"Brother Lin Luo, I don't understand one thing." Zhang Xiaodong raised his hand and looked at Lin Luo.

"You said, I may not answer you." Lin Luo said.

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Xiaodong sullenly said, "Brother Lin Luo, you never made fun of me like this before."

Lin Luo froze for a moment when he heard this, then quickly laughed and said, "You're kidding."

He didn't know that other people, even Zhang Xiaodong, didn't pay attention to Zhang Xiaodong's accidental words, but Su Chen next to him listened to them.

Zhang Xiaodong said, "Why are you sure that the Nanzhou team is in the east?"

"Distance." Lin Luo said: "According to the pissing nature of the Lord God, he will never let you live comfortably, nor will he let the other party live comfortably. If we are banned from flying, then the other party will also be the same, even... We are worse."

"You still didn't say why." Zhang Xiaodong was in a hurry, he couldn't understand at all.

Lin Luo said: "According to my guess, the Nanzhou team should have an accurate map, but... they are very likely to be banned from the air, and it is also possible that they do not have any means of transportation."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

"That day the land was big, and we knew it would be difficult to find the area." Zhang Xiaodong said.

Lin Luo narrowed his eyes and said, "So, we must know the approximate location of the treasure of the Creator God in the east, and then wait and see..."

"Isn't this more difficult?" Su Chen also asked.

"So, we not only need wisdom, but also luck." Lin Luo looked at Su Chen and said, "Captain, do you like to gamble? The 50-50 kind?"


Exactly as Lin Luo guessed, the Nanzhou team didn't have any means of transportation, plus the ban on flying, so they had to walk.

They can't be in the city like Lin Luo and others, there are deserts around here.

According to Adingshan's estimate, it took them three days to rush to the treasure of the Eastern Creator God.

During these three days, Adingshan didn't think it was safe.

Judging from the information he learned about the Zhongzhou team from other teams, Lin Luo most likely guessed their location.

Therefore, Adingshan chose to go in the opposite direction.

However, when he set off, he was met with different opinions from the players.


"I still don't agree." An Sheng Tu said, "Since the key to the final battle is the treasure of the Eastern God of Creation, the first thing we need to do is to obtain this key."

"Then you have to go there with your life." A Dingshan shouted abruptly.

Antu Sheng heard this and said, "How can a person's wisdom be so advanced, don't you think you are too cautious?"

"It's because you underestimated the Zhongzhou team." A Dingshan shouted: "In my brain, the Xizhou team is not the strongest team in the main god space, Zhongzhou is..."

"Are you kidding me?" Antu Sheng said with a smile, "The Xizhou team has three advanced fourth-tier players, and the Central Continent team has only one Su Chen, who is a fourth-tier senior player. How can we compare with them?"

Adingshan was silent.

"Even, I think we can fight them head-on." Antu Sheng said very proudly.

A Dingshan was angry and ridiculous when he heard this, but a little girl with gray skin next to him said, "Stop arguing."

The two looked at each other, and they both smiled abruptly, but Adingshan said: "If you want to quit the Nanzhou team, just say so."

When Antu Sheng heard this, he was ready to get angry, but when he looked at the others, no one followed him.

A Dingshan has a great say in the Nanzhou team, and indeed led the team to escape from death several times.

"Okay." The little girl pulled Antu Sheng, and said: "The captain is getting angry, don't mind what he said, you are the No. 2 combat power of the Nanzhou team, what will we do if you leave."

Seeing the steps, Antu Sheng also went down directly, snorted coldly, and walked directly to the side.

A Dingshan stopped talking, just asked the little girl, "What do you feel?"

Every team will have a mental power gene.

This little girl is the mental power gene of the Nanzhou team.

Her power is...

Perception of future danger.

The little girl smiled, shook her head and said, "Well, I haven't felt anything yet, sorry..."

"It's okay, it's best if you don't feel it." Adingshan said.

The little girl watched him leave, her smile gradually froze.

In fact, it feels very bad to give her...

she feels

, this world is dangerous.

Since she came here, the danger has never stopped.


"The protagonist of the novel is probably not as fantastic as I am. He went to the ancient times to help Chen Haotian and the others complete the genetic reagent, and then came back, fought a battle, was exiled to the sinking space, and then returned to the main god's space to participate. The final battle..."

Lin Luo was lying on the co-pilot, talking softly.

However, he, Lin Luo, is also someone who has seen the storm.

Moreover, the modern Blue Star must have returned to normal.

In this way, Lin Luo also felt relieved.

"What are you talking about?" Su Chen walked up and asked.

"Nothing." Lin Luo smiled and sat up.

"Smoking?" Su Chen handed over a cigarette.

"Accompany one." Lin Luo laughed.

Su Chen lit it for him, Lin Luo took a sip, Su Chen said: "Didn't you say before that smoking is easy to kill brain cells?"

"Is there?" Lin Luo said with some guilt.

Even if he inherited all the memories of this body, it is impossible to use all of them.

Like these trivial things, Lin Luo really doesn't want to waste his efforts.

Fortunately, Su Chen didn't continue to pester here, and said: "You must be hiding something, right?"

Lin Luo glanced around, and only then used his mental power to communicate: "It's hiding something."

"What is it?" Su Chen asked.

"The treasure of the Creator God." Lin Luo said.

Su Chen was taken aback.

"Only by obtaining the treasure of the Creator God can you participate in the final duel. In other words, only two of the four teams can enter." Lin Luo said: "Then, why did the Lord God use this as a prerequisite for the decisive battle?"

"What do you think is..."

"This treasure should be a very huge power." Lin Luo said.

"Fifth...fifth order?!" Su Chen's pupils shrank.

Lin Luo immediately smiled and said, "If there are five levels, the creator gods of these two things will still die?"

"Then what's your guess?" Su Chen asked puzzled.

"I don't know." Lin Luo put out his cigarette butt and said, "My guess is that even if it is a fourth-level advanced level, there is still a huge distance from the fifth level, and this treasure is the last step before the fifth level."

"In other words, if you want to enter the fifth level, you must get this."

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