eastern continental east

At this moment, a gray-skinned human race stood there, looking up at the sky, frowning from time to time.

His name is A Dingshan, and he is the captain of the Nanzhou team.

He kept this posture for a long time, which made the seven small players in the back not quite understand.

"Captain, what are you worried about?" A white man next to him asked: "We got the map, just go directly to find the treasure, we won half the battle..."

The white man is called An Sheng Tu, and he is the No. 2 fighting force in this team.

A Dingshan exhaled and said, "I would rather face the Xizhou team than the Zhongzhou team."

"Why?" An Sheng Tu asked puzzled.

"The Zhongzhou team has Su Chen, an evolved monster. The Zhongzhou team was already dying, but because of his appearance, it has become the top fighting force in this space..." Adingshan said quickly: "Actually, the most terrifying thing is not This, but the one they call Lin Luo."

"Isn't Lin Luo unable to beat you?" An Sheng Tu said, "He just broke through the fourth-level intermediate level."

"The reference room I got, his intelligence is very terrifying." Adingshan said: "They once faced the Xizhou team in the past, and the Zhongzhou team was the weak side, but relying on Su Chen and Lin Luo, they directly Turning things around, leading the Zhongzhou team to survive."

An Sheng Tu said: "Then there's no need to worry about it, we have an accurate map after all."

"Do you think the Lord God is really so kind?" Adingshan sighed and said, "If I'm right, with Lin Luo's intelligence, we should have already guessed the exact location, and..."

"We have in our hands precise drawings of the treasures of the East."

"Impossible." An Sheng Tu said with a pale face: "Is there really anyone who can guess so accurately?"


"This is their current location." Lin Luo pointed to the map.

If An Sheng. Tu were here, he would definitely exclaim, because the area Lin Luo pointed to was not bad at all.

"So, although the Lord God gave us thirty days, the real time should be... three days." Lin Luo said.

"Why three days?" Su Chen asked for other team members

Doubtful in his heart, he said: "We have no way of knowing the location of the Eastern Treasure, nor the exact route."

"The flight prohibition time given by the Lord God is...three days, that is to say, the time for the other party to reach the Eastern Treasure is about three days." Lin Luo said: "So, find a car first."

He had just finished speaking when a horn sounded from behind. Lin Luo turned his head and saw a large truck approaching.

A man was sitting on the front of the car, and when he got out of the car, he nodded to Lin Luo without saying a word.

Qin Shu, who was a soldier, was selected here.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, thinking that Qin Shu really knew himself better and better, he waved his hand and said, "Let's talk in the car."

Everyone jumped into the car, the driver and the co-pilot sat one, and Lin Luo and the others sat behind the big truck. Since it was Ragnarok, the road here was broken, and they sat and swayed behind.

When getting into the car, the atmosphere was quite brisk. Lin Luo had been watching Su Chen wipe the sky, thought for a while, and asked, "Captain, did you exchange this weapon from the Lord God?"

"Nonsense." Su Chen yelled abruptly: "You're fucking faking amnesia, right? You didn't ask me to exchange it?"

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth twitched, he tapped his head, and said, "I'm just asking, don't be rude if you disagree with me."

Su Chen rolled his eyes and said, "You kid, you're ashamed to say that it wasn't because you asked me to exchange it before, but now I've got that extremely cool long sword..."

Lin Luo glanced at Tianji and said, "Are you regretting it? Then you give it to me?"

When Su Chen heard this, he laughed directly, threw it to him, and said, "Tianji is for the Lord, can you do it?"

Lin Luo took it over, and the moment he touched the secret, he really felt different...

To be precise, this secret is more sharp.

However, after Lin Luo experienced the final battle, the secret in his hands surpassed that of Su Chen.

However, coming here, Lin Luo's ability is limited.

He can only use the power of the fourth-order intermediate level, and the heavenly secrets cannot be brought over.

Lin Luo raised his hand, wanting to find out the difference in the secret, but Su Chen shouted: "What are you doing?"

Before Lin Luo came back to his senses, Su Chen snatched him back.


He also looked at Lin Luo with a solemn expression.

"If you want to die, say it early." A middle-aged man next to him shouted.

"Okay, stop arguing, Lin Luo didn't mean it." Zhang Xiaodong said quickly.

Lin Luo came back to his senses now, judging from the memory in his body...

If non-Su Chen uses the secret, there will be bad consequences.

The biggest consequence is that the user will be controlled by the killing intent of the secret.

Back then, Su Chen had gone through a lot before finally conquering the secret.

Seeing everyone's worried and fearful faces, Lin Luo quickly got up and said, "Sorry, I forgot..."

Then everyone gave up.

Instead, Su Chen glanced at Lin Luo.

Just now, he clearly felt that Lin Luo and Tianji's aura overlapped for a moment.

"A hallucination?" Su Chen muttered to himself.

....... Pen Fun Library

The speed of the big truck was too slow, and when he arrived at the next city, Qin Shu directly bought a few sports cars and came back.

Lin Luo, they are in a team of two.

"How do we go now?" Su Chen asked.

Lin Luo glanced at the map and said, "According to the other party's position, if they realize that we will chase them, they will definitely go north..."

"Understood." Su Chen was about to explain the situation, when Lin Luo said, "Wait. '

Su Chen paused.

"Go west." Lin Luo said.

"West side?" Su Chen was puzzled, but still said: "Everyone, set off all the way west."


The drivers were a few men, who stepped on the accelerator of the sports car when they heard the order.

In fact, people with genes like them usually fly, and basically don't drive cars.

While waiting for the car to start, Su Chen asked, "Tell me your opinion."

"I have no opinion." Lin Luo said.

"Why don't you think so?" Su Chen said, "Is your kid plotting something again?"


"Why don't you dare look into my eyes..." Su Chen said vigilantly.

Lin Luo suddenly laughed when he heard this.

He suddenly thought of Yang Jun, Li Donglai and the others.

Lin Luo has not forgotten his true purpose of coming to this world...

fifth order gene.

What kind of existence is it.

Did Su Chen really reach the fifth level at the end?

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