When two people who surpassed the fourth level were fighting in the air, the whole world was darkened.

Lin Luo became the only spectator in the world of the gods.

However, he, the spectator, is also dead. Biqu library

Lin Luo will never forget that the real purpose of the system to let him come here is to see the power of the fifth-order gene.

The aftermath of the eruption between Heaven's Secret and the Spear of Victory caused drastic changes in the weather, and the natural storm made the whole world hum.

All of this seems like the end of the world.

When Lin Luo looked up again, he was surprised to see that the wounds of the two people due to the previous confrontation were healing at an inhuman speed.

This speed is very close to what Lin Luo guessed at the beginning.



"Su Chen, I am amazed by your strength." Adam Locke was so seriously injured that he couldn't even breathe. He was wearing a white robe and holding a spear. He really looked like a western god. He changed his voice and said suddenly:

"However, what are you still afraid of now?"

Su Chen frowned and didn't speak for a long time.

Adam Locke continued: "You still don't understand the matter?"

"Of course I understand." Su Chen said coldly: "Power, power, shit is all power."

"Hahahaha" Adam Locke showed a miserable smile and said, "That's right, Su Chen. Who would have thought that the Great Desolation Palace and the Haotian Room deceived everyone, and the Lord God Space is not broken at all. That is... only one person can live, no matter how many people will come in."

Hearing this, Lin Luo was a little confused about what they meant. The spear in Adam Locke's hand was shining fiercely at this moment...

"Come on, Su Chen, the world of the Lord God, draw an end for us..." Adam Locke said.

"Does it have to be like this?" Su Chen said eagerly: "Perhaps, we can find a way."

"Su Chen..." Adam Locke said: "We are all just pawns of fate."

While Adam Locke was speaking, he raised the shining spear of victory with his right hand, and he said loudly, "Don't you yearn for the legendary power?"

Adam Lockten

Standing up from the sky, his posture has already been displayed at this moment.

Beyond the sky!

This is the strongest form of Spear of Victory.

Su Chen watched this scene calmly...

He remembered a lot.

Think of each of the Nakasu team.

Reminds me of Lin Luo's last sentence...


With the glory of the Zhongzhou team!

Even if Su Chen knows, Lin Luo is not that Lin Luo.

However, Su Chen still remembers the sentence he once said:

Take the Zhongzhou team to the strongest position in the main god space, and then...


"Come on." Su Chen held the secret in both hands.

At this moment, human and sword become one.

A roar erupted from Tianji's blade, and then Su Chen's aura became fierce as if the blade spirit possessed him.

Lin Luo paused.

Up to now, Su Chen's aura still surpassed the fourth-level senior.

In fact, Lin Luo had already reached this state when he used the Gods List in the final battle of the eight major civilizations.

This is why Lin Luo can be sure that the treasure of the Creator God is the reason for the evolution of power.

When the breath of the two was at its maximum, Su Chen let out a cry.

The moment the sound fell, the shattered space slashed straight out, and Adam Locke's sky crossed the sky.

In the end, the two attacks collided fiercely.



The moment the ear-piercing collision and explosion sounded, the energy of the entire world began to flow backwards.

Lin Luo is just a consciousness here, and he can clearly see the breath of Adam Locke and Su Chen in his eyes.

This is their final blow, and there is no doubt that their aura is rapidly fading.

But, vaguely, Lin Luo felt something was wrong.

Adam Locke, who was in the eye of the energy storm, suddenly shouted, and the moment his breath suddenly increased, Su Chen shouted: "Stop, stop."

Adam Locke looked up at this moment, with disbelief in his pupils.

Then, there is panic.

"It's late, it's already late." Adam Locke smiled bitterly.

Hearing this, Su Chen felt the oppressive breath again, and he cried out in grief.

Finally, a red airflow surged over his body...

Su Chen turned the secret,

Then stepped into the air.

Originally, Adam Locke's leading aura was shattered by Tianji at this moment.

Under the witness of Lin Luo's sight, only Adam Locke was broken into two halves in the void.

"It's over?" Just when Lin Luo was wondering, he saw Adam Locke's lower half fixed there, and then quickly recovered.

This scene shocked Lin Luo.

Could it be that Adam Locke really achieved immortality?

Unexpectedly, Su Chen didn't care about Adam Locke at all, but took a knife and rushed towards the ball of light above the sky.

that thing...

named Lord God.

It is the core product of the main god space.

"Have you seen enough?" Su Chen growled and slashed at the huge ball of light.

Afterwards, the light dispersed, and Lin Luo felt that time and space intertwined.

He was teleported again.

When he opened his eyes, he returned to the space of reincarnation where he was exiled from the list of gods.

He lay on the ground, his pupils wide open, looking at the sky.

In this space, without the blue sky and white clouds, everything is exactly the same.

Lin Luo didn't get up, just lay down like this.

There are too many questions in his mind.

The answer seemed to be on the verge of coming out, but it was so short of breath.


When the coffin door was pushed open, the little girl knelt on one knee and looked at the man in front of her.

If Lin Luo were here, he would be extremely surprised.

Because this person is Chen Haotian.

He is not dead.

Surprisingly still alive.

And the last thing Lin Luo expected was...

When he came here in the past, he was deceived by this little girl, who was named Fengshenbang.

As long as Lin Luo goes up one more floor, he will be able to see Chen Haotian's sleeping coffin...

However, Lin Luo back then couldn't take this step, because he was no match for this little girl at all.

"Master, you're finally awake." The girl spoke slowly, with a bit of excitement.

"Has the Perfect Human Project been restarted?" On Chen Haotian's forehead, there was a sun-like thing, and he looked at the world in front of him dully...

"Yes." The little girl said slowly: "Everything is within your expectations..."

"Someone found the good luck jade plate and restarted the perfect human plan."

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