When Nave and Kurt heard this, they raised their heads to look at Lin Luo's position, and didn't feel anything, but in an instant, they felt enveloped by a dark aura.

Looking at it again, they were already submerged in the range of the explosion.

They immediately understood that this was a conspiracy.

It belongs to a conspiracy carefully planned by Lin Luo.

"Let's go." Lin Luo hugged Dabai directly, and flew forward desperately.

Behind him, the black energy breath instantly broke through the star field.

Lin Luo hugged Dabai and left at a high speed.

However, he still couldn't escape the aftermath.

He felt a strong burning sensation on his back, and then he turned around and punched out directly, using the collision of energy, causing the bodies of one person and one bear to slam into the nearest star field quickly.



There was a loud crash, and Lin Luo felt that his bones were about to fall apart.

After a long time, Lin Luo opened his eyes and struggled to get up from the hole he made.

But soon, a bear cry was heard.

"Oh... forgot, I just said, it doesn't seem to hurt much."

"Why are you wronged? You have rough skin and thick flesh. Go back and eat more."

Lin Luo picked up Dabai with one hand, and smiled at its aggrieved appearance.

Dabai didn't seem to have the energy to argue with Lin Luo, he was just panting for breath.

The explosion just now was too strong.

If it wasn't for Lin Luo, Dabai would have been buried in it long ago.

Lin Luo looked at the sky full of star dust, and the entire star field was black, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

black bang...

black energy...

Lit up the entire starry sky.

However, Lin Luo couldn't see any joy from above.

Creator, too powerful.


Where does the future of this universe go.



Lin Yue replied to Chen An's words.

Her memory also goes back to before Lin Luo went to war.

Relying on spiritual communication, Lin Luo told Dabai all his plans.

The plan is...

Leverage strength.

Ordinary power can't hurt them at all.

Lin Luo's strength is that it can be done.

However, it is impossible for Lin Luo to kill two people.

Therefore, Lin Luo used the explosion produced by the black monster to create this bureau.

First, let people attract these

Black monsters with sanity about to explode come together.

A monster explosion, or nothing.

However, if it is 10 million.

Even, 100 million.

That level is completely different.

This time the battle was not for Lin Luo to understand the power gap.


Imprints engraved on the human body.

This brand will make Lin Luo automatically reduce his combat power when facing them. This is the scariest thing.

"Not good, luckily I found out earlier." Lin Luo thought so, rubbing Dabai's belly.

If it was before, Dabai would definitely have pushed Lin Luo's hand away in disgust.

But now, Dabai really has no strength.

But, suddenly, Lin Luo stood up abruptly, and he was taken aback. He opened his eyes and saw a nervous Lin Luo.

Looking again, two figures appeared in the sky.

To be precise, it should be one person, carrying another person.

this person....

It was Kurt.

"You're not dead?" Lin Luo couldn't believe his eyes.

Kurt panted heavily and looked at Lin Luo.

It can be seen that although he survived, he was still very lucky.

He fell to the ground, dropping Nuff's body on the ground.


Nuff is dead.

The fight with Lin Luo consumed too much of his strength.


Kurt's strength is much stronger than him.

Lin Luo took out the secret again and looked at Kurt.

"You have made a big taboo." Kurt said: "Every Manluo God Race person is born, it is a gift from heaven and earth. Since the birth of this world, we have never died, but every death will make a person die." buried with the world."

Lin Luo frowned.

He didn't listen carefully to what he said.

What he's thinking is...

How much power does Kurt have.

"He died in this world, just right..."

"This world, let's destroy it together."

While speaking, Kurt held up his right hand, and at this moment, his right hand expelled colorful glare.

At this moment, he is like a god.

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo raised his head suddenly, and he saw that those black monsters became manic.

Afterwards, countless black monsters paid homage to the ground, sending power to Kurt.

"This is...."

"Is it the Thanas system?"

Lin Luo was shocked.


Owner's world...

Far beyond their imagination.

But how could it be possible for you to succeed?

Lin Luo rushed up with a knife.


one hand.

The game between Kurt and Lin Luo is just one hand.

He raised his right hand high and played against Lin Luo with only his left hand.

However, Lin Luo could only suppress him slightly.

However, this already surprised Kurt very much.

The lower races are not only inherently trembling under the oppression of their race.

Moreover, they are basically unable to resist the energy of the law of heaven.

"How on earth did you do it?" Kurt looked at Lin Luo in confusion.

No race has ever been able to overcome the influence of the energies of the Law.

Lin Luo, seems to really get over it completely.

Lin Luo said abruptly: "Do you really think you are the darlings of the world, the protagonists?"

"In my opinion, you are just lucky."

"It's just the right place to be born." m.x.com

Kurt smiled dismissively.

Everyone understands this truth.

so what.

He looked at the huge energy cluster on his right hand.

As long as it reaches a certain level, he can directly destroy this place, causing a huge space hole to appear in the entire universe.

Eventually, the entire universe will become the dust of history.

However, Lin Luo grasped the secret with both hands at this time, and his pupils also became frenzied.

By now...

He is going to fight.

"Have you thought about it?" the system said.

"I have no choice," Lin Luo said.

The system was silent for two seconds, and then just said two words:

"good luck!"

Afterwards, the system went silent.

And from Lin Luo's body, an ancient black energy emerged, which directly merged with the white energy and poured into the sky continuously.

The entire secret, from white to black and white interlaced lines.

From a closer look, there are some beating energy boiling on it...

Seeing this scene, Naket swallowed nervously.

Law of heaven.


What Lin Luo is using at the moment is the power of the Law of Heaven.

But. How is this possible.

History has already been set.

The world has already been set up.

Law of heaven.

This kind of power only belongs to the Manluo Protoss.

Belong to, their Creator.

Now, it appeared on an outsider.

This incident has become intriguing...

Even, crazy.

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