Chen Haotian and Ye Su have the same starting point, but completely different ending points.

Lin Luo sat in the office and thought for a long time.

If you want to find Haotian Tower, you have to think of where to find it.

At this moment, the door rang.

Lin Luo looked up and saw Xu Han walking in with Cheng Mumu.

Xu Han nodded slightly, but Cheng Mumu felt a little uneasy.

How should she greet?

Have you met General Manager Lin?


Lin Luo spoke first and said, "Sit down."

The two sat down.

Lin Luo said: "This time I came to you to discuss Chen Haotian."

Xu Han and Cheng Mumu were stunned. In Blue Star, this name is actually similar to a forbidden word, because it was Chen Haotian's madness that led to the current situation in the universe.

Although the breakthrough of the fifth-order power is inevitable in the future, Chen Haotian has brought this time node forward.

This black rain has killed a lot of people.

"Dr. Xu, you go first." Lin Luo said.

"According to my understanding, Chen Haotian's heart is still kind. It's like a blank sheet of paper. If you write and draw more, the imprint will be deeper." Xu Han said: "Chen Haotian The most regrettable thing about this blank sheet of paper is that it only recorded the black fragments, those good and kind ones, he completely ignored them.”

Lin Luo nodded.

This, he agrees.

Chen Haotian has a very kind heart.

Even the series of things he did later, Lin Luo never doubted him.

When the truth finally came out, Lin Luo was also shocked.

"Mumu, you don't seem to agree." Xu Han looked at Cheng Mumu's expression and said.

Cheng Mumu was frightened, she dared not say no, but she heard Lin Luo say: "This is a discussion, just say what you have to say."

Cheng Mumu looked at their encouraging eyes, finally thought about it, and said: "I think there will be a turning point in the change of people. This is like a bad person. Why did he become bad? It is very likely that he encountered some Things hit."

"Then what do you think is the turning point for Chen Haotian?" Xu Han asked.

"of course..."

"Yin Su!" Lin Luo's pupils shrank suddenly.

Cheng Mumu also nodded, she swallowed and said

: "I... I'm just guessing, I think, if it's a man and a woman who are passionately in love, and one party leaves suddenly, it will indeed be fatal to the other party."

Xu Han looked into Lin Luo's pupils and said, "Boss Lin, you seem to have an answer?"

"Hmm." Lin Luo said, "What Cheng Mumu said may be a new direction."

While speaking, Lin Luo knocked on the table again and said, "If we say that the function of Haotian Tower is not to suppress demons..."



Although many galaxies in the solar system have been transformed.

But the planet Venus is different.

It was born to be irrigated with lava and burned inexhaustibly.

However, there is such a place where a central base has been built.

This place is where Lin Luo and the others discovered the Golden Bookstore on Venus.

Here is also the first time that modern humans have recognized and explored the technology of self-cultivation.

It can be said that the meaning here is a reference.

At this moment, over the central base, two soldiers completed the handover, and at the same time said to the people inside: "Kids, we should go."


Here has become a historical relic for future generations to learn, especially those children, which has a strong educational significance.

"Okay." Those children were a little reluctant.


Golden Bookstore.

It was the first time they had seen such a place.

"Teacher, why does the lava here never disappear?" A child said.

"It is rumored that Venus is the planet of Zhu Rong, so he is not afraid of this place at all. On the contrary, fire can let his strength fly in." The teacher said.

"But, didn't you say that Zhu Rong and Gong Gong fought against each other on Mount Buzhou?" said the child.

"This..." The teacher was at a loss for words.

In ancient times, many legends cannot be taken seriously.

However, there are many things that are true.

Like the meaning of the ancient heaven, if they didn't find out clearly, they really didn't know it was like this.

At this time, the Tianbing beside him said with a smile: "The existence of the ancestors has both good and bad, but in many cases, they just have different positions."

"Like Venus, maybe it really is Zhu Rong's territory, but..."


God Zhu Rong may not be dead yet. "

"Really?" The eyes of the children were all shining.

"So, these things need to be explored by you children when you grow up." Tianbing said.

These children were obviously moved by the persuasion, and walked out happily.

At this time, another heavenly soldier said to the heavenly soldier who had just spoken: "It's a good trick."

"I really think so..." Tianbing replied: "Think about it, why is the fire on Venus never extinguished?"

"Um..." another heavenly soldier sweated and said, "I'm more curious...why are they fighting like fire and water?"

When they were talking, the ground suddenly shook, and the two heavenly soldiers were also used to it.

Because this place shakes once a year.

And the time is also very clever, set on July 7th.

As for what day it is, needless to say.

"Kids, get down quickly." Tianbing shouted.

All do the same.

Soon, the vibration disappeared.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the children were stunned.

When Tianbing loudly urged them to leave, he heard a child say: "Soldier big brother, I seem to hear a voice from the ground."

"What's the sound?" asked the Heavenly Soldier.

"A woman's voice." The little friend said, "She was crying terribly..."


"Is Venus haunted?" Lin Luo paused.

When he saw this for the first time, he thought it was a bit too outrageous.

"Actually, I know about it." Chen An said: "Every year, Venus will have an earthquake, and then there will be a strange sound, but none of us think it is a woman's voice."

After finishing speaking, Chen An said again: "Since you are free, go and speak. Anyway, Zhang San and the others are not here, so you can only go."

"Okay." Lin Luo nodded.

He figured it out.

However, he has searched all about Chen Haotian on the blue star, but there is no news.

Lin Luo flew directly to Venus, and when he landed, the two heavenly soldiers spoke in detail.

After hearing this, Lin Luo asked, "Is there still a sound now?"

"No more." Tianbing said: "This voice will only appear on July 7."

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