The person who appeared suddenly must be the Man Luo Protoss, and his powerful power has made everyone feel uncomfortable, including Lin Luo.

"What's going on?" Hegel asked Carl.

Carl immediately knelt on the ground on one knee. He knew that the other party was asking about Lin Luo and Zhang San.

After a world evolves the most perfect race, it will inevitably be destroyed, and it is impossible to give birth to a second one.

You can also understand it as...

This is a law imposed by the Manlo protoss on all universes.

"I also found out that this matter is unusual. You came while we were investigating." Carl said quickly.

When Hegel heard this, he glanced around and said, "If I remember correctly, this world should be a world once known as the Tyrannosaurus family. I didn't expect that in just a few hundred million years, a new generation was born. The civilization of this race seems to be a human race."

Lin Luo and the others didn't speak, but they were using their mental strength to communicate.

"Running is useless." After Lin Luo finished speaking to Zhang San, he turned to the energy body controlling Lin Yue and said, "Since you have followed the king of dinosaurs before, you must know what he is."

"It doesn't matter what it is." Lin Yue said: "It's too late, everything is too late."

"Calm down." Lin Luo said abruptly, "If you want to live."

Lin Yue's expression changed drastically, she bit her lips tightly, and said, "If the guy next to him comes over, with our ability, it's not like we don't have a chance to fight, but this one is..."


"In that world, it is almost equivalent to a god-like existence!"

Lin Luo's heart tightened when he heard this.

Although he understands, the other party is definitely not simple.


Is it too strong?

Could it be...

Has this universe, the fate of the human race, really come to an end?

"I'm not reconciled! Give me more time, and I can reverse this situation." Lin Luo clenched his fists, his face full of resignation.

But at this moment, a voice came in, making their faces turn pale.

"He's right, it's too late." When speaking, with some laughter, Lin Luo and others looked over again, the speaker...

It was Hegel.


People, can even see through the communication of spiritual power?

Who is this?



On the snow-capped mountains, Dabai only has one feeling, and that is hunger.

It really has no strength, so it just sits on the ground.

In the world of bears, everything is very simple.

Eat when you are hungry, and sleep when you eat.

However, in this dream, there was a voice urging it to keep going.

As he walked, he felt hungry and sleepy.

In the end, it couldn't stand it anymore, so it lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

However, when it woke up, it seemed to hear something vaguely.

It opened its eyes and the first thing it saw was...

A huge head.

Dabai was startled, and the whole bear jumped up.

"The Blue Star of the later generations came out of such a naive race?" The other party's voice was full of disdain and contempt.

Dabai was extremely angry when he heard it, wondering if he would speak.

But when it saw the opponent's body completely, it immediately swallowed its saliva.

Because the other party...

It's just too big.

Among all the beasts, Lin Yue is the largest in size, and is still growing and growing.

However, in front of it, it is only less than one-tenth.

This is an exaggerated comparison.

"You can sense my existence, which also shows that your nature is pure enough, no, you are..." It opened its mouth and looked at Dabai again, showing a hint of surprise.

And Dabai originally wanted to ask some questions about it, because it knew that Lin Luo must be very interested, but suddenly its body trembled suddenly.

At this moment, Dabai became anxious.

It once communicated with Lin Luo's spiritual energy, and now it can feel that Lin Luo's life is in danger.

It glanced at the big guy in front of it, and turned its head without any hesitation.

However, the other party said: "You go back now, can you save them?"

Dabai stopped in his footsteps.

"He didn't come for you, but I attracted him." The other party continued.

Dabai squinted his eyes, he could see clearly that the opponent was already dead.

The other party knew Dabai's thoughts, instead of being angry, he smiled and said, "To be precise, it is you who are about to break out.

The broken perfect form woke me up. "

"Although you are not a tyrannosaurus, you are a beast after all."

"When you are ready to step into the perfect form, you will be able to sense the soul-seed and consciousness of the former king of the world..."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, but Dabai didn't have much patience.

Although the painting style is a bit wrong, the big monster in front of him is the king of dinosaurs who created the glorious history of this universe in the past.

"Tsk, why are you so impatient." The king of dinosaurs changed his voice and became serious, he said: "In the past, I once devoured the source of the universe, and after my death, that part of the source of the universe was swallowed again. I went back, and now because of my awakening of consciousness, the source of the universe has leaked again."

The big white eyes became unfriendly.

In its view, this dinosaur god is talking nonsense.

"Okay, okay." The dinosaur king glanced at Dabai angrily, and said, "Big stupid bear, I'll ask you a question..."

Dabai still squinted his eyes, when he heard the king of dinosaurs say: "Will you be beaten?"


The atmosphere within the entire star became weird.

Lin Luo stood in the first place, but Lin Yue from behind said, "It's useless, it's useless, you won't be its opponent at all."

"If you don't want to fight, don't talk nonsense." When Lin Luo spoke, his pupils suddenly dilated, and at the same time, the secret was directly opened.

This is the first battle after it merged with Pangu!

Hegel glanced at Lin Luo's weapon and paused slightly.

Sub-heavenly-level weapons? !

The civilization of this world has actually reached such a high level?

At this moment, Hegel actually felt lucky.


he came.

Although the Tyrannosaurus Clan in the past was powerful, they couldn't compare with them in terms of technology.

And the potential of this family in front of them is too terrifying?

Hegel was about to make a move, but Carl smiled and said, "Master Apostle, how can we need you to deal with this kind of thing?" Pen Fun Library

While speaking, Carl suddenly opened his third eye, and at the same time, a pair of golden wings appeared behind him.

Lin Luo didn't hum, and slashed down with a knife. At this moment, the energy in the entire star became hundreds of millions of times thicker in an instant.

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