This was a very common thing, but now that it happened to Lin Luo, it was different.

The universe is so big, full of wonders.

However, this place of Venus looks a little different.

Lin Luo once checked, the former Venus was very prosperous until a battle.

This battle was the battle between Zhu Rong and Gonggong. Since that battle, Venus has completely become a place that is difficult for ordinary people to approach.

At this moment, Lin Luo looked at the bottomless lava and said to himself: "Could it be that there is really something hidden in it?"

While speaking, Lin Luo said to the soldiers next to him: "Order, from now on, Venus will close, and you will also evacuate this area."

"Yes." The soldier saluted and then left.

And Lin Luo stood here and waited until the soldiers reported that everyone had withdrawn before he plunged into the bottomless molten lava.


If in the past, relying on modern technology to go deep into this kind of place, it would be unthinkable.

But now Lin Luo not only swims at the bottom of the molten lava, but also can see clearly.

Under the lava, even if the temperature is so high, according to the logic of life, there should be creatures born.

But this piece of magma did not feel any breath of life at all.

Lin Luo knew that something was wrong at first, so he continued to fly inside.

But Yue Feiyue was startled, because along the way, there was almost no change, and it was thousands of meters deep, but it still hadn't reached the end.

Lin Luo speeded up and finally descended to a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

At this moment, Lin Luo seemed to hit something with a snap.

But there was nothing in front of him.

Naturally, this is not the first time Lin Luo has seen this kind of thing...

This is one of the tricks of comprehension technology.

"It's really something." Lin Luo began to look forward to it.

Could it be Ye Su's handwriting, or Chen Haotian's?

While Lin Luo was thinking, he squeezed hard with his right hand, and then the space broke open, and a strong suction made the whole molten lava boil.

Lin Luo's left hand condensed a force, directly stabilizing the nearby space, avoiding the large rolling of the lava, and flew in at the same time.

The moment he entered again, Lin Luo was startled in place, and at the same time smiled and said

Said: "It seems that my luck is really good."


Eternal World Frontier

A rather tall man of the Manluo God tribe glanced in front of him, then at the tribe in front of him, and said, "Are you sure you read it right?"

"Yes." The tribe said: "The Thanas system shows that a few months ago, some tribesmen did break through the illusion passage and went to the lower universe."

"Nonsense." The tall Manluo protoss said angrily: "Have you found out who it is?"

"No." The tribe replied: "Please don't be angry, Your Excellency Floof, we are hurrying to find out everything."

"Where is that lower universe?" Floof asked.

"A fringe universe, the creatures in it are set as: low-level humanoid race." The clansmen waved their hands while speaking, and a picture popped up.

Floof glanced at it and said, "Why does it feel familiar."

The tribe said: "He once gave birth to a terrifying race on a blue planet 300 million years ago. You led the team to clean them up. Have you forgotten?"

When Flov heard this, he remembered, even...

Some displeased.

At the beginning, Thanas system detected a wave of energy that could threaten the eternal world, and Floof also followed.

However, he didn't lead the team, but he followed.

It was this battle that completely changed the eternal world's view of other lower universes.

At this moment, the creatures on the blue planet are called dinosaurs, and they were born only a million years ago, and they can produce super power.

Moreover, these dinosaurs are naturally fighting nations, and they are all sturdy.

The original eternal world was still in a high-speed development trend, and he was very curious about this creature that was only born a million years ago, so he didn't activate the Thanas system to destroy that universe.

However, in that battle, the Eternal World Army suffered damage.

This is also one of the few that can make this happen to the Manlo Protoss.

Afterwards, the ending that happened was to activate the Thanas system to completely cleanse this universe.

"It's only been 300 million years, and it's restarted?" Flov felt incredible.

The normal birth of the universe will experience a long dark precipitation, this history, at least

After hundreds of millions of years, civilization will slowly emerge.

However, since it is set as an inferior race, the development of civilization will require at least hundreds of millions of years of struggle before it will gradually become stronger.

"How long has the Thanas system been active?" Floof asked.

"It's been almost two years." The tribe replied.

"Two years..." Flov murmured to himself in a low voice: "That's almost the end, the energy of the universe has accumulated to a certain level, and the explosion is not far away, so hurry up and find out who the clansmen are. "

"Do you want to report this matter to the Gods Association?"

"Are you courting death?" Flov said abruptly, surprising the clansmen.

The clansmen have just realized that it is their responsibility to manage the border.

If it is known by the people above, it will only be them who suffer in the end.


Black Tower!

A huge black tower, in the interior of Venus, is constantly rotating, constantly producing black energy breath.

Lin Luo can be sure that this is Haotian Tower.

That's why Lin Luo said that he was very lucky.

But, why is Haotian Tower here?

Is it really as Cheng Mumu guessed?

Lin Luo slowly approached Haotian Tower, but to Lin Luo's surprise, when he approached, Haotian Tower unexpectedly appeared an autonomous defense and began to attack Lin Luo.

Lin Luo is naturally not afraid. Below the fifth level, they are all ants.

The power of Haotian Tower is very powerful, but it is only limited to that era.

Lin Luo suppressed Haotian Tower with his bare hands, which made Haotian Tower calm down.

Lin Luo glanced ahead, the Haotian Tower has a total of 100 floors, and it seems that it can only be entered from the inside.

Lin Luo didn't intend to destroy the structure of the tower either, he flew into the gate and started to fly upwards.


two floors.


Ninety-nine floors.

When Lin Luo stood at the gate on the hundredth floor, he saw that the gate was completely different.

Lin Luo put his hands on the door and slowly pushed it open.

The moment he opened the door, he saw a woman.

She looks ordinary, but quite temperament.

She looked at the opened door, a little excited.

Until, when she understood Lin Luo's expression, she was very disappointed.

"The person you are waiting for will not come again."

Lin Luo opened his mouth and said so.

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