At this moment, Lin Yue's expression changed when she looked at Lin Luo.



There are only two words of wonderful.

However, she smiled and said, "How do you know?"

Lin Luo said: "Only Lin Yue can perceive it, and it must have surpassed the level of beasts. In the history of our Fang universe, it should only be in the age of dinosaurs that a powerful race beyond Candle Dragon may appear."

"That was a glorious era of beasts."

At the end, Lin Yue exhaled and said: "No matter how great the potential of the dinosaurs is, they are still inferior to the wisdom of humans. It's no wonder that the final form chosen by the Manlos is the appearance of humans."

"Human beings are indeed the almost perfect body shape in this world."

Lin Luo said very seriously: "Compared with this, I want to hear about your background."

"You guessed it right." Lin Yue said: "The glory of the dinosaur era in the past gave birth to the current me."

"But hasn't the age of dinosaurs been destroyed?" Zhang San was puzzled. Biqu library

"The evolution of dinosaurs is much slower than yours, because their brains are simple and their limbs are well-developed. But after the first dinosaur was born with supernatural powers, the entire dinosaur race ushered in a qualitative change in power." Lin Yue said quickly : "You humans, from the beginning of evolution to the fifth level, how much history have you spanned? The fifth level is an existence that is out of reach for you."

"But not dinosaurs."

"After the birth of the first perfect dinosaur, their descendants were astonishingly gifted. Some dinosaurs broke through the final stage of evolution without any obstacles."

"This situation has also alarmed the Manlo Protoss."

"The so-called meteorite extermination is actually the expedition of the Manlo God Clan to exterminate the clan."

"Then why didn't they destroy Blue Star, or this Fang universe?" Lin Luo wondered.

"Because the original king of dinosaurs has been able to communicate with the original power of the universe." Lin Yue said.

Lin Luo and others are still puzzled.

"You can think of it this way, the king of dinosaurs will soon be able to surpass the apostle-level power of the Manlo protoss." Lin Yue said.

"Apostle?!" Lin Luo murmured when he heard this word for the first time.

"Unfortunately, before it has fully acquired the apostle-level power

At that time, the Manluo God Clan came to kill them. "Lin Yue said: "But, because of the existence of the king of dinosaurs, I came to this world. "

"Are you really a force?" Lin Luo was surprised.

"Yes." Lin Yue said.

"This is too unbelievable." Ye Yi didn't quite believe it.

"Weapons have consciousness, why can't they have power?" Lin Yue said.

Lin Luo was skeptical, but he still asked: "After talking so much, we haven't talked about the idea yet. You said we have a common enemy?"

"Yes." Lin Yue said, "I can't fall into the hands of the Manluo God Clan."

"Because once I fall into it, I will be completely refined."

"But you never thought about it, I want you too." Lin Luo's eyes did not hide the greedy look.

But Lin Yue said: "In my brain, there is something you want more."

Lin Luo raised his head slightly.

"The location of the source of the center of the eternal world, and... the way to break the Thanas system." Lin Yue said, looking into Lin Luo's eyes.

Lin Luo paused.

He was thinking, how true or false are his words?


Floof and Carl finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Data show that the Thanas system is very successful.

After the birth of the second crisis, the destruction of which Fang universe is accelerating.

The happiest, of course, is Carl, because then he can go back and return to Hegel.

But he was happy for less than three seconds, and suddenly his body trembled slightly. Before Floof could react, he saw Carl kneeling on the ground.

And above the sky, a four-eyed man appeared.

In Flov's eyes, he seemed like a Demon Lord, born out of nowhere.

"Welcome, Master Apostle!!!" Carl shouted loudly, with a devout expression on his face.

Only then did the others come to their senses, and they shouted tremblingly, but they were actually scolding their mothers in their hearts...

Generally speaking, those who guard the border are bastards.

In a place that was supposed to be good, why did God's envoys come, and then came the apostles.

they understand...

This is not good news.

Hegel didn't seem to see Floof and the others, but this world opened its third eye, and everyone except Carl fell into a coma instantly.

Carl saw this

At this scene, I was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked: "Master Apostle is here, but..."

"This world reveals the source of the universe." Hegel said.

"The source of the universe?" Carl was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth wide in surprise, he looked up at the sky, and suddenly said: "Wait, you didn't mean to say..."

"That's right, in the lower universe, the source of the universe was born." When Hegel spoke, his tone was full of surprise.

In the next second, he pinched it with his bare hands, and a door of light appeared in front of the two of them.


"You can only trust half of what it says," the system said.

Lin Luo asked, "Which half?"

"It is indeed the source of the universe, but it was absorbed by the king of dinosaurs. When the king of dinosaurs was killed, it survived and became conscious," the system said.

"Then why did it appear only now?" Lin Luo asked.

"It is trapped here." The system said: "This is the negotiation condition between you and it."

Lin Luo laughed when he heard Ze Li.

turn out to be...

What the other party wants is freedom.


What could be more important than freedom?

Just when Lin Luo was thinking about how to speak, Lin Yue's face suddenly became serious, and she stared at Guangmen firmly.

Lin Luo also turned his head.

At this moment, he felt his hands trembling involuntarily.

His body is letting him go...

hurry up.

As for Zhang San and the others, their bodies were already trembling, and they almost fell to their knees on the ground. Biqu library

At the same time, above the gate of light, two figures appeared. The moment they appeared, the aura of the entire star changed instantly...

Lin Luo stared at that figure. At this moment, he not only felt the gap, but also death.

The people who came were naturally Hegel and Carl.

As soon as the former came in, he glanced at Lin Yue.

In the end, he glanced at Lin Luo.

"It should be you who triggered the Thanas system..."

"Oh, there's one more."

Hegel noticed Zhang San.

Lin Luo didn't speak, but Zhang San said via voice transmission: "Lin Luo, run... run!"

Lin Luo still didn't speak.

he knows...

Something went wrong.

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