"Do not!!!!!"

Su Chen's mournful cry resounded through the entire night sky.

In the pool of blood, three people fell down.

Lin Luo still had his last breath, he looked at Su Chen who was infusing him with spiritual light, and showed a pale smile.

"You're not Lin Luo, are you?" Su Chen supported him and said.

He knew that everything was irreparable.

Lin Luo's approach is selfless.

He chose to use the most tortured method to end all of this.

Su Chen will not attack his teammates, so Lin Luo designed such a way....

Lin Luo smiled wryly, neither denying nor admitting it.

Because he didn't know why the system made him go through all this.

However, Tianji is Su Chen's first generation owner.

And he, Lin Luo, is the master of the next generation of secrets.

Perhaps, this is the reincarnation of fate.

Lin Luo felt that his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, and at the end, he closed his eyes.

But he unexpectedly discovered that he still has a soul.

"The soul is out of the body?" Lin Luo was surprised, he touched Su Chen, but found that he couldn't touch him at all.

At this time, the system's voice sounded: "You are equivalent to watching a movie now."

"......" Lin Luo was speechless and said, "You are not dead."

The system ignored Lin Luo's complaining tone.

Lin Luo saw that the sky was slowly opening, and he asked, "How did the wise men of the Zhongzhou team end all this?"

"It's the same as your choice." The system said; "But he's not like you, he only discovered all this at the last moment."

"He killed all the people and fulfilled Su Chen?" Lin Luo was surprised.

The system did not speak, even if it is the default.

"What a great man." Looking at the fallen corpse, Lin Luo spoke slowly.

But at this moment, the gate of heaven opened, and a red light descended from the sky...

Lin Luo saw it, there were floating stars, like the Big Dipper...

The light of the stars slowly shone down and poured into Su Chen's body.


"...When super high energy is injected into cells, mutations will be obtained."

"There is a limit to the evolution of human beings, and we can only rely on the help of external forces."

In the starry sky, Ye Yi's eyes showed a bit of madness.

now they are

I am working on the final plan of the resurrection plan, which is to use the power of the stars to conduct experiments on the newly researched star chain.

This time, almost all Blue Star executives came.

Because this step is also a big step for mankind.

That is to say, perhaps in the future, some geneticists with poor talent will be able to unlock the fourth-order genes that cannot be unlocked in a lifetime by relying on energy.

But more importantly...

The fifth-order gene is expected.

"Can you guess how much strength is needed to break through the fifth step?" Zhang San asked.

"It's hard to say, only part of the data is left in the Good Fortune Jade Disk." Ye Yi shook his head.

While the two were talking, Wu Shan from behind walked in and said, "Ye Yi, you're ready."

Ye Yi turned around and said, "Then let's start."

While speaking, Ye Yi quickly picked up the communicator and said, "The Beidou test has begun..."

"The number one machine is in place."

"The number two machine is in place."


When the non-stop sounds sounded, looking around, I could only see the entire Big Dipper passing through the Starlink machine at this time, forming a line and shining with light.

And the machine Ye Yi held in his hand showed an energy coefficient of 0.

Ye Yi frowned.


It shouldn't fail.

The data given by the fortune jade plate is like this.

When Ye Yi was wondering where the failure was, suddenly the machine beeped...

Ye Yi saw that this number soared directly from 0....

100 million.

200 million.



The machine exploded, and the fragments were directly inserted into Ye Yi's arm, but Ye Yi didn't care at all, he looked at the screen frantically, and a technician said: "Academician Ye, the space of this starry sky has become distorted... .”

"The power of the stars in the surrounding 30 million stars have all been absorbed."

Ye Yi didn't answer him.

Like Zhang San and the others, he was all immersed in the picture he saw in front of him.

The power of the stars is too strong.

The star power of the Big Dipper alone is enough to distort space.

What if it is the power of the whole universe?

"Brother Lin Luo, brother Lin Luo can really come back to life!" Ye Yi laughed.

And what they don't know is...

When the star power of the Big Dipper rotates, a blue

The light compared to the land shoots under the land of Shennongjia.

At this moment, in the Haotian room where Lin Luo had been, a little girl stood in front of a coffin.

In the sky above her, the list of gods is floating.

"They finally started." The little girl said slowly.

Just as she was speaking, the coffin was slowly pushed open, and a white hand was holding the door panel of the coffin.




"What do I want this damned power for?"

Su Chen laughed out loud.

His whole body seemed to be possessed by a demon.

However, his body was surrounded by golden light.

At this moment, he is really like the gods in those myths and legends, with a sacred aura.

However, Su Chen didn't want these powers.

Lin Luo watched silently. The moment he saw Su Chen successfully evolved, Lin Luo said: "System, this should not have reached the power of the fifth level, right?"

"Ding!" The system dinged once, which was equivalent to the default.

And when Su Chen's evolution ended, a muffled thunder sounded.

"You have finally finished your evolution. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Hearing the sound, Su Chen raised his head and looked at the big white man in the sky.

Adam Locke.

The captain of the Xizhou team.

Lin Luo became a little interested.

Su Chen is not recognized as the strongest in the main god space.

Adam Locke is such an existence.

According to legend, Adam and Locke are extremely smart, and he was the first group of people to enter the space of the Lord God.

Being able to live until now is naturally not only because of strength.

"Do we have to fight?" Su Chen asked.

"You should feel that we can resist the ability of the main god to block our power..." Adam Locke said: "You should also feel what kind of existence the main god's space is."

Su Chen gritted his teeth. He looked at the greedy Adam Locke and said, "I see."

He took out the secret.

And Adam Locke took out a spear.

Spear of Victory.

Lin Luo was sitting there, although he already knew that Su Chen would win this duel in the end.

However, what does Adam Locke's last sentence mean.

as well as...

Su Chen once said to Lin Luo back then.

He once obtained the power of the fifth-order gene, but he refused.

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