donglai was slightly silent.

According to incomplete statistics...

In just two weeks, the total number of cosmic armies that died on the solar system exceeded three billion.

This is a very scary concept.

Today, it is still the peak of the war.

Li Donglai pondered for a while, and said: "Now the soldiers still have a sigh of relief..."

"I'm talking about you." Zhang San said.

Li Donglai looked at Zhang San and exhaled.

In fact, the one with the most pressure should be Zhang San.

With Lin Luo here, he can take care of the overall situation, and many things don't need him at all.

However, in the end, it can be said that Zhang San was ordered in danger.

Lin Luo laid out all the lines for them, but they still walked the way.

"How long do you think it will take?" Li Donglai asked.

Zhang San thought for a while and said, "I want to end the war within a week."

Upon hearing this, Li Donglai nodded, made a military salute, and then left.

Not long after he left, Yang Jun walked in.

Zhang San glanced at Yang Jun and said, "How is the battle going on with you?"

"At present, they have been defeated, and the balance of victory has been set." Yang Jun said.

Hearing this, Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't be so nervous." Yang Jun said.

Zhang San sat down and said: "General Manager Lin has paid so much for us, if something happens to me, I will really be ashamed to see others."

After finishing speaking, Zhang San continued: "You must ensure that no foreign enemies invade along the western route."

"Understood." Yang Jun nodded and said, "We have received many

News about Renner and Borg..."

"What did they say?" Zhang San asked.

"They asked to help us establish and restore the communication system, as well as provide logistical support," Yang Jun said.

Hearing this, Zhang San got up and took two steps, then looked at Yang Jun and said, "Do you think they can believe it?"

"Lin Luo once said that if they want to believe, they can only believe in Mark Carey and Doris." Yang Jun said: "Instead of believing in their galaxy."

Zhang San nodded and said, "Then give orders to let Ye Yi's research institute contact them."

"Ye Yi..." Yang Jun couldn't continue speaking halfway through.

Zhang Sanyi didn't understand at first, but he understood in an instant.

Although Ye Yi has grown a lot mentally over the years, Lin Luo's departure is something he cannot accept.

"Is Wu Shan still working?" Zhang San asked.

"I'll inform him." Yang Jun nodded, got up and left.

After Yang Jun left, Zhang San glanced at the map again, then gently rubbed his temples, and said, "There should be nothing left to forget."


Mark Carey and Doris were still in shock when they saw Wu Shan bring someone to connect with them.

Blue Star is really going to win.

"You two, long time no see." Wu Shan stretched out his hand.

"Long time no see." The two hurriedly returned the salute.

In the past, maybe they would only be polite when they met Lin Luo.

But it's different now.

Blue Star is about to become the overlord of the universe again.

At this time, as long as the Blue Star has a certain status and strength, it will be a very terrifying existence in the universe.

Wu Shan motioned for them to sit down.

At this time, Mark Carey looked at the table, slightly astonished, and then a little excited.

Because, this is a table for three.

That said, it will be a negotiation as well as a meeting.

"Did Commander Lin have any instructions? But it doesn't matter." Mark Carey said.

When Wu Shan heard the words of General Manager Lin, Wu Shan's eyes dimmed a little, and then he took out a document, handed it to them, and said, "This is what Coach Zhang San asked me to give to you."

Looking at Wu Shan's expression, and hearing his words...

Mark Carey and Doris are smart people,

The horse understood.

Lin Luo...

Sure enough, something went wrong.

Mark Carey's mood suddenly became extremely uncomfortable.

Leaving aside the transactions between galaxies, Lin Luo is a person that Mark Carey respects very much.

The reason why he took the risk to convey information to Blue Star back then was because he was very optimistic about Lin Luo.

Now, such bad news came unexpectedly.

Mark Carey didn't say sorry, because he knew that Wu Shan definitely didn't want to hear the word General Manager Lin.

He glanced down at the document, only to see it read:

"The plan to establish the overlord galaxy of the Blue Star universe."


Sitting opposite is Chen An and the old man.

"What is the overlord of the universe?" Zhang San said slowly, and said: "I still advocate what General Manager Lin left before. I will not offend anyone, and no one will offend me."

The old man didn't speak, but Chen An nodded.

"Of course, we can't suppress low-level galaxies." Zhang San said: "The so-called overlord means to protect the peace of Blue Star."

Hearing this, the old man spoke slowly and said, "How do you think the peace of Blue Star should be maintained?"

"It's very simple." Zhang San said: "Kill the chicken to scare the monkey."

"As long as it is a galaxy participating in this battle, it must be liquidated."

Chen An said at this time: "Now the soldiers are exhausted after experiencing the war. If there is another long march..."

"Momentary pain can be exchanged for longer-term peace." Zhang San said, looking at Chen An intently.

Chen An and the old man also looked at each other when they heard this.

Zhang San got up, saluted and said, "I'm just making a judgment based on my thinking, and the final result is still up to you to decide."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the old man stood up, put down his hand, and said, "You are chosen by Lin Luo, we don't pursue blind worship..."

"However, I trust Lin Luo."

Zhang San put down his hand and nodded expressionlessly.

The three of them sat down and took a silent sip from their full teacups...

Their thinking at the moment is that if Lin Luo is still alive, it is time to start thinking of ways to grab resources.

Right now he...

Should be very excited.

Unfortunately, they will never be seen again.

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