As the sun rose in the east, Zhang San rubbed his pupils, looking at the information delivered from various places.

Originally, Blue Star had stopped killing, but because of the resurrection plan, Blue Star started killing again.

All of this is for the smooth progress of the resurrection plan.

Today's Zhang San is even known as the cosmic devil.

However, Zhang San didn't care.

As long as Lin Luo can live, Zhang San doesn't care about gossip.

Moreover, the people he killed had all declared war on Blue Star and might threaten the resurrection plan.

Zhang San is considered kind, as long as the opponent voluntarily gives up his power, Zhang San will not take his life.

Zhang San's principle has completely changed now, if the resurrection plan is not endangered, then everything can be discussed.

"How is the location finding?" Zhang San asked Chen An.

"Sixty percent found." Chen An said.

Zhang San was surprised, Chen An's speed was fast enough.

"The rest are not so fast." Chen An explained: "These places in the front are easy to find, but the distance behind is far away, and some of them need to be built on the starry sky."

"You mean, artificial stars may be needed?" Zhang San was shocked.

"That's right." Chen An said: "Ordinary star platforms can't generate the power of stars, only earth planets..."

Hearing this, Zhang San asked curiously: "You said, is it possible that the moon is made of mud because of this?"

"That's right." Chen An suddenly realized, and said, "It's really possible."

At this moment, Ye Yi quickly walked in and said excitedly: "We have finally successfully deciphered the grain pattern inside the good fortune jade plate."

Zhang San and Chen An hurriedly looked over and saw Ye Yi handing them a document with some densely packed formulas written on it, and the two of them felt their scalps go numb.

Ye Yi explained: "It's normal if you don't understand, this knowledge is the next generation power of cultivation technology..."

"Is it very powerful?" Zhang San asked.

"I can be sure..." Ye Yi said with certainty: "The birth of the law of causality weapon is to use these powers."

Hearing this, Zhang San and Chen An's pupils shrank slightly, finally understanding the importance of this matter.



If you suddenly asked me where the main god space is, I really can't answer you. " Su Chen smiled awkwardly.

Lin Luo said: "You just say it."

"Well..." Su Chen thought for a while, and said: "The Haotian Palace said that it forced us to evolve infinitely, but after we entered, we lost contact with the outside world, and even the previous saying Okay, even if you want to quit early, it’s okay.”

"Do you think the Haotian Room was done on purpose?" Lin Luo asked.

"Whether it's intentional or not, it doesn't really matter." Su Chen said, "I've been here for so long, so I've seen it."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen said: "The Lord God Space is the fifth generation product of Honghuang Temple, and this generation product was developed after the Great Universe Era."

Lin Luo followed his memory and said, "That's after Blue Star conquered the universe."

"Yes." Su Chen nodded.

"Where was the last battle in Honghuang Palace?" Lin Luo asked.

"The direction of the Big Dipper." Su Chen said: "It seems to be, what's wrong."

Lin Luo thought about it, the modern universe is basically a nebula along the direction behind the Big Dipper, and there are no planets in a large area.

"So, I want to understand the main god space as a system..." Su Chen said.

"Ah?" Lin Luo almost spewed out the water.

"This system rewards us and forces us to evolve, but the way is too cruel." Su Chen looked at Lin Luo with disgust.

Lin Luo sorted it out, sweated and said, "Er..."

At this moment, Qin Shu, who was driving, said, "Lin Luo, we're here."

Lin Luo looked up and saw only a tall mountain.

This is called the Creation Mountain.

"Could the treasure be here?" Su Chen raised his head and said.

Lin Luo said: "If this is the case, the Lord God can die with his head depressed."

"How do you talk?" Su Chen said: "In the past, we fought against the Eastern God of Creation, and this is also here."

Hearing this, Lin Luo asked in surprise: "What do you think of the strength of the Eastern God of Creation?"

"The boss in a script must be superhuman." Su Chen said.

"But think about it, why can the main god space create such a powerful npc?" Lin Luo said.


what is it " Su Chen was puzzled.

"Uh..." Lin Luo changed the subject and said, "Let's get down to business."

Su Chen thought for a while, and said: "This is virtual, I want to make a more powerful one, can't I?"

Lin Luo jumped out of the car and paused when he heard this, Zhang Xiaodong asked: "What should we do now?"

Lin Luo looked around and said: "We stay here, the captain will take you to the north."

"Just the two of us?" Zhang Xiaodong was taken aback.

"Yes." Lin Luo said, "Just the two of you."

"Then what if we meet the Nanzhou team..." Zhang Xiaodong was anxious.

Lin Luo glanced at Su Chen and said, "Go."

Zhang Xiaodong was about to speak, but Su Chen waved his hand, and then took Zhang Xiaodong away. After taking two steps, Su Chen exhaled softly, "I really can't hide anything from you, Lin Luo."


Lin Luo is a man from the future. Biqu library

Therefore, he can know many things.

Chen Haotian and Ye Su are the guides of the ancient times, and they can also be said to be people of luck.

In other words...

Su Chen is a lucky person in the main god space.

Therefore, it is impossible for Su Chen's strength to be only at the fourth level.

To be precise, Su Chen may have come into contact with some secrets about the fifth order...

It's just that Su Chen didn't say it.

"Let's go, let's climb the mountain." Lin Luo turned his head, looked at the other team members, and said so.

Everyone climbed up behind Lin Luo, and Lin Luo looked around while climbing.

To his surprise, this mountain actually had a strange aura.

"God?!" Lin Luo said to himself, "The power of faith?"

"Don't you not believe in God?" Qin Shu said.

"It's better to believe it." Lin Luo said.

Qin Shu snorted.

Lin Luo asked again: "Last time, it seemed that the captain fought against the Eastern God of Creation alone."

"Yes." Qin Shu said: "Didn't you plan this matter?"

"I think too much in my head and forget things easily." Lin Luo said while looking ahead.

Ahead is the top of the mountain.

It's quiet here, but it's very flat. There's a temple there with something written on it.

Lin Luo walked over, only to see that it said:

Eastern gods.

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