The ancients often said that the sword has spirit.

But most of these are empty talks. The reason for this situation is that the person who uses the sword has used the sword for a long time, and the grasp of the sword has come to an extremely delicate situation.

And this situation caused them to have an illusion, that is resonance.

Today's secret is a completely different situation, which is really conscious.

Lin Luo felt the transmission of this emotion when he didn't hold it.

It is greeting Lin Luo.

Lin Luo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. He pulled it up directly, and suddenly a gust of air surged above the sky, and the chaotic air in the sky was mixed together in an instant, and then a golden light spread out. .

Lin Luo seemed to see something in his pupils.

He saw a man, raised his ax high, and slashed forward.

"Create the world!" Lin Luo was startled, glanced at the secret he was holding, and couldn't help but smile.

Pan Gu Ax did not completely disappear from the world, but survived in another way.

Above the sky, golden light overflowed, finally completely lighting up the entire blue star.

"A miracle?"

Seeing such visions all over the world caused a lot of discussion.


eternal world

The Northern Realm

The entire Eternal World is a huge continent, lying across the starry sky.

Here is the center of the universe, because the origin of the explosion of the universe is here.

And in the central area of ​​the northern land, a shrine with the name of the Seventh Apostle stands on the lake, and no one dares to enter it for tens of thousands of kilometers around.

Here is the residence of the Seventh Apostle Hegel Moff.

To the people of this continent, the apostles really exist like gods. They only listen to their names and don't see their faces. There are even very few legends about them in books.

Outside the shrine at this moment, two members of the Manlo protoss stood there. Suddenly they raised their heads, and one of them shouted: "Who is here? This is the Seventh Apostle Shrine!"

Before the words were finished, a powerful aura hit, and then a Manlo protoss with seven arms appeared.

The two guards were shocked, and quickly knelt on the ground, saying, "I have seen you, Master Apostle!"

"Where's Hegel?" The seven-armed man said flatly.

"I'm sorry."

A guard said: "Master Apostle did not inform you that there is an appointment for you."

"I see that he still needs to make an appointment?" The seven-armed man opened his eyes suddenly, and a beam of light shot directly at the foot of the speaking guard, and then exploded directly.

The guard almost fainted from the pain, but still said with a pale face: "Master Hegel didn't tell you..."

The seven-armed man was angry, and the moment he raised his arm, the air in the whole world seemed to be frozen.


The wind stopped.

The cloud is gone.

Just when the guard was about to meet his death, the whole world was instantly enveloped by a strange breath, and then the sky began to turn black all day long.

The seven-armed man smiled, and saw a black door open in front of him.

"Carl, why do you embarrass them?" Naturally, it was Hegel who spoke.

As for the man called Bar Carl, he is the ninth apostle, whose full name is Bar Carl Gabe.

Carl stretched out his second arm, pointing to the guard who was kneeling on the ground, and the guard's whole body was instantly repaired in the next second.

"Thank you, Lord Apostle, for not killing him." The guard was sweating profusely and said respectfully.

When he looked up again, Carl had disappeared, and the black door had also been closed.

And in the deep palace, opposite Carl sat a man with four eyes. The characteristic of the Manlo protoss is that there is one eye on the forehead, but Hegel has another eye on the forehead. Very uncoordinated.

However, there is a huge knife mark on his face, giving people a sense of shock.

"You should know that you are not welcome here." Hegel said slowly.

Carl sat down, looked at the countless women lying in the back room, smiled, and said: "Hegel, times have changed, you should go out and have a look instead of sinking into these women."

Hegel was obviously a little displeased, and even prepared to speak to see off the guests. Carl said at this time: "You should feel that the origin of the universe is showing signs of loosening."

Hegel took back what he was about to say, even when he turned his head, the women lying behind him all disappeared in an instant.

Carl poured a glass of wine for himself and Hegel, and said: "History tells me that if you don't think about making progress, you will be eliminated."

Hegel said: "You can explain a little bit more clearly."

"To put it simply, the origin of the universe will release some energy, and those who get it will be able to enter the next stage..." Carl said with a smile: "Hegel, maybe you can evolve the fifth an eye."


"...The situation in Kunlun Mountain is basically like this." Lin Yue said to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo frowned.

Now, apart from the broken Kongtong Seal, only Nuwa Stone and Kunlun Mirror are left.

But according to Lin Yue, they searched Kunlun Mountain upside down and couldn't find anything related to mirrors at all.

"Forget it, there's no rush now, let's try to see if we can cut off the door to the eternal world." Lin Luo turned to Ye Yi and said, "I'll take you in."

"Okay." Ye Yi looked expectant.

A scientist must maintain enough longing and curiosity about the unknown.

When everyone approached the star, Lin Luo used a force to protect them, and said at the same time: "Before entering inside, the Thanas system will scan you once, remember not to use any force to fight against."

"Okay." Everyone nodded.

Ye Yi felt Lin Luo's power enveloping him, and when he stepped in, he also felt the so-called system scan.

Ye Yi was extremely surprised.

The other party really dematerialized the system.

When he walked into the stars, there was only shock left.

This huge light gate is actually hidden inside the star.

If it weren't for Lin Luo, it would be impossible for them to find out and come in.

"It's all right now." Lin Luo said.

Ye Yi took out the machine and began to scan and record the inside, especially the positions of some symbols on the light door.

"Lin Yue, help me to read, what is written on it?" Ye Yi shouted.

Seeing that no one responded, Ye Yi turned his head. At this time, he was surprised to see that Lin Yue's body was shaking violently.

"What's wrong with you? Lin Yue." Lin Luo has also discovered her problem.

"I...I don't know." Lin Yue said with an extremely pale face: "I feel that I can't move a little bit, and there is a coercion covering me."

Both Lin Luo and Ye Yi noticed that Lin Yue's knees seemed to bend involuntarily, as if she was about to kneel down.

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