
Lin Luo's voice stopped, and only footsteps remained in the entire tower.

Cheng Mumu's guess was right.

The person in front of him is Yin Su.

This woman who helped Chen Haotian, but died in the end.

She is also the only woman who is wholeheartedly for Chen Haotian.

Lin Luo still remembers that in another timeline, it was Lin Luo who put them together.

But goodbye now, things are different.


Lin Luo didn't even know what timeline she was in front of her.

However, she is just an ordinary person, so she shouldn't possess such great supernatural powers like Chen Haotian.

However, what Yin Su said next gave Lin Luo a pause.

Yin Su looked at Lin Luo and said slowly, "Long time no see, Lin Luo!"


At this moment, Lin Luo was shocked.

Lin Xi once told him that people who can remember across timelines, or they have the physique of Nuwa just like them.

Or, there is great supernatural power.

However, Yin Su was not.

"Don't be surprised." Yin Su said: "Although I am looking forward to his arrival, I already understand that he is dead."

"I killed it." Lin Luo didn't hesitate. Biqu library

When Yin Su heard this, she looked directly at Lin Luo, and finally she exhaled with some frustration: "He...why is this necessary?"

Yin Su's spirit was obviously not very good, but she still raised her spirits and said: "I want to know the process, all the processes, is it okay?"

"Don't you have a memory?" Lin Luo asked.

"My memory was given to me by Haotian Tower." Yin Su said.

"Haotian Tower?"

"To be precise, the original Haotian Tower has been connected to the list of gods by Chen Haotian..." Yin Su said: "What I awakened is only a brand new consciousness, not the previous Yin Su."

"Reborn." Lin Luo was taken aback.

"You can understand it this way." Yin Su said.

"But your death existed before the birth of comprehension technology. Logically speaking, it is impossible for you to be alive." Lin Luo said.

"So, Chen Haotian seems to be very entangled with my existence, because this is not the real me." Yin Su said: "I began to form in the interior of the Haotian Tower when I was at the peak of ancient times.

In the chain of consciousness, the Haotian Tower is linked with the Fengshen Bang, so Chen Haotian will form a memory chain of Yin Su's bit by bit in this process, and finally transmit it to my brain. "

"Then you should not know all this." Lin Luo was even more strange.

"Only when the Conferred Gods List is destroyed, I will know everything." Yin Su said: "And you are the one who destroyed the Conferred Gods List, right?"

Lin Luo finally understood something after hearing this.

He finds it inconceivable that the real function of this Haotian Tower is like this?

Lin Luo told the whole story, including everything Chen Hao did.

At the end, Lin Luo said: "All of this, I am not exaggerating. If you don't believe me, you can go outside and find other people."

"Of course, if you are entangled, I won't be polite to you."

Unexpectedly, Yin Su was silent from the beginning to the end.

After a few minutes, she raised her head and said, "I...can I see him? Even if it's...the projected image."




Lin Luo stood beside him, and when he saw Yin Su saw the picture of Chen Haotian, he really cried.

It's not that Lin Luo can't understand this feeling.


Under the general environment, Yin Su also led an important turning point in Chen Haotian's changes.

After a long time, Yin Su's mood finally improved a lot. She raised her head and said to Lin Luo: "Actually, death is a kind of relief, isn't it?"

Lin Luo was puzzled.

"Actually, when Chen Haotian regained consciousness, my body and consciousness had already been formed. I could even feel that Chen Haotian and his Conferred God List appeared outside Venus." Yin Su said .

Lin Luo's expression changed when he heard this.

In the past, he had actually heard of this matter.

"He didn't dare to come in to see me. I'm afraid the real reason was not that he didn't want to see me as a reborn person, but that he didn't dare to face me." Yin Su said.

Lin Luo was silent.

Yin Su is an extremely kind person, her death was indeed a tragedy.

"Okay." Yin Su looked at Lin Luo and said, "You came here on this trip, probably not to see me."

Lin Luo didn't hide it either, and kept things as they were.

Ben said it.

However, Yin Su didn't listen to it.

"Now you, can you leave Haotian Tower?" Lin Luo asked.

"Of course, I am a brand new human being." Yin Su said.

Lin Luo didn't speak.

In fact, Haotian Tower should be regarded as her only home, and it is also the only thing Chen Haotian left for her.

"I want..." Yin Su thought for a while and said, "I want to ask you to do something for me."

"You say." Lin Luo said.

"I want to become an ordinary person." Yin Su said.

Lin Luo was astonished.

He looked at Yin Su's expression, and after a long time, he finally nodded.

Yin Su is not avoiding suspicion.

Lin Luo's strength, why not be afraid of a little girl.

She Yin Su, a reborn person, just wants to live an ordinary life.

Birth, old age, sickness and death.



Lin Luo held the Haotian Tower and looked at Yin Su who was going away, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

Therefore, regenerated humans are very undesirable in modern times.

Today's human beings can already store memories and use cloning technology to regenerate human beings.

However, people are people.

If it is dead, it is dead, even if it is an exact copy, it cannot be him.

"Found it so quickly?" Ye Yi was shocked when he saw Lin Luo approaching with a black pagoda.

Lin Luo explained the process to him in detail, but Ye became curious about Haotian Tower and said: "It seems that this Haotian Tower may have stepped into the scope of the law of cause and effect."

"Why do you say that?" Lin Luo asked puzzled.

"If there is no law of cause and effect, it is impossible to give birth to Yin Su and know about the timeline." Ye Yi put down the Haotian Tower and said to Lin Luo: "I have given you a list of the evolution process of Tianji. "

Lin Luo picked it up and took a look, only to see that it said:

The first one is the Pan Gu Axe.

Lin Luo didn't quite understand it, and said, "Pangu's ax should be a big killer. Even if you want to swallow it, you should swallow some weaker ones first."

"I'm just afraid that the initial devouring of Tianji will affect his future." Ye said to Lin Luo: "I hope that Tianji will eventually become the sharpest weapon in this world, bar none."

"Only in this way can we pierce the bodies of those Manlo protoss!"

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