Lin Luo stepped forward in two steps and grabbed Lin Yue's shoulder directly.

He noticed that Lin Yue's breathing became extremely messy, not to mention even faint.

It's not like Lin Luo hasn't seen this kind of situation before.

However, this is impossible for Lin Yue.

Because this is the coercion of the beast king.

This is like a rabbit seeing a lion, it must be startled and shivering.

However, Lin Yue is a candle dragon, the top group of dragons, how could there be a beast that can exert such pressure on her.

"Could it be the Manluo Protoss?" Ye Yi said.

"Impossible." Lin Luo helped Lin Yue hold her breath, and said: "The coercion of the Manluo protoss is aimed at the human race, and it probably has no effect on Lin Yue, and your strength is much weaker than Lin Yue. Feeling."

After the words fell, Lin Luo turned around and asked Lin Yue, "Is it much better?"

"Yeah." Lin Yue nodded, and she tried to recall: "I feel like there is a giant Mac in front of me."

"What does it look like?" Ye Yi asked.

"I... I can't see what it looks like clearly." Lin Yue said: "But the power in my body is completely suppressed, and I can't release it at all."

Lin Luo and Ye Yi glanced at each other, knowing that there must be something tricky, the former said: "Hurry up, let's go out first."

"Okay." Ye took a look at Lin Yue's face and nodded.

Lin Luo looked around while helping Lin Yue.

But here is empty, there are no signs or traces of living things at all.

After a while, Ye Yi came over and said, "Okay."

Lin Luo nodded and flew out with them. When Lin Yue stepped out of the stars, she recovered instantly.

"Is there really something unclean in here?" Lin Luo turned his head and said with a frown.

This is very bad news for him.

Because of this thing, the probability of being a friend is too small.


"...What is certain is that the origin of the universe has been loosened. The last time it was loosened, that guy took the position of the first apostle directly. You should remember." Carl said to Hegel.

"Then we should also be in a competitive relationship." Hegel said.

"Don't you understand yet?" Carl said very seriously:

"It's impossible for us to chase that force by relying on individuals alone. You can tame it, but you can guarantee that no second person will appear when you are exhausted?"

Hegel frowned.

"Brother, your eyes have the supernatural powers of heaven and earth, and you can see through a hundred worlds. You also know my combat power. We brothers work together to get it first, and then discuss how to divide it. It's not too late." Carl said.

Naturally, Hegel would not believe such words, but he also understood that what Carl said was true.

The looseness of the source of the universe is a major event.

When the universe first opened, the source of the universe radiated a lot of power, which led to the rise of the Manlo protoss.

However, energy is limited.

In such a long history, the source of the universe occasionally reveals some gaps and emits some power.

The last time a gap was exposed was 300 million years ago.

The person who got it that time is now the first apostle.

And in the past, he was just a genius with decent talent from the Manlo Protoss, and he didn't catch anyone's eyes at all.

It was that time that all the apostles were terrified about the source of the universe.

This time, ordinary people got the source of the universe.

What about next time?

What if an apostle got it?

If the powerful apostles evolve to the next stage, they will be invincible.

"I agree to cooperate, but..." Hegel said to Ba Carl: "But I need time to think about it."

"Of course." Carl smiled.


Lin Luo specially found a low-level divine beast with wisdom and let it stand in front of Lin Yue.

The final conclusion is that...

Lin Yue seemed to have really encountered a creature higher than her. Biqu library

This made Lin Luo and the others feel incredible.

In this world, can there be divine beasts of a higher level than dragons?

You must know that if it is only one or two levels lower, it is impossible for this to happen. It will only happen if there is a huge level of suppression.

In the evening, Ye Yi came to the door and told Lin Luo some news.

"...Basically, it is impossible to cut off." Ye Yi said: "For a system, I

If we want to block its control, the first thing is to cut off his energy line, but the energy line of the Thanas system is most likely the original power of the universe. "

Lin Luo nodded.

To cut off the origin of the universe is to destroy the universe.

Lin Luo asked again: "Then did you find anything?"

"There are still some valuable things." Ye Yi said with a smile: "This gives me some inspiration. If we can load the system on people and use it in battle...."

Lin Luo was taken aback, thinking that Ye Yi's idea was quite bold, but it was not realistic.

Ye Yi also seemed to understand it himself, and said with a smile: "However, we can definitely develop a small cosmic defense system, and when the time comes to completely solve the black rain, there should be no problem."

"Then what do you think about Lin Yue?" Lin Luo asked.

"If what Lin Yue said is true, then..." Ye Yi said: "There is really something in it that we can't see."

"You also said before that the Manlo Protoss is different from what we have seen."

"What they can see, we may not necessarily be able to see."

"However, this thing must be real."

Lin Luo nodded, and he said: "I think so too, but the current situation is..."

"Do you want to move it?"

Ye Yi looked up at Lin Luo and said, "Brother, you seem to have the answer."

"I have always followed a principle, that is, when you are weak, only by moving can you have an opportunity." Lin Luo said with a smile.

Ye Yi also smiled.

Yes indeed.

Now they are too inferior.

If we want to develop steadily, even after tens of thousands of years, people in this universe may not be able to catch up with those powerful creators.


Any opportunity is an opportunity.

"But, we need to find this unclean thing first, right now, even you can't see its existence." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo nodded, and at the same time glanced at Lin Yue beside him and said, "I've wronged her."

When Lin Yue heard this, her face turned pale.

However, she will not refuse.

Although the coercion of the divine beast is uncomfortable, it will not be fatal.

At the same time, she was also curious about what this unclean thing was.

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