"...Now my power, Blue Star's power, is simply not comparable to yours."

"While you are still studying how to enter the fourth stage, our Blue Star can already produce fourth-stage fighters."

"As for my power, I believe everyone has already heard about it."

Lin Luo smiled slightly when he said this, and said: "The reason why I said this is not to show you my strength, but to tell you that the current Blue Star is very powerful, but we have no desire to invade and destroy. "Biquku

"On the contrary, everyone should feel that we have been protecting you."

"Black rain, black monster..."

"Since this cosmic disaster happened, Blue Star has been protecting you all the time."

"It can be said that without us, two-thirds of you will die."

Hearing this, many people were silent.

Don't know what happened though.

But it is true.

"Next, I will tell you about the origin of this cosmic disaster and..." Lin Luo continued: "The enemy we need to face."


Creator? !

Manlo Protoss.

Eternal Continent...

And the enemies that may exist with the beginning of the universe?

When Lin Luo finished speaking, everyone thought it was a fantasy.

In this world, do such ancient characters really exist?

Human life is limited.

According to Ye Yi's research, even if it is a fourth-level high-level person, its lifespan is about 330,000 years.

As for the fifth-order genes, it is really possible to achieve immortality, because the fifth-order genes can already control the rebirth and death of gene cells.

But how old is the universe?

From the age of dinosaurs to the present, it is calculated in billions of years.

And Lin Luo told them that the death of the dinosaur was not an accident.

Of course, in the age of dinosaurs, many people in the universe didn't know what was going on, but the people from the blue stars knew it very well.

"Are we going to fight this group?"

"Will Blue Star lie to us?"

"Are they really going to help us develop geniuses?"

"I think it's more of a scam."

For a time, the major galaxies were talking about it.

But soon, they discovered that all major galaxies had settled in a new small blue star department

, named: m.x.com

Guanghan Palace!


"It's really bad fun."

Lin Luo sweated and said, "I thought Guanghan Palace accepted beauties."

Chen An laughed.

"Before Zhang San came back, they gave it to you." Lin Luo said.

"I understand." Chen An nodded, looked at Lin Luo and said, "The genes of all races in the universe are different, maybe some geniuses can really emerge."

Lin Luo said: "As for rioting, you don't have to think about it, it's a big gamble in itself."

Chen An smiled slightly.

Although Lin Luo said so, he was absolutely confident.

He also understood where Lin Luo's confidence came from.

After seeing off Chen An, Ye Yi came.

Lin Luo came to him for one purpose...

The ultimate evolution of Tianji.

"Can Tianji evolve?" Ye Yi was very surprised.

"It should be possible." Lin Luo said, "You should study it."

Ye nodded.

He took Lin Luo's celestial secret back and studied it for three days and three nights. On the fourth day, he found it and told Lin Luo that this celestial secret might really be tricky.

"...Tianji is a first-generation product, and belongs to the initial form of cultivation technology."

"Later, due to technical reasons, it was forced to interrupt."

"Afterwards, Ye Su set up a special existence in the main god's space, and started the evolution path."

Ye Yi said slowly: "Is that so."

Lin Luo nodded.

"You mean, maybe Ye Su's setting for it is not just that?" Ye Yi said.

"Hmm." Lin Luo asked, "What did you find inside?"

"It's nothing." Ye Yi said, "It's just that I found some patterns inside."

"Pattern?" Lin Luo took it and glanced at it, but couldn't understand it immediately.

There are some strange patterns inside, and there are some ancient characters on it.

"What is the result of the translation?" Lin Luo asked.

"Can't translate." Ye Yi said: "The supercomputer can't translate either."

Lin Luo felt even weirder when he heard it.

According to Lin Luo from the system exchange book, the power of Tianji evolution is...


But what to devour.

how to devour.

The book doesn't say it at all.

But the book said that the answer can be found in the artifact system of Tianji.

"The direction should be right."

Lin Luo looked at the ten drawings above and said so.

In the end, he waved his hand and asked Ye Yi to go back and think again.


"elder brother!!"

Although the footsteps hadn't approached yet, Lin Luo already knew it was Lin Yue.

All I saw was that her dragon body changed, and then she turned into a human body, rushing over directly.

Behind, followed by the little green bull in human form.

Today's little green cow is a handsome young man.

He saw Lin Luo and nodded slightly.

no way...

Growing up being bullied by Lin Yue, she became somewhat autistic.

However, this is also related to his growth experience.

"Why come to me when you have time?" Lin Luo smiled.

"Look at what you said." Lin Yue approached Lin Luo directly and said, "It's been a long time since you saw me."

Lin Luo smiled and said, "Speak up if you have something to say."

"I want to enter the main god's space with Little Qingniu," Lin Yue said.

Lin Luo glanced at her and said, "What's the matter, Brother Zhang?"

"A huge energy magnetic field occurred in the main god's space a few days ago. It is estimated that something happened inside." Lin Yue said.

"How long has it been going on?"

"Three days and three nights." Lin Yue said.

Lin Luo frowned and put down the paper in his hand.

Although he trusts Zhang San, after all, this is a time to break through the limits of human beings...

The world has changed.

Zhang San also has Lin Luo in front of him paving the way.


His demon.

Lin Luo felt that he still needed to take a look.

"Brother, the pattern on this piece of paper is so strange." Lin Yue picked it up and said.

Lin Luo said: "What does this thing look like to you?"

"What does it look like?" Lin Yue picked it up and said, "Well, I can't figure it out for now."

Lin Luo was a little disappointed.

Just when he was about to get up, the little green cow next to him said, "Turn it upside down, what does it look like?"

Lin Luo paused.

Upside down?

Lin Luo stood on his head directly.

However, he still couldn't understand.

At this time, Xiao Qingniu was in a hurry and started directly.

Then he pointed to the fifth one and said, "Does this look like the Kongtong seal?"

Lin Luo took a look.

This is indeed somewhat similar.

However, a lot of things have been added to the outside of this Kongtong seal, so it's hard to see. x.com

Lin Luo paused and suddenly realized.

Could it be that the heavenly secret and the top ten artifacts are related?

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