After a long time, Lin Luo came in, and everyone stopped and saluted quickly.

Followed by Lin Yue and other beasts.

However, they are just some representative beasts.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but don't worry." Lin Luo motioned everyone to sit down.

They didn't sit down until Lin Luo sat down.

"It should be a long time since everyone got together." Lin Luo smiled.

Everyone laughed.

Those here are basically veterans.

Of course, there are also some new generals.

However, they all fought bloody battles on the battlefield.

In the case of going through life and death, the feelings are naturally deep.

"However, I also know that you don't want to get together, because getting together is definitely a disaster for the rise of war." Lin Luo said.

Everyone nodded.

Although he is a general, no one likes war.

A brave general raised his hand and said, "General Manager Lin, who is our enemy this time?"

Lin Luo smiled slightly and glanced at him, the latter put down his hand, Lin Luo continued: "It's not accidental that the sky is raining black, but..."



Hearing this person, everyone's pupils and expressions changed almost in unison.


This is scary to hear.

Who can do such a thing?

"Chen Haotian is not dead?" Subconsciously, someone said.

This person is Li Donglai.

Everyone was in an uproar.

Chen Haotian, this is a topic that everyone can't get around.

His existence made everyone in Blue Star feel sorry.

He was the one who established the genetic system, but it was him who lost his way in pursuit of power.

Lin Luo shook his head and said, "Do you think that even if Chen Haotian came, he would be able to do all of this?"

Zhang San was the first to shake his head.

Lin Luo's strength has surpassed that of Chen Haotian.

If even Lin Luo couldn't solve it, Chen Haotian couldn't solve it at all.

"However, this matter has something to do with him." Lin Luo said.

Everyone had a meal.

"Since the beginning of heaven and earth, that is, when the universe was formed..." Lin Luo said slowly.

"It's like when the molecules of a substance are separated, they will generate huge forces."

"This kind of power between heaven and earth is the most original

At the beginning, it is also the most powerful, so..."

"It's called the Law of Heaven."

"Tianlu?!" Everyone paused.

"I didn't come up with this name, but..." Lin Luo said, "Ye Su."

Hearing this, Zhang San swallowed his saliva and said, "Could it be that Ye Su already discovered the existence of Tianlu?"

"Yes." Lin Luo said: "That's why he ignored Chen Haotian's conspiracy."

Zhang San took a deep breath and said: "It seems that everything is preordained."

Lin Luo nodded and said: "When the world first opened, not only matter, but also creatures were born..."

When they heard the creature, everyone's scalps went numb.

There is an unwritten rule in Blue Star, no matter how good you are at war, you have to read some books.

in particular...

biology book.

One of them is basic knowledge, that is adaptation theory.

Organisms that grow up in any environment will be able to adapt to the local environment, and then undergo mutation or evolution.

"If such a group of people got the power of Tianlu, then they..." Zhang San took a deep breath, unimaginable.

Lin Luo nodded, affirmed his answer, and said: "Although this is just a guess, it is very close to the real answer. There is a high probability that such a group of people exists."

"However, we didn't offend them." Someone said: 'In their eyes, we are ants. '

"What if the ants reach the point where they can challenge them?" Zhang San said.

When everyone heard this, some of them had already woken up, and they all looked at Lin Luo.

"Yes, when the fifth-order power exploded, the human gene lock really broke through the limit..."

"Then, we will see each other."

"I call this group of people..."

"The Creator."


The entire conference room was silent.

Lin Luo uses the creator to describe their enemies, which represents their power...


Create all things in the world.

This means that they have astonishing power.

Are they going to be enemies with such a group of people?

"Scared?" Lin Luo smiled.

As soon as the voice fell, the conference room burst into laughter.

They are all people who have risen from the pile of human flesh.

Even, someone from the gate of hell

Passed through several times.

But Yang Jun said: "Is it true that we must fight?"

"Well." Lin Luo said: "Once humans come into their sight, they will restart this universe."

"It's like... back in the day... back in the days of the dinosaurs."

While talking, Lin Luo clapped his hands, Zhu Yihui came from behind, he nodded slightly towards Lin Luo, then took out a bunch of documents and said:

"These are all left over from the age of dinosaurs. Many dinosaur fossils have residues related to black rain."

"But why didn't they restart the entire universe directly?"

"This time, they want to restart?"

Someone was puzzled.

Lin Luo said: "I am also curious about this issue. It may be that the power of genes has spread on a large scale in the universe, and they hope to wipe out the source of this power."

Zhang San said instead: "But we need to consider time even if we persist in the black rain. I don't think we can help anything except you."

"So, you need to increase your strength."

When Lin Luo spoke, he clapped his hands again, and a majestic drawing appeared in a short while.

Everyone watched, their eyes were dumbfounded.

this scene...

"Boss Lin, this is..." Someone was already getting excited.

Lin Luo also stood up and said:

"These aloof creators, even if we rely on the Nine Heavens system to escape their liquidation."

"One day, they will still come."

"The fate of mankind, I hope to be in my own hands, and I can only be in my own hands."

Everyone's expression was shocked, and they all stood up.

Lin Luo's voice suddenly amplified at this moment.

"For thousands of years, human beings have been working hard to fight against nature and stronger enemies."

"From tools to technology."

"From crawling to genetic power."

"In ancient times, for the sake of peace, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi established the Ancient Heavenly Court by controlling the Quartet with one hand!"

"Heavenly Court, in China, Blue Star not only represents God, but also peace, faith and strength."

While speaking, Lin Luo clenched his fist and said:

"Today, I will rebuild the Heavenly Court!"

"Defend the life of my human race, defend my universe!"

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