"Rebuild the Heavenly Court?!"

Lin Luo's voice was like thunder. Biqu library

This may sound like a myth, but everyone understands...

The heaven in Lin Luo's mouth is not a myth or legend.

But a sharp sword.

Human sword.

Everyone began to look forward to it, all looking at Lin Luo.

They knew that the blood that had been silenced in their bodies might be rekindled.

Lin Luo said: "After the Nine Heavens defense system is established, the Heavenly Court will be established."

"At that time, it will be open to the universe."

"However, we only recruit talents, regardless of whether they are civil or military."

"Our ultimate goal is to..."

"The Creator."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

Open to the universe? !

Lin Luo once said that a sharp sword should be held in the hands of trustworthy people.

Opening up to the universe, it is inevitable that you will meet some caring people.

At that time, how to deal with the affairs inside the heaven is the first step.

Zhang San raised his head and asked, "How many years do you plan to spend?"

Lin Luo asked rhetorically, "How many years do you think?"

"Even if the Nine Heavens Defense Plan and the Star Shifting Plan are successful, there will still be many drawbacks."

"For example, insufficient space, overpopulation, and deterioration of natural ecology, etc."

"Whether Black Rain has any more side effects is unknown."

Zhang San said: "I think, even if we find some wizards in the universe, we don't have enough time to cultivate them."

Lin Luo said at this time: "I have already considered this point, but I need to discuss it with Ye Yi first."

Zhang San was taken aback when he heard this.

Lin Luo even thought about this?

Immediately afterwards, Lin Luo raised his head and said: "The so-called Heavenly Court is not an organization, but an alliance."

"Zhang San."

"Yes." Zhang San got up.

"You are responsible for the recruitment of all personnel in the Heavenly Court."


"Mr. Yang."



At the end of the meeting, when everyone walked out of the conference hall, their faces were full of shock.

Not only Lin Luo's bold plan for heaven, but what shocked them even more was the enemy they were about to face.


Who are these people?

According to what Lin Luo said...

The black rain, the source of the scourge that destroys this universe, is nothing but

It's just one of the system settings.

That is to say...

The opponent is not only in strength, weapons, etc., they are all far apart.

After all of them left, the system said, "Have you thought about everything?"

"Otherwise what else can I do?" Lin Luo said.

"You have to be clear about what kind of people you are facing." The system said: "The power of the beginning of the world is unimaginable."

Lin Luo said: "You mean, let me escape?"

"If the Nine Heavens system you created is really successful, then maybe you can avoid the other party's monitoring, and even...they may decide that this side of the world has been destroyed." The system said.

"They won't pay attention here anymore?" Lin Luo paused.

"There is such a possibility," the system said.

But Lin Luo said: "Actually, this problem must be solved. Even if we escape for a while, the future of mankind will inevitably be destroyed in civil strife. The only way to restore everything in the universe is the right way."


"I hate such high-ranking people."

After hearing this, the system stopped talking.

Lin Luo exhaled.

Looking at the structure diagram of the heavenly court in front of him.

Next, they will use the moon as the central area, connect Mars and the blue star, and build a vast land of stars.

In fact, one thing Lin Luo didn't say was...

In the future, the Heavenly Court will become the sharp sword of the entire universe, majestic and...



To establish this kind of star space, Ye Yi does not need to intervene at all.

He is currently doing a major experiment.

How to transfer a planet to another planet.



Seeing the beeping beeping on the machine, Ye Yi hurriedly shouted to stop.

However, Wu Shan shouted: "I can't stop."

Ye Yi raised his brows, and he stepped forward, grabbed their machinery and equipment, and prepared to do it himself.

In the rear, Mark and Carey fell into a collapse as they watched the Dorona main star getting closer.

This is his home planet.

Although he was already prepared to fail, but...

To see all this with his own eyes is a kind of torture for him.

Ye Yi's back was completely soaked at the moment, and his hands on the device were crazy


However, it cannot be changed at all.

"In another half an hour, Dorenna's main star will not be able to hold on."

"During the transfer process, the jitter amplitude is still too large."

"What should we do now?"

Someone is yelling.

Ye Yi's scalp tingled when he heard this.

Once the central position of Dorenna's main star collapses, the entire planet will disperse.

Although they overcome the pull of gravity and space, but...

A stone stays in one place for a long time, and if it is replaced by another place, it will inevitably change.

To be precise, during the transfer, the stone becomes an egg.

If you are not careful, it will break.

"Anti-gravity device." Ye Yi shouted at this time: "By the way, anti-gravity device. '

Wu Shan was overjoyed when he heard this.


Their anti-gravity device in modern science should be able to push the entire planet horizontally.

"It's too late." Just for a moment of happiness, Wu Shan's face darkened, and he said, "We haven't produced this thing for a long time, and we don't have time."

After the words fell, Ye Yi saw that the flashing red light on the screen got bigger.

"Let's evacuate." When Wu Shan was speaking, he looked back at Mark Carey with an apologetic face.

"I...I'm fine." Mark Carey said.

He said he was fine, but his body was trembling.

And in the next second, someone suddenly shouted: "The planet is on track."

Everyone eats.

Ye Yi also saw that all the red on the machine suddenly disappeared.

Everyone looked over, only to see a person appeared on the screen...

He pushed the entire Dorenna main planet horizontally with both hands.

While everyone was excited, they couldn't help swallowing their saliva...

This person is, of course, their Commander-in-Chief Lin.


Is the power of the fifth-order gene so terrifying?

To be able to push a planet horizontally?


Under everyone's shocking gaze, Lin Luo walked in. He patted Mark Carey on the shoulder, and the other party just smiled and was covered in sweat.

Lin Luo waved his hand, signaling Ye Yi to follow him.

"I'm sorry, I almost failed." Ye Yi said.

"We are working hard, not doing experiments." Lin Luo said: "Ye Yi, the situation is more serious than we imagined."

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