In addition to the deep red, there are also a lot of things similar to words arranged on it.

Of course, it is impossible for Lin Luo to understand these words.

Before Lin Luo could react, the system said, "Boy, be careful!"

For the first time, the system reminded Lin Luo during the battle.

"Don't look into his eyes." The system said again.

Lin Luo just wanted to react, but it was already one step too late.

He unexpectedly saw that he was surrounded by a powerful force.

And his head was throbbing with pain.

This feeling, like a...

"Suppression of the blood." Lin Luo firmly grasped the secret, trying to use his strength to wake himself up.

He raised his head and looked into each other's crimson eyes.

Seeing Lin Luo in such pain, Nave laughed and said, "That's right."

"The means of the higher races against the lower races is of course not just power, but the suppression of blood."

"We call this the origin of the bloodline."

"This is also..."

"The heaven and the earth first opened, and gave us the power of a great family."

While speaking, Nave stretched out his hand, and a huge ball of energy directly covered the starlight and swept towards Lin Luo.

Lin Luo looked ahead, and said viciously: "Isn't it just that you were born early, and you really regard yourself as the protagonist?"


Zhang San in the distance looked at the huge energy ball across the starry sky.

With Lin Luo's speed, he could have gotten out of the way.

However, Lin Luo's movements became sluggish.

Zhang San knew that Lin Luo must have been suppressed by this so-called blood origin.

The same is true.

Lin Luo really didn't expect that the opponent's power was so weird.

This is equivalent to, when you see the opponent, you can only exert 80% of your combat power.


Even lower.

Lin Luo looked at the huge energy ball and swung out the secret abruptly.

But at this moment, a golden flash appeared in his body.

Lin Luo paused.

Donghuang Bell.

Before Lin Luo gave the Donghuang Bell to Xia Qian to use, but later Xia Qian knew that Lin Luo's sky machine was broken, so she returned the Donghuang Bell to Lin Luo.

For a long time, Lin Luo didn't pay much attention to it, one is because it can't be used in peacetime, and the other is that the Donghuang Bell is no longer used compared to Tianji.

It is already weaker.

After all, Tianji has already stepped into the ranks of causality weapons.

However, at this time, the Eastern Emperor Bell actually took the initiative to protect the Lord?

"The Eastern Emperor!"

Lin Luo looked at the Donghuang Bell with a trace of firmness in his eyes.


He is not fighting alone.

Whether it is ancient humans.

Still human today.

They are all fighting for one goal.

That is to be alive.

All I saw was that the Eastern Emperor Bell was spinning away, followed by dense and huge sounds...

ding ding ding...

Lin Luo watched the Donghuang Bell spin faster and faster.

Finally, a huge explosion sounded.

Suddenly, in the starry sky, the golden light turned from one cluster to countless clusters.

Lin Luo's heart skipped a beat when he saw this scene.

He looked at the golden light shining in the starry sky, and was heartbroken.

Donghuang Bell...


Naf in the distance saw this scene, laughed loudly, and said, "Very good, can you take another move?"

While speaking, he actually raised his hand again.


Two ways.

Three ways.


A total of twenty, like the energy just now, leaned towards Lin Luo.

"Lin Luo, let's go!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang San couldn't stand anymore.

He wanted Dabai to help, but only then did he realize that Dabai had disappeared without a trace.


Zhang San glanced around, but he didn't see Xiong Ying.

However, it was too late for Zhang San.

I could only see above the starry sky, the two planets in the distance were directly turned into countless dust in the universe because of the huge energy.

And Lin Luo was completely engulfed by the explosion.



Zhang San felt that his whole body's energy and blood were reversed in an instant.

Even here, he could feel the vibration of his physical body.

Therefore, he couldn't help but worry more about Lin Luo.

Naf looked at Lin Luo, who was engulfed by the explosion, with a smile on his face.

In his opinion, killing a world master is a very pleasant thing.


There is no sense of accomplishment.

It can be considered that this is just a kind of fun.

The power of the law of heaven overrides everything.

It can be said

, no force can resist.

Once you are swept in, all the cells and genes in your body will be reduced to ashes in an instant.

"It's a big game." Nuff said to Kurt, "But it's not interesting."

"Let's go." Kurt glanced at Zhang San in front of him, not even intending to kill him.

They have already found out that Lin Luo is the top power in this world.

As the black rain continues to increase, it will only be a matter of time before this world is destroyed.

Naf also nodded, and Kurt was about to leave in the distance when he suddenly turned around and shouted, "That's not right!"

Kurt also turned around a long time ago, he stared at the center of the explosion...

There, there is a spatial change.

Lin Luo is still alive.


want to run?

How is it possible to be alive?

Naf soared into the sky, unexpectedly submerging into the center of the explosion in an instant.

Kurt quickly followed.

Just in time, he saw the last figure of Lin Luo.


"Woo woo woo..."

Dabai roared at Lin Yue.

"I understand." Lin Yue waved her hand, motioning for everyone to leave.

Dabai then glanced at Lin Yue. The latter exhaled, looked at the power emanating from Dabai, and said, "You guys... be careful. '

After speaking, Lin Yue turned and left.

But at this moment, above Dabai's head, a huge space hole appeared.

Ever since Lin Luo and Dabai formed a telepathic connection in the space hole in another world, they have become more proficient.

So, when Lin Luo's figure flew out of the space hole, they glanced at each other and nodded.

"Hurry up." Lin Luo grabbed Dabai's bear claws and flew towards the distance quickly.

In the rear, Naf and Kurt stepped out of the air a few seconds later.

Lin Luo directly closed the space with his bare hands. Unexpectedly, Kurt was so horrified that he forcibly stretched the space even further.

The gap between strength lies here.

Afterwards, the two stepped out of the space, looked at Lin Luo and Dabai who were traveling far away, Naf showed angry and cruel eyes, and said, "You still want to run?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Luo turned around suddenly, not only unscathed, but also with a smile.

"I'm not going to run!"

"I admit, I can't beat you."

"However, are you underestimating me?!"

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