At this moment, Lin Luo felt that all the previous efforts were not in vain.

In this system, there are actually a lot of good things.

After repaying the 1.5 billion owed, Lin Luo can still have 2.1 billion left.

Lin Luo listened quietly, he knew that there must be more to come.

"The Manlo protoss belong to the non-replicable gene type. Human beings are completely different kinds of creatures. Over the years of development, they have integrated with energy and gained power beyond creatures."

"The host can be simply understood as genetic supernatural powers."

"What is genetic supernatural power?" Lin Luo asked.

"It's like saying that there is a person standing in front of you. If the other person's genetic supernatural power belongs to the super-causal type, he can directly determine your karma with his powerful energy. In other words, he can kill you out of thin air." said the system.

"This is too fantasy." Lin Luo said.

"Nu Wa's power can predict the future. These powers are very powerful in your opinion, but to them, they are not very powerful." The system explained.

"Then what can we get from the genetic map?" Lin Luo asked.

"This system has already told you the answer."

"?" Lin Luo frowned, wondering how this broken system could speak half.

"Ding! You have obtained the genetic supernatural power: super devouring."

"Ding! You can devour the Creator's magical powers now, but only three times."

"Ding! All rewards have been distributed."

"Swallowing supernatural power?" Lin Luo paused, wondering what the hell it was.

Still, something is better than nothing.

Lin Luo didn't study this. What he was thinking about was what kind of leap this genetic map of the Manlo protoss could bring to human beings.

Vaguely, Lin Luo's intuition told Lin Luo that this is very important.


"Ding! Deduct 1.5 billion points!"

Lin Luo was distressed to see that the points changed from 3.6 billion to 2.1 billion.

Heartache is heartache, Lin Luo also knows that it is only natural to pay off debts.

Moreover, the system is to some extent a quasi-intelligent setting, and many things cannot be controlled by the system itself.

He looked at the items in the system and fell into deep thought.

Now the mall that Lin Luo unlocks in the system is level nine.

Level 9 shopping mall, law of cause and effect

There are so many weapons, and they can even be directly exchanged for the power of the fourth-order advanced to others.

However, the price is also extremely expensive.

As far as causal law weapons are concerned, after Blue Star has made progress, the sales of causal law weapons here are still as high as billions, which seems unreasonable.

"Eternal World Manual?"

Lin Luo suddenly saw a book with as many as 300 million points.

However, Lin Luo didn't hesitate at all and bought it directly.

At the same time, there is also a human body evolution book about the Manlo protoss in the system, the note is the simple version, and the price is 500 million.

Lin Luo spent 800 million at once, and he finally focused on improving his combat effectiveness.

Now that he has mastered the power of the law of heaven, if he wants to continue to improve, his weapons must keep up.

Sure enough, Lin Luo soon reached the secret of Tianji's final evolution.

Looking at the price again, Lin Luo couldn't help but feel distressed.

1.3 billion.

That is to say...

Lin Luo immediately ran out of money.

"Breaking the system, did you know my thoughts just now and just adjusted the price?" Lin Luo asked.

"Ding! This system is a serious businessman."

"Fart." Lin Luo said angrily: "I don't believe it, just spent the 2.1 billion?"

It's a shame, but Lin Luo finally bought it.

The three books cost a full 2.1 billion.

Next, Lin Luo hardly ever went out and hid in the office until Zhang San came to the door two months later.


"I'm here to say goodbye." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo smiled and said, "How can you say that you are going to die."

"There is this possibility." Zhang San said seriously: "I must be mentally prepared for this."

Lin Luo thought about it. Ye Yi said before that after the main god space is reset, his life can be saved. On this point, Ye Yi chose to keep it a secret.

Because if the people who enter know that they will not die, then the effect of forcing them to evolve will be gone.

Lin Luo looked at him and said, "What do you want to say."

"First of all, I want to ask a question, when you break through to the fifth level, do you have any obstacles in your heart?"

"Yes." Lin Luo said: "People have pros and cons, they have desires and kindness."

"When desire overwhelms kindness, people will

is the bad guy. "

"When kindness overwhelms desire, he is a good person."

"You mean, when it finally evolves to the fifth level, everything will explode at that moment?" Zhang San said.

"Yes." Lin Luo said: "But the most difficult thing is the evil consequences of the continuous death and rebirth of gene cells."

Zhang San nodded, thought for a while, and said, "If I can't come back..."

"I don't want to hear you say that." Lin Luo said: "There are many things you want to worry about, but there are also many things you don't need to worry about."

"Zhang San, although we are not related by blood, we and these soldiers are family members at this moment."

Zhang San exhaled, smiled, got up, looked at the three books on the ground again, and said, "You have been in seclusion for so long, and you only read these three broken books?"

"What broken books?" Lin Luo became impatient and said, "These three books are very expensive."

"Where did it come from?" Zhang San was curious.

"Just...just..." Lin Luo thought for a while, and finally said, "It's indeed three broken books."

Zhang San paused, then laughed loudly, and left directly.

On the second day, the main god's space was opened, and at the same time, the Blue Star Heavenly Court announced to the outside world, igniting the entire peaceful universe.

Lin Luo is also the first time to appear in the faces of everyone in the universe.

Lin Luo looked at the podium in front of him, a little unreal.

Others are not real either.

In the past, Lin Luo only faced the whole country, then the world, and then allies, now...

is the whole universe.

Just imagine how many people there are in this universe.

Lin Luo walked forward slowly, he looked at the camera, and said his iconic words:

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Luo!"

In the universe, countless races stand in front of the screen and equipment.

For Lan Xing, they are jealous, grateful, and have some hatred.

There can be no real peace among alien races.

Suspicion is something that is difficult to eradicate.

"I know that many people don't want to see me, even in front of the screen, many people want to kill me."

"But unfortunately, you can't do it at all."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of many people changed immediately.

Not all rumors, Blue Star Lin Luo is a very low-key person.

Doesn't it look a little arrogant now?

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